April 2023 Event Favorites


Chicago Staff
Ho’nu’a, Lady of Light, Zhe Cake is alive!

Thanks for coming on out. What were some of your favorites of the April event?

-mine tbd later-
The Flaming Skull had Keggy; the Brownie's Edge will have Cakey. ¡The Tradition of absurd adventuring Construct Servants continues!
In no particular order

  • The looks I saw while holding the door open and people saw the Gelatinous Cube (or Slime Mother as I heard an npc reference it)
  • The unease as the humble alchemist brings in jello for adventurers.
  • Pixie Fly Traps
  • Kelpie making new friends
  • Phantom's Spirit Farewell. Thanks Jess you played Phantom's mother perfectly!
  • being tortured/interrogated on back to back mods.
  • The food, was delicious
Oh my goodness, where do I even start?

In no particular order:

- Kelpies
- Late night chats with Auryn and Count Kizzick Onnu
- Sewers and creepy rats with exposed skulls
- Watching Aiden completing his five duels
- Iggy making Aiden confess his undying love for me
- School of the Basilisk getting their asses handed to them
- "Rolig was here"
- The Green Carbuncle. One gem down, a million more to go!
- Going Under The Sea(TM)
- Honor duels with the Ho'nu'a. Even though I didn't have a whole lot to do as a healer, it was still really cool to watch.
- Watching Durinn, Iggy, Glenn, and Aiden kick a basilisk's butt
- Helping a pixie harvest nectar from a psychotic flower that was DEFINITELY Audrey 2
- "I have a handicap, my wrist hurts"
- Writing down all the flaws and strengths of various members of the Wardens (I know I didn't do everyone, I was only required to do three lol)
- Talking with General Daybright about said strengths and flaws
- becoming Cupbearer of Stalwood

I'm sure there were more, but that's all my sleep-deprived, undercaffeinated, stressed-about-nursing-school brain can think of at this moment.

Love you guys so much!!
The singing before the town mod was absolutely phenomenal, loved the mix of memes and shanties.

The ball? I almost started crying, but it was a blast. So much spinning though, I was always dizzy. The dancing, the ice cream, the everything.

"Enslavement, kill your neighbors." It was like, kinda funny and cute and a good solving problems kind of mod up until that point. That poor giant.

I'm now a bomb when someone kills me! How wonderful!

Both of the town mods were great, because the first one was like a kinda scary one, and the second we just had fun with it. I don't know which I prefer, and having them both was nice.
Getting the Formal Celestialists together for some Ritual Casting (Insert ridiculous amount of HM in one space here)
Quickening a Extend Battle Magic for Velvet the Cake Golem (Mags claims it wants to be called Cake Boss)
Tooches chasing the Letter Deliverer out of the Tavern
All the mispronunciations of names by the deliverer
The Honor Duel was a nice change of pace for a town mod
Play date between Sunny and Swordmaster Sebastian
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In no order:
Being shrunk to 6 inches tall and trying to negotiate architectural design with frantic pixies
Gregor vs the Champion was amazing but HOUSEMOTHER ADLAO taking him on first was baller
Spinning spinning spinning at the ball
The poetry contest (and beating Gregor who was very salty that the dryad won instead of his bard self! muhahahahaaha!)
In no order:
Being shrunk to 6 inches tall and trying to negotiate architectural design with frantic pixies
Gregor vs the Champion was amazing but HOUSEMOTHER ADLAO taking him on first was baller
Spinning spinning spinning at the ball
The poetry contest (and beating Gregor who was very salty that the dryad won instead of his bard self! muhahahahaaha!)
Hey Gregor wasn't salty, all he said when he was informed of not winning the contest was "How dare you?"
My Top Some Amount:

Late night shenanigans that led to the quote: "Eli is...accurately phys-repped"
Getting to bring almost all of the Dragon's Hoard. It was three 6-foot tables of glory. I need to hire help, man.
Late night cleaning the Tavern with Penn. It's just my favorite ritual. And props to Penn for staying awake with me.
The most polite Town Mod I've ever been on.
The existence of non-adventure, non-puzzle mods. Build a Faerie House, write a poem...I love these. Moar!
My favorite part was early morning walks along the river before anyone else is awake and seeing the wildflowers, hawks, pelicans, geese and more.

