April 24th (Sat) Faire (updated 4/21)

"Quest: Alpha" (Module Request Day) This day faire is a Mod request day. If you decide to attend this mod day, bear in mind that you may be needed to help out and NPC for someone else’s module. Watch the Alliance Traverse Out-of-Game forum for more details as we get closer to the event.

Mod Requests are locked in. No more requests will be accepted for this event.
Do not forget that when you are not on your Mod, we will need your help to NPC the other Mods.

Here is the list:

1. James Fewless and company
2. House of Games
3. Danny Wilson and company
4. Mike Meeker and company
5. Ryan Welsh and company
6. Cory Walker and company
7. Victor Dueweke and company

Do not forget that even if you already have your Mod request in, you still have to pre-reg for the event. (Prereg by Midnight Tuesday) The NPC list is for those who wish to just come and NPC for us for the day (and get a secret bonus for doing so)

Pre-reg List PC
1. Danny W. - Crow
2. Chris T. - TadRon
3. Mike M. - Flint
4. Matt B. - Chance
5. Ryan W. - Le'Serras
6. Cory K. - Senrith
7. Amy H. - Gwen
8. James F. - Bosma
9. Anique P. - Ahlana
10. Cory W. - Verdias
11. Victor D. - Nom
12. Dave H. - Garoth
13. Billy F. - Rowdin
14. Derek K. - Matthew

1. Beverly B.

Stay tuned for futher details.

Re: April 24th (Sat) Faire (updated 4/12)

I will be there PCing :).
Re: April 24th (Sat) Faire (updated 4/17)

*sad panda*

I'll be playing the Chi-town weekend. Have a great time guys! :D
Re: April 24th (Sat) Faire (updated 4/19)

Ok, you have until Tuesday (midnight) to pre-reg your character info for the Day Faire. We have quite a few mods to get through and want things to run as smooth as possible. So get it done!! :D

Re: April 24th (Sat) Faire (updated 4/19)

I too regret the lack of quantum technology that would allow me to attend both events at the same time ^.^
Re: April 24th (Sat) Faire (updated 4/19)

About how late in the eve will this event run?
Re: April 24th (Sat) Faire (updated 4/19)

Most of our day events have run pretty late. We usually try to end by dark though.
Re: April 24th (Sat) Faire (updated 4/19)

I sent my prereg Monday. Did you get it? I still don't see my name on the list.
The list has been updated.

Logistics will start 10 am and we will start running Mods as soon as we have people there and in-game and NPC's ready to go.

My crew will be there around 1ish. Ryan, Cory, and two others. Females I might add.