April 2016 Favorite Moments

- Awesome roleplay between folks during the Soft Lay on.
- Solo VonTrapp'ing In a Power Outage.
- A VonTrapp Listening to Zeth (Evan)explain the situation with the Herald while trapping the doorway to the Earth Circle.
- Luke walking within 5 feet of Scribs, stopping to talk for a few minutes before continuing. All while lighting him up as he is lying down motionless at the edge of a tree.
- Hearing news snippets through out the day about the progression of the Roann Situation from nearly every viewpoint.
- Being a Vanyal Fanboy as Fariah and learning various things from Allara and Zeth with Karen (Kweeny) Outstanding roleplay.
- Being in the Tavern when Trapper Dan (Pierre) came in. and seeing the reaction of everyone being completely at a loss as to even approach the man!
- Polare (Bryan) "See they don't have backbones!" ... Skeleton Centurion "That is a visibly inaccurate statement!"
- Antithesis taking the required shot to the nether regions, and finding it has a similar response to Banish. Sorry Nathan...
- Hitting Eldor with a Chaos Storm while Confined.. and watching as his healer begin to move on before realising he was dead in place.
- Going through the Stages of Loss involving time on Saturday Night/Sunday Morning when realizing its nearly 5 AM.
- Remembering after my last 5 events (2 in Deception, 1 in SF and one in Oregon) Why I love Millersylvania so much.
-Dust'Ro (Benjamin)ordering the death of a captured dwarf to power a blood ritual to destroy magic, only to raise him from the dead as a zombie moments later. They guy is very much a "waste not want not" kind of guy.
Man. So many.

1) Having some, and not nearly enough, time with July and Flynn. I've missed these guys too much.

2) All my interactions with Lone.

3) Walking under the stars with Teth after escorting the Old Gypsy to the bridge, and the conversation both on the way there, and the way back. Despite all the exhaustion from the fights, it was totally worth it.

4) Saturday night fight Highbie Bait Battle! Don't worry, guys, go be heroes while we throw ourselves on ALL THE PAIN AND SUBJUGATES AND VAMPIRE CHARMS AND FEARS AND OH MY GOD WHY WON'T IT STOP!

5) House Mod for Artifact, or also known as: "Man, the House of Pain and Purity really didn't go in the right direction with this puzzle."

6) Portal Fight with the Deathamentals, otherwise known as: "Yes, this was exactly as bad an idea as we thought it would be."

7) Doublehooking!

8) Helping Vellis complete her first ritual. I now recognize her as an official Wizard Shaman Psychopomp.


10) Staying behind to discuss some information with the New Leaf Academy after everyone else had filtered out once the Herald had left. Stepping outside only to pop a 15 pt acid trap. Darn you Von Trapps! Checking my stuff and finding out the only thing I had that was vulnerable was a potion that I'd looted earlier. Laughed with the New Leaf as I refit my armor, and left.

11) Oh, Eli.
1.) All the role play surrounding Hale. You folks just rolled with that NPC and he was a lot of fun to play.
2.) Death's late night answering service.
3.) Throttling the Saturday highbie fight. Sounds like I got it just about right.
4.) *clank of Life and Death items together* GAH! It was just a theory you know!
5.) Polare's delicious derriere.
6.) Seeing Jem's face light up as she takes Dust-Ro down.
7.) This one's the most amazing, everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE on site working together to tell an amazing story. With every site issue, cabins, power, props, low NPC numbers, and all the rest; You, the community, came together and we held an amazing game. I'm so proud of all of us, NPC, PC, Staff, and everything else I could have possibly missed. This event has made me so gorram proud of us all.

Temperance and Ruin house party! I love seeing more of my house around, and we even got a new member! Yay! Collect all the dark elves! Trying to bring Jenali up to speed after a year was a fascinating forest of backtracking! So much well deserved Teth lecture! All of the fun times with Lone! Did I mention we have a new dark elf! Tairin is so fast!

The Life and Death item flaws. I've never been particularly impressed by an item tag before, but good job on ya.

There generally seemed to be a concerted effort this event to get the new kids in on the stuff in an important way, and I think it went pretty well.

That whole opening business, and the moment, after a few incorrect wild guesses, where I realized exactly what I was looking in the eye from about six inches away.

"MASTER. WITH OR WITHOUT YOU" and the rest of Baby's First Ritual.

That time the entire tavern booked it down to the Earth Circle after me.

Ahh, Roann shenanigans. Ahhhhhh.
Let's see where to begin. First off thanks everyone for making it feel like I had only missed an event instead of 5.

