April 2013 Favorites


Hey All!
I had a great time, so happy getting to PC with you all finally!

Here are my Highlights:
"Backup hummers" for ritual casting
Ice and fire imbalance mods (boiled crabs and destroying snowmen anyone?)
Fighting the Dream Eater's forces (and the gorgeous mask for him)
Fern's quarry mod.
The look of 'oh crap, it's her again' on some of the npc's faces.
Testing some people's patience (including my own) with either re-learning or learning Rhys' signing for the first time. (apparently elephant in asl is healing/earth magic in 'rsl')
As frustrating as it was, I liked the unique challenge of not one, but TWO pantherghasts
Meat loaf. . . that was so good. Any way I could get the recipe?
It was nice to shake the rust off a bit, big thanks to everyone that came out.

Here are my favorites based on an incredibly cryptic order no one could ever hope to understand.

1.) The new trailer, Oh man that thing makes moving monster camp so much easier (you know aside from the two hours of clearing rust from my hitch, and the 2 hours of ripping out wood frame work that was in the way.

2.) Plenty of NPCs - Thanks to you all for your hard work, Special shout out to Courtney, I only recently realized how many times I dumped prepping the npcs in costume on you ^.^

3.) Plot changes - Great fun to rewrite the Saturday night plan because the PCs want to go hunt something down.

4.) Plot talking, fun to see the PCs looking to grab the bull by the horns so to speak and take charge of their own fates in a number of longer running plot lines.

5.) Dragon RP - I have managed to set a brand new record for the least loved NPC I think.

6.) Bonded Guardsman RP - Gonna have to flesh out that card, surprising what a random Teacher NPC can end up doing.

7.) The monster walk before the last mod.

8.) Asura's anti-Boggle rage.

9.) Entrophy Casting, this combined with Alexander, makes for creepy voices.

10.) Gambling with the Gypsies.

11.) Celestial guild fun - I hope poor Killeat didn't actually have to pay the 2+ gold tab I ran up drinking from the squire.

12.) Charlie Carnifax
Loved the event, a big thank you to the plot team for preparing such a great event! Thank you NPC's for being slaves to the Almighty Plot team :D

A big thank you to everyone who helped me out with my van after the event was over, and those that were going to help just after we got my van started (Kyle, Matt, Adam, Dan, Seamus, Rick, and Tim). Gotta go and figure out why my battery keeps draining itself now.

Some favorites of mine were
-Gabriel's itching, because he's a genius
-Seeing Eric Marsters again (Good to have you back, and good to hear you're doing better!)
-Being an NPC for a little while because all the PC's decided to just up and abandon me. Made me feel better every time they tried calling for a healer though, and I didn't have to respond.
-The Dream Mod, and sitting next to Alexander as he scribbled over a ritual scroll, making 'changes' to it. Out of game, I just so wanted to break and break that scroll as he's asking us questions about what we want the scroll to be like, such as wanting to put it at a high difficulty rating, require a large number of components, have like 20-30 flaws, make it celestial in nature, allow him to write down the insulting message to Leopold :p
-Learning about the Empire's magic, and how it came to be
-Taking Garth out on mods again, and indulging in his terrible spell choices against the twiglings :p
-The Vampire RP mod for the Winters' family, winding up in the bottom of the well, not knowing what was going on
-Casting my very own time magic
-'Showing up' Dan, when they were out of game making fun of Icey for dying in game, "Oh yeah, well you wanna know what I think about that? Body disappates. Oh yeah. You corrupt can't make fun of my dead body anymore."
-Boggles walking into the ward, and then York saying something about a boggle trap, so the boggle stops moving, and someone walks up behind him and kills him, "Oh you triggered it."

Thank you once again, NPC's!
I've always held the opinion that Rhys really was 'somebody'
Loved PC'ing with you guys for the first time. Glad I put time in last year npc'ing.

The number one favorite, the welcoming and inclusive nature of the player base. Even when I was explicitly trying to avoid direct involvement post enslavement.
The battle vs the dream eaters slaves as well as the unfortunate bout of enslavement that left me attacking the healers that had just revived me.
The amazing meatloaf Saturday night.
Humming and swaying to the dream eater ritual.
Surprisingly being able to snare the ettercap we were trying to capture with my last web spell.
Interacting with and dueling the npc and his bunny kin who insisted on being near the grumpy sarr.
Resting up and suddenly feeling the tufts on my ears being played with by not one, but two canine kin.
Also was quite amused with the boggle trap
What a wonderful game guys, I know I enjoyed it a lot and my new players I brought along had a great time.

My favorites:
- My absolute favorite moment was the RP between Fern and the dragon. I actually teared up pretty hardcore, Fern never ceases to incite passion through his words in the overly hopeful Nakira.
- Stripping Anthony of his scarves (and his personal space). Offer Nakira warmth once and she will appreciate you, offer it twice and you are a permanent warmth source.
- The ritual. Nakira will now be forever weary of them. It probably had something to do with the sketchy storm that came and went, or the terrifying swaying and chanting of the bystanders. :funny:
- The amazing meat loaf, seriously. So tasty.
- Alexander's lovely NPCs, especially the poor enslaved Rob.
- The lovely amount of warmth that people shared via extra blankets and clothing. I will admit Nakira felt super powerful (and super warm) as mini-Gryf for that last night mod. :lol:
- Learning that Fern secretly is the master of ancient medieval surgery. I doubt even an NPC would dare try and rip open a Tribesman's ribcage.
- Learning to Read and Write from Keallit. "No, it looks better A-N-T-H-N-E-E, and I don't like that letter, it is L-I-T-N-I-N-G." She tried, and that is what counts.
- The beautiful blossoming of Nakira and Gabriel's friendship. The poor girl thinks he really is a genius for teaching her of alchemy, which "does sky magic without the sky magic." Also carrying around a bomb for a whole mod praying it would be useful. I was really hoping to blow up a node. :mer:
Getting to see everyone again. I can't wait for May.
Lots of first time players! Welcome to all! They did very well and were fast learners.
The food was amazing as usual.
The number of mods that were packed into the playing time, and the flexability of plot/moster camp as things came up.
Swinging a polearm.
Going to the Rite of Balancing the Elements without a weapon on purpose and being able to use Erik's spear to great effectivness.
The puzzle and combat in the vault with the elemental instruments.
"Hey that ploearm isn't silver."
Double hammer of justice.
The classroom of the Empire.
Having Kaito as a battle buddy...so many weapons to choose from!
Briar's hate for Ettercap.
Fern's dragon pep talk.
Thank you NPC's - your hard work and sportmanship is very much appreciated!

Several asked for the meatloaf recipe, so here you are

Meat Loaf – 4 people
1 lb Hamburger
½ lb sausage
1 egg
3 slices of bread – crumbled in food processer
1 cup Evap. milk

Bake at 350 degrees (until done :oops: )

When almost done, top with a mixture of Ketchup and Brown Sugar as a glaze