An open letter


To those who have taken Ghauld and Lilian of House Husky . . .

I am coming for you. Friends do not let a warrior go to battle alone, and I have many friends. If you return them unharmed, you will be granted a swift death. If not I will wade knee deep through your ruin as you are now my enemy. If my line shall fall, it will fall with my teeth in your throat. It will die with my name on your tongue. Just as life is not victory, my death is not defeat. And in the next life I shall kill you a thousand times. Laughing. Victorious. Vengeful.

~Zihr of House Husky
Squire to Baron Marciano Gibbs of the Eastern Territories
I doubt I will be able to travel the mists in time to help, but if there are any supplies I can send to aid in this endeavor, please let me know.

Renshi Ignathis Nachtfeuer
Lillian and Ghauld, if you're dreaming, help is coming. No one has stopped looking since we realized you both were missing, and won't until you're both back safely.

Those who took Lillian and Ghauld, enjoy your final days on Fortannis. We do not eat. We do not rest. We do not stop. We are coming for you. There is nowhere you can run, no refuge from the storm you've called down upon yourselves. See you soon.

-Matron Hemlocke ze Rycha Voda
To whom it may concern,

You took my friends, so now you must die. It has been decided. I hope you have spent your time well in the land of the living. I hope you have also made peace with whatever higher powers you might or might not believe in. I look forward to meeting you.

We've only been in these lands a short time, and I almost pity you now for not knowing the kind of enemies you have just made for yourselves with this one action. There have been those who have looked into your soulless eyes to find mercy where none exists. And when the time comes, and you find yourself dying alone on the ground by one of our blades, what do you think you'll find when you look up into our eyes for the final time?

I suppose you'll find out soon enough, won't you?

-Elros, of the Order of Dawn
To who's ever is da ones takin young ones....
I was not der last market day when did happened. Id encourage youz to return da Yong ones it will be betters fore you to return them for us to hunt you and yours down. And ifs any harms has come to the youngones I will not just come for you but I will find out who's you are and who's you cared about and will make sure yous feels this pain before you are granted the relief of taking your last breathing. I may not be da smartests or da most goodest at talky talk. But what I do have is a particular sets of skills. These skills I acquired as a butcher so be you animal, vegetable, or mineral I will know how to cuts you in just the right ways that you feel all da cuts. You shall be screaming for da end to come. I meet da Zihr long long times ago in a nation far far away he is my goodest friend and he da one fat told me about adventuring and now's I is a Squire. I have rank and station in fa military guild. If you'd ask anyone's what words described me it is goings to be loyal. I is loyal to use untill I is given reasons nots to and I am fericely loyal. Ders nothing I wonts do to reunite Zihr wif his family. Consider yourselfs warned. Dis wills not be over quickly and you will nots enjoys it.

Lt. Squire Bruisey FOEMANGLER.

PS you will notice my familial name there is a reason the Foemanglers became butchers because Foemangling started to be not so accepted. I come from a long lines of High Orcs very well versed in the art of mangling ones Foe. This is my birfright and it will bring me great pleasure to tap in to my ancient relatives to go back to fa ways of old as many times as it be have been weighed yous has been measured and you have been found wanting....
Little one:
Stay strong and stay alive. We are coming to get you and Ghauld.

To the people who kidnapped our friends:
Zihr and I may have our differences but at the core we are still allies. I will do everything in my power to destroy you and bring back Little One and Ghauld. You have signed your death warrant with these kidnappings and I will have no mercy. If they are hurt or killed your death will not be pleasant.

Mint Cruller