1. Human skin flag as a means to parlay.
2.Pranksgiving. Seriously 8 people in the tavern all want to open the pretty box. Knowing its a trap but feeling might as well see the dwarf eats a double trap of laughing and paranoia.
3. Watching our party get attacked by a troll because we didn't know it was female.
4. The Life and Death events-
Seriously that was straight out of a movie it felt like. Rather surreal to help guide the life shard out as fights erupt all around you. Only to then be killed by the Life shard. The irony.

The Death shard was fun once I realized what we were looking for. Watching the whole group scatter as fast as possible everytime the shards shook.

5. Playing off debts owed but getting trapped behind a ward with no gear but the clothes on your back.

6. The whole Dwarf sticky bomb situation that happened as pure hapstance.

7. During the destruction of all forest wards dodging a confine to only get one step off the porch before getting hit with an eviscerate. Only to then be healed rewarded by the legion unknowingly dragged across the ground and stuck to a cabin. Taking another death from blood magic while unconscious and being turned into an undead minion still unconscious.
Thanks to Emily for the very last minute gift of life. I think my counter was up or about a second away.
High tailing it back to the tavern where I decided to rp limping and partially falling over after the fight.

8. Breaking logistics with my crazy orders for production because who really needs 20 longbows is right.

9. Biggest highlight after 7 was having one whole part of the big fight dedicated to a skill that's underused and down played. Blacksmithing is a fun skill and thanks to those who saved me from elemental death rain.

10. Double hooking all day long. The highbie fight was great from the npc side where else can you see a skeleton with stupid health and a bunch of prepare to dies. Felt mildly bad for dropping Emily but hey its the only eviscerate i got off all night.

11. Lastly the last minute artifact ritual where i stood there and looted bodies.

12. Ronan and the intensity of that rp and first ever blacksmithing magic item.
1. Vellis's Cake Situation™

2. Fargal as undead... Not my Tsunami and Dream Dwarf! (even though we never did get to talk about it...) Very glad we got you that life spell in time.

3. Dust-Ro. Thinking he was just a random goblin, completely ignoring him to take down and fix Fargal, when I heard "Oh, it's you. I don't like you." Many Ice Storms and Dragons Breaths followed.

4. Risking ressurection to save the second and third best strands of magnets in Kasuni's collection.

5. Asha's scarf. Never underestimate being fancy.

6. Roleplaying a slightly different outlook as a result of the Spirit Forge

7. Having some of the raccoons back! Sparkle on, May and July!

8. Yonko. Bond, you play him in a way that makes it SO interesting, and it really is a boost to my event to have a chance to talk to him.

9. Jacob's vampire at the depths, and the "Oh sweetie, let's get you out of here before he tries to control you again!"

10. The Broken Mists find sleepy bears.

11. Kidda and the exercise bands... You were killing me ;)

12. Getting more glitter and accessories with each passing event.

13. Roann was a blast. Trying to convince him to be a hero and off himself on his own terms. Thanks Keegan!

14. Aelin Mor cameo!

I'm sure there are more. Thanks for a great game!
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I agree having only seen Dust Ro once and I did the same thing Emily. Ah they are just random goblins but to be honest I laughed a bit because being turned undead actually ties in with what i was thinking about to fill in a year of time.
Favorites? Well starting off I want to echo Ben and state that everyone was awesome in making sure everything was awesome, in efforts that far went above and beyond what was either sane or healthy. I'll bring the rest up in more or less the order they happened.

- First being brought up to speed by everyone, looking at them blankly after hearing all the baddies that have moved in, and then immediately wanting to call for a state of emergency.

- Going out to the scholastic aureboreum for the first time, getting some work done, and then coming back feeling happy and accomplished. Only to be promptly scrutinized, questioned, and accused of being intoxicated after reporting such findings because no one has apparently had fun there.

- "Darellin we need a second attempt adventuring party to go to the plane of death. It will be incredibly dangerous though and we are low on resources.
I have time for this.
Are you sure? It is possible no one will make it back, just look at the first group.
Does it need to get done?
That settles it then. /steps in circle"
- And then of course the plane of death itself. What a harrowing mod.

- Having Roann come to Darellin, Darellin finally choosing to face that matter and quickly realizing he should have done so much sooner. Committing to get a final resolution of the matter once everyone returned, and then being immediately told on everyone's return that Roann already did more naughty. Feelings of failure ensue...

- Base and Reason first response team op! Banner mod with Elric was awesome! I only wish that each instance was recorded so I can see each houses reaction in how hey dealt with such news and how that differed, because for Stephen that was awesome. And yay house artifacts!

- Double hooking for the less skilled adventurers, sorry little ones, and then staying up way past everything to get ours. We got ours, owwww.

- Elric coming back and uniting the houses power. (Was secretly hoping for captain caliphestus) ;p