any extra bow

ok my girlfriend is comeing for the first time and i was wondering if any of you might help out and let me borrow a bow for the weekend so i dont have to make one just to see her not like the game
We've got a small bow we could loan you. We'll bring it.

I can remember when our little Stephen wasn't even allowed to touch a weapon, and now he needs one for his girlfriend. *sniff* I guess our little guy is all grown up now.
I'm waiting for the "Why in my day" speech from Jeff, personally.
Hey, so it bugs me when people get all QQ about wanting to play a hobling, but still wanna be a "fighter". Sheesh, sack up, put on some gold lamet boxer shorts, and just go out there and do it already! Back in 8th edition, we hoblings had to fight through ten feet of snow, uphill to and from the mod, just to get five copper worth of loot off a lich! Now, five copper back then would buy you half a pull of ale, a joint of beef, and half a quiver of arrows with enough change to bribe a celestial templar into shining your armor for ya (since they had no better useful things to do with their time). And don't even get me started on what passes for a two handed weapon these days! Mumblegrumblewhippersnappernewrulenoneditingsonsabitchesgrumblemumbe....

That about do it? :wink:
I knew I could count on you, Jeff.