Announcement of Disavowal


So Let It Be Known,

The Exiled Dominion of Thelucia and all true sons and daughters of Thelucia hereby disavow and denounce any warlike or terroristic activities carried out on soil belonging to the Nation of Sadeen Moor by any member of the former 42nd Thelucia Battlemagi division, known colloquially as "the 42nd." The Thelucian people are devoted to peace and to reestablishing ourselves as a nation of prosperous growth and cordiality with all peoples of Laerthan.

Any former member of the 42nd who still harbors violence in their hearts would do well to remember the teachings of Sergeant Professor Celestina Gladstone, who advised her cadets to treat those who do not understand the ways of magic with empathy, respect, and kindness.

By My Hand, Guided By The Earth,

Horatio Sullivan
Ambassador to White Forest and Eire
High Executor of the Exiled Dominion of Thelucia