April Event Reports


NEPA Staff
Here it is folks Have been asking...

Race TotalCharacters
Barbarian 3
Biata 7
Dark_Elf 1
Dryad 4
Dwarf 7
Elf 6
Gypsy 5
Hobling 3
Human 15
Mystic_Wood_Elf 4
Sarr 1
Wylderkin 1

Class TotalCharacters
Adept 5
Artisan 2
Fighter 18
Rogue 7
Scholar 16
Scout 2
Templar 14

Sex Total
Female 29
Male 59
(includes npcs.. not accurate?)

TOTAL REZZES.......28!
I've asked you before to stop putting your sex total on the list. It's gross, and sad that it's always 1.
I always love the accuracy of the database. According to the race count, there were 57 PCs. According to the class count 64. And according to either metric, about 30 NPCs (which I know was a lot higher at the start of the weekend).

Still, I love reading the numbers anyway.

I am very sorry i only ask that my plight be known.

Also whats the rez record?
mikestrauss said:
I always love the accuracy of the database. According to the race count, there were 57 PCs. According to the class count 64. And according to either metric, about 30 NPCs (which I know was a lot higher at the start of the weekend).

Still, I love reading the numbers anyway.

I have to wonder if the report is set to take records that don't have a gender entered and ignore it. That's likely the case - should probably tweak it to give an "unknown" result so it doesn't sound like we have so many genderless people.. lol
Duke Frost said:
There was a dark elf?

Lol - there were 5 Dryads not 4 - maybe one of them was entered wrong.. lol
The reports i have found tend to include characters people blanketed if they npcd. Not too much a fan of these but they were requested.
I used to wait to blanket people with the event (NPC's, pay no play, etc.) until after I ran the reports. That way they remain accurate. different strokes though.
I can fix most of these problems in the database by making it grab information just from the PC list - I've already done this for another report recently. Kelly is correct about the male/female ratio if nothing is entered in the database it just gets ignored.

When you come across problems like this please feel free to point them out to me, i have no problem getting them fixed! I actually recently asked in another section of the forums if anyone could tell me any problems before i give chapters the next update ( i received no responses ).

Alliance Logistics
Toddo said:
I've asked you before to stop putting your sex total on the list. It's gross, and sad that it's always 1.

don't worry he is padding it by 3 :zonks:
It's ok, Kotual doesn't count as a person at all :-(
(Maybe I was the dark elf in disguise as a high orc)
Wow... When was the last time Dwarves and Biata outnumbered Elves... Nice!