Poems - and how many people took it seriously! Judging that was impossibly hard!
Fairy house
Staff Lesson from Claire
Being turtle people
Getting charmed
Complimenting people on fighting
”You don’t have to drop with Resolute” “I know but it makes it more dramatic and funny. I’m Shelly- are you having a good time fighting my people?”
Market Row and it getting some Spice!
Watching champion fight - Adloa looked amazing with her purple and white flowing in the wind - wish I had a picture of it
Mother Cube
The rage of Kora as I played an NPC from Basilisk school and made fun of Aiden. She was ready to take a bite out of me and I was there for it!
Having people travel far to be with us!
The rose garden and having tea with Sam as Laureli led a force against trolls. “I am …” vs “I have an..”
Having the honor of naming Laureli a new cupbearer with a beautiful sash.
Dramathin‘s questioning and all the putting it off to the butler-steward-servants - and asking about roses
Mother Slime! Gelatin cube! Amazing prop building Brian!
The food
Mother Slime! Gelatin cube! Amazing prop building Brian!
The food

Beans helped with it allot, they helped with the inside cutouts to give it the flare it needed
Having challenging fights thorough the weekend. at no time was I lamenting how I still had a full card by lunch and the combat was satisfying.
I enjoyed the shipwreck mimic mod. Having to use oog physical prowess is always fun.
The atish ball was a ton of fun, and I was looking fine and fancy. Iban lamenting the fact that he had to be on his best behavior was entertaining.
Fighting the empowered turtle monster was thrilling. It was a bad matchup as sid reminded me, but I surprised even myself with how well I did.
My favorites in no particular order

Gelatinous Cube - its one Vanya wide by one Beans tall
Lightning bolt puzzle games
watching the mimic come to life
calling out to beans to hit me with an intoxicate effect when they were throwing intoxicate damage.
releasing the old blood magic wand into the waters as something to give up. - Alexander "Is this the wand that I think it is?"

had a great event, I'm sure I'll remember more to add after I hit post reply, thats the way it always works.
I enjoyed NPCing just as much if not more as last event!
Memorable favorite moments for me included:
Playing Phantom’s mother in ritual! My first solid chance at roleplay, and I’m rather proud of how it went!
My first town mod standing with the Ho’nu’a, it felt so magical going toe to toe with all the NPCs against all the PCs
Watching the battle of Sid vs challenging PCs was so friggin cool to me. That’s the energy I look forward to at these sort of things.
The welcoming energy has once again gotten me all mushy inside. Yall are so friendly and I felt so appreciated and welcomed back. This is such a nice group, I’m proud to assist and be a part of it ☺️

-Cypher time with Penn, Rengar, and Bluewolf (and Sid as Tilbane trying so hard to not crack up at Bluewolf's loose translations)
-Tilbane asking to speak with Lorelei alone. Made me almost poop my pants.
-Getting the first key for Passwall (Honor, Valor, Beard) and the mutual decision that it should protected by the most apolitical person we could think of, Mags.
-Getting my cupbearership. I have been looking forward to this since my first feast event and I am excited to go down this path.
-That final town mod with the Ho'nu'a wad one the best feelings I have had in this game. It was a genuine bonding moment for all of us and it made me feel so happy to be part of this community.
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Favorites of the Event

Playing a fighter with 103 body felt really good. The staying power even while using Mettles was great. Also the look on healers faces when they ask how much I am down and it was usually at least one full Lesser Earth Storm.

I enjoyed each and every Black Moon Sentinels mod I went on. Iggy and I spent too much on a Extend Battle Magic Duration but Velvet is worth it

Bajran memory mods are becoming my favorite late night pass time. They are the right amount of challenge to make a fun puzzle mod. Also the stark difference between Me and I Bajrans is very fun.

