Any info on the next Fair day?


So, any info on the next fair day in July?

I heard that is was going to be in the Milford/Devon area...yes? no?

Will this be a RP only event? or will there be combat?

Will there be a pot luck diner again?


Matt K.
The faire day will be held at 30 Ormond Street Milford, Ct.

It will take place from 11am to 9pm. PCs should arrive at around 10:30 for logistics. NPCS should show up at 10 to help setup and get prepped.

There WILL be combat.

This will be both a pot luck feast day in the evening, but there will be modules run throughout the day (we have a lot planned! so plan to be busy!)

More details will be posted by the end of the week.


I plan on being there...just haven't figured out if I'm going to pc or npc yet...
The payment portal for the event is currently live!!

The event is being written by JP and a teaser / event title is forthcoming.

We will be at an indoor site, but it will be a full combat event. You wont be running FAR... but trust us... it won't be standing still.

I will be there (and PCing), so come join us. We've got a PACKED schedule planned.


Into the Labyrinth.

As preparations for the naming ceremony of this growing community continue, the discovery of an ancient citadel from beyond the Flux in the caverns beneath gives pause. All abled bodied and interested adventurers are offered a commission from the Wayfarers to explore, and hopefully return in time for dinner!
Oog description: This faire day will be an experiment with a new type of event we hope you will enjoy that may be familiar to certain older players. The vast majority of the event will consist of one extremely lengthy module exploring an underground citadel through use of several rooms and hallways on the site. While it is being affectionately referred to as a "dungeon crawl" by the staff, challenges faced will include combat, puzzles, physical tests and mini games, and substantial opportunities to both think and role play past challenges - This is not you grandfather's meat-grinder.

After the citadel is cleared (or not... Foig), there will be a potluck dinner as an in-game celebration of the founding, with similar role play encounters and opportunities to the feast days, but with more potential for violence... now I want to pc...just need to figure out if I can get the new character set to play or go with my other character....
ok, couple of questions, first we can pay at the door to pc? yes? This will decide if Im pcing or npcing. Next, if we can pay at the door, does anyone have a longbow rep I could use for the fairday? Final one, I tried emailing logistics and it got bounced back...I thought I saw something about this happening to someone else and the email went though still...just wondering if this is the case, as I was looking to see what kind of build I had to work with for a new character and if I had gobbies to buy back a monthly or 2....


Matt K.

Yes. You can pay at the door.
The logistics emails are going through. The bounce email is weird, btu it isn't accurate.
Ill ping our logistics guys to see what is going on.


Thanks to you both...