A voice echoes through dreams; it is familiar to some - low with an inquisitive upward lilt. The "F"s, "V"s, and "S"s are forced with some degree of deliberation.
"Citizens of Barran,
I am greatly pleased with our collective success in defending Geistbadden from the invading beastmen. Our accomplishment is not small and required impressive effort and risk; I do not mean to suggest hubris, but given the adversity we have faced these past few days, we should be most proud.
Our work, however, is not done; Geistbadden will require great care and assistance in its reconstruction and the citizenry is small - these people are few and cannot rebuild their home alone. Moreover, we cannot be sure that our success is long-lasting; as such we must ensure we work hard to do what we can as quickly as possible. I, for one, will remain here and lend my assistance until we next gather. This is a most... philanthropic opportunity; it is not often one is able to assist in the renewal of so desiccated a town.
It is for this reason I suggest the following: when next we gather, I would be most honored and grateful to host a potluck as a means to bring this rebuilding community together in celebration. I would like to extend this invitation to both the citizenry of Geistbadden and Barran and to all those who may travel through. As a gather spans the course of three mealtimes, there is much to be brought.
I will supply a simple dish of meats, peppers, and onions which accompanies well both breakfast and dinner. I humbly request that all those planning to attend our next gather bring a dish of their choosing to ensure there is enough to go around.
I look forward to this most... pleasant of occasions.
((OOG reminder: the majority of AGB's food staff is unable to attend the April gather. As such, the food for that event will be supplied via communal potluck; this means we ALL need to chip in to make sure there is enough food to go around. Even if we all just throw in a little somethin' somethin', that's a good 40-50 people chipping in and that's a LOT of food. There will be a separate, OOG post for listing what we're bringing.))
"Citizens of Barran,
I am greatly pleased with our collective success in defending Geistbadden from the invading beastmen. Our accomplishment is not small and required impressive effort and risk; I do not mean to suggest hubris, but given the adversity we have faced these past few days, we should be most proud.
Our work, however, is not done; Geistbadden will require great care and assistance in its reconstruction and the citizenry is small - these people are few and cannot rebuild their home alone. Moreover, we cannot be sure that our success is long-lasting; as such we must ensure we work hard to do what we can as quickly as possible. I, for one, will remain here and lend my assistance until we next gather. This is a most... philanthropic opportunity; it is not often one is able to assist in the renewal of so desiccated a town.
It is for this reason I suggest the following: when next we gather, I would be most honored and grateful to host a potluck as a means to bring this rebuilding community together in celebration. I would like to extend this invitation to both the citizenry of Geistbadden and Barran and to all those who may travel through. As a gather spans the course of three mealtimes, there is much to be brought.
I will supply a simple dish of meats, peppers, and onions which accompanies well both breakfast and dinner. I humbly request that all those planning to attend our next gather bring a dish of their choosing to ensure there is enough to go around.
I look forward to this most... pleasant of occasions.
((OOG reminder: the majority of AGB's food staff is unable to attend the April gather. As such, the food for that event will be supplied via communal potluck; this means we ALL need to chip in to make sure there is enough food to go around. Even if we all just throw in a little somethin' somethin', that's a good 40-50 people chipping in and that's a LOT of food. There will be a separate, OOG post for listing what we're bringing.))