Finally the Saturday Town Mod was very fun. The Polite Competition was enjoyable and squaring off into single combat was fun. I especially enjoyed seeing Ana’s NPC squaring off with Kylar then loaning her my shield and B3 Sword to make things a little more even.
I had a lot of fun playing a dedicated caster (You get a Mend Armour and you get a Mend Armour and You get a Mend Armour!!!). A very different way to see the world. A bunch of stand-out moments of wonder and hilarity
  • ¡Super Saiyan Celestial Master Ritual Casting! There are only a few Rituals which allow Celestial casters to flex all their magics, and Vengeance is at the top of the list. All the PCs involved were great and had an surprising amount of tragic backstory and personal angst, revenge, fury, and HATE. Celestials are damaged goods: angry, little, star bunnies. But also, ¡BOOOM! Special thanks to Dan who Marshaled the ritual even though he's from out of chapter and wasn't involved at all
  • Chatting up all the folks seeking renown and status and just hearing how they want to change the world and make it better. I like how the current PC power fantasy is "Wander the world, protect the weak, eat hearty meals, and log-stomp baddies". Shouts to Triska who is already tangling their horns with the structure of being Squire, "I'm just not big on taking orders..." And, to Skylark who was feeling all the feels while contemplating her road toward a Title and all the adventurers shouted "You're a rockstar, hun! You're gonna be great!"
  • Sitting down with a snaggle of earth-loving hippies and chatting up Aishl the Spirit of "Aw shucks, I didn't do nothing but seed every forest on the peninsula." It's nice that regular folks can still do heroic deeds. Shouts to Glenn who continues to lead fun and engaging Links with the Land which uplift the spirit (while also making Dram intensely self-conscious)
  • Spirit Walking to Count Tillbane's Super Secret TOTALLY-NOT-NECROMANTIC "lair" and then him springing, "We will, of course, conduct this interview Inside Your Mind! [cackle][thunder crash]". The conversation between all the adventurers while waiting for our turn was intense, absurd, and wonderful. Dram's refusal to open his skull even a crack was taken in stride even as Tillbane continually commented, "This is so much easier when I can tell for a fact you are not lying." Shouts to Sid for running through everyone's mind and telling a great scene; double that for Aicha who must now, all of a sudden, write a bunch of new character history
  • The Mass Honour Duel with the Ho'nu'a was very different from other major town mods. Far more relaxed and lower stakes, but also an interesting story beat and mechanic. I have to think about it more, but lotsa folks seemed to really enjoy the pace and concept. Novelty is a good thing
  • Trying all afternoon to craft the right group, gather them, and travel to an isolated ford on the Meltith/Cinem border to quell a petty lordship dispute, only to miss my window and lose the folks I had originally envisioned. AND THEN to find out that people who had backed out previously but were now available were totally on top of the game and ¡it was a blast! Vaelin with his anarchist rhetoric ("You really don't want those military pigs up in your business"), Penn with their cultural exploration ("I don't have a family or reproduce with a partner, but if I did, I would think you should try to get along with them"), and Willem with his ultimate pragmatism ("If you two can't behave like adults, we'll just get the Crown to sit in on your bitch fests"). It was a wild ride and so much fun. Shouts to Sid and Anna for their delightful improvisation of two longtime frienemies who just needed a good kick up the backside to remember their history ("Oh, is she pregnant again? Congratulations! That's your fourth litter, you dirty wylderkin stud!" "You may be a harpy, but you're my favourite harpy.")
  • Hafta admit, teaming with Vaelin to light up Donatello[sic] like a Gold&Mild was a hoot. Turns out, dumping 200 some-odd XP into a critter is ultimately effective. Even better when Calliope dragged the Prisoned Undead back to the overnight sentry, "Hey, we just captured this super powerful undead, where do we put him?" "Uh-- I just got out of basic training...."
  • Claire and Cake Boss was just silly fun. Weird Monster mechanics are always amusing to suss out. Plus, all y'all looked super fun. Trading any reward for a year's service from a Culinary Construct was [wait for it], the icing on the cake