Announcing the Crossroads Examiner!


Greetings to one and all!

I would like to announce the creation of a new periodical publication, the Crossroads Examiner. Lately the Crossroads has been a nexus of unprecedented happenings, news of which is often lost or garbled. It is my mission to present a high standard of journalism chronicling events so that all may know the real story behind the story. Eyewitness accounts will be combined with after-the-fact truth so as to present a factual interpretation of the adventures which surround us!

In addition, there will be a forum for advertisements and notices. Wanted ads and "for sale" notices, along with virtually all else you can think of, will be tastefully laid out for a modest fee. I also invite editorial submissions and extra articles to add to our content. Finally, there will be a number of regular columns, such as the Bestiary -- important information on a new denizen of our lands in every issue!

I will be charging a low price (to be announced when I have the first batch for sale, as I am not yet sure of my supply costs) for each copy, to sustain this project.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the Crossroads Examiner. The first edition should be ready in the first week of June.

-Polare Lissenstine