Announcement From Ebrindale


A royal wedding between House Basilisk and House Raven will occur on the 20th day of the 8th month. This will solidify the royal bloodline of Ebrindale.

To the adventurers of Valdanis:

Your history of meddling in the royal affairs of Ebrindale has been acknowledged and appropriate measures have been put into place. In other words, stay at home where you belong and do not even think about disrupting the union.
I'd like to point out that your tone and choice of words (meddling, stay at home where you belong, etc.) implies you view "the adventurers of Valdanis" like children.

If that it is the case, I suggest you tell them that they should show up, perhaps even go so far as to imply you'd like nothing more than for that to happen. You see, with your current message, a child, especially one as unruly as you seem to view these adventurers as, is almost assuredly going to "rebel", show up, and crap on your lawn.

Conversely, if you were tell them how much you wanted them there, they'd probably do the complete opposite, simply predicated by their want to upset you, and your true want would be fulfilled.

As I am not an adventurer from Valdanis, I assume I'm invited. Are twelve or so guests too many for me to bring?

A. Runebeard
Ordo Tempestus
If you feel that I treat adventurers like children it is because you are absolutely correct. Adventurers are nothing but grown children playing at hero, but all they do is follow their own self-serving selfish desires. They run amok amongst things they do not understand and disrespect all that does not serve their interest. It is time that adventurers learn their place in the grand scheme of things, and that is within the confines of law.

Normally adventurers are mere nuisances whom will meet their ends by inanely stupid act, such as walking up to a dragon, but somehow the adventurers in Valdanis actually have grown and prospered. Much like cockroaches it is impossible to get rid of them, but it is amusing to watch them scatter when a light is lit. No longer will these insects be allowed carry their blight throughout the duchies, for now is a time of Kings and the duchies will now become kingdoms. Daefell has started a trend he is not ready for, because those who are true nobility understand the workings of court.

As to the warning to stay out of Ebrindale. It is no secret that adventurers are allowed to thrive in Valdanis so King Daefell can use them as a shield to hide behind. He washes his hands of their actions, while simultaneously condoning them in secret. Valdanis is only able to be a lawful kingdom because pirates in the guise of adventurers carry out acts of terror to anyone who opposes the illegitimate King Daefell. So, much like a child who you know is going to disobey your wishes I will warn the adventurers of the consequences of disrupting my royal proceedings. No matter what honorary title Valdanis bestows on adventurers it is nothing more than children playing dress up, because none of you have the first notion of true nobility. How could you when you are ruled by a common blacksmith? The warning has been given children, and if you test it you will find that you will be dealt with in a harsh and permanent manner.

King Edric of Ebrindale
Oh, you are quite right in your analogy, sir; adventurers are like children. I was not denying, defying, or denigrating any of your claims. Quite the contrary. I was agreeing with you and giving you a suggestion as how to beguile them into your personal aims.

I'm going to assume that your willful ignorance as to my invitation and guest allotment is, in itself, an affirmation to both.

As to your marital lagniappe, is there anything the little missus might enjoy that I can acquire?

Gentlemen, if a humble emissary might speak on the subject?

The relationship between King Edric and Valdanis, specifically its adventurers has been at best strained and at its worst they've planned to kill each other. Now, not all adventurers are children out being puppets for selfish gain. Many are good-hearted souls thrust into an adventuring life by tragedy or a thirst for knowledge and most have done some important good in their lives. I have had the fortune of being emissary to Ebrindale in the last winter and spring season and being cordially invited as a representative of my country to the wedding and I know Edric to be a highly intelligent and decent character despite what some others would have you believe. However, with respect I ask the King that he address the adventurers by group if he must address them, as he knows them, and not chide all adventurers nor deride us as cockroaches when we are not. Humbly, I ask that you, dear King, and know that you would find it in your best interest not to taunt the adventurers who would do you harm or inadvertently alienate those who would not.

I understand how frustrating this situation is and I hope all live to see it resolved. I hope reason and a need for peace trump a thirst for vengeance and subjective ideals.

My two coppers and that is all.

Fortune Find All,

~Marcena Cenkraea La Paloma Idumea DagonGaddi
Ambassador of His Majesty King Cornovus Teavembia
Dove of Mayori's Court
You are absolutely correct Lady Marcena. It is not fair of me to lump all adventurers with the likes of Tad Ron. Not all of them are as vile as Redd Rausseur. In fact you have proven to me that you are cut of a different cloth, unlike Ahlana Antaro. I am glad there are adventurers out there who are noble, unfortunately Silverbane is not one of them. It is good too know that I can count on you. It would be a shame if all were like Lucious.

Because you have shown me true nobility amongst a group I thought incapable of it. I wish to extend you, Lady Marcena, a personal invitation to my wedding. I will hold a place of honor for you.
Well, fool, now you've done it. You went and spoke ill of TadRon. It seems there is a lesson that needs teaching. While I do so hate to repeat myself, for slow, dim-witted individuals such as yourself, Ashnar's Academy of ***-Kickery is always open.

You, sir, can now consider yourself enrolled. You missed this semester's first class, but fear not, I'm sure you can copy The Barrow Wight's notes.

*an audible slap is heard as if palm to the front of ones own face*

Buona fortuna! Gentlemen! Let it be! Are we children that need to be separated by a stern mother? No! We are ambassadors, adventurers, stewards, and kings! We are ABOVE this behavior! What good comes of this mud slinging? None! None! :disgust:

Now, with all the audacity I can summon in a burst, I would that I heard no more of this talk about how much everyone hates each other. It does not suit us. Can I be so horribly bold as to ask that we instead speak of matters that serve the people whose well-being depends in part on how those in power behave with each other and get along?

If discussions for a truce begin between the nobility (and despite how anyone feels they ARE recognized as Valdanian nobility) and King Edric, before things grow even uglier and more deadly, I would be pleased if it were in my chamber that were held as neutral ground.

If I have overstepped my bounds, I am very sorry. I am also very upset and beg forgiveness for speaking rashly.

Fortune (and a calmer mood) Find All,

Marcena said:
Lots and lots of words mixed with good, but misguided intentions

While I commend you for sticking to your ideals, sometimes, my dear, you need to understand that a fight is inevitable. Serenity to accept, wisdom to know the difference, you know the drill. You, as an adventurer, should know there will always be a place for good old-fashioned bloodshed. Steel yourself to that, dear-heart, and you'll be right as rain.

But how can we be sure that this is one of those times? I've been doing this for five years, Runebeard, and I've done much in the way of bloodshed...yes, I "know the drill". Sometimes we need to look past the immediate offense and ponder the consequences of our actions and choose our words and who we say them to wisely, yes, I meant you too, King.

*gives with an exasperated sigh. She gives up.* Or if you're really chomping at the bit for a fight and there's nothing anyone can say to dissuade it, fine. Fine! I'll be around when it's over one way or another. We'll have a drink in the Sapphire Gale on my tab. :thumbsup:
I always seem to choose such eventful times to visit Valdanis. This should be interesting.

Casan Moreaux
Order of the Emerald Flame
Casan?! That really you?! Wonderful! It has been a long time, too long, since I have seen you! Let me know when you will be in town, I would like to catch up. :)