April Favorites!


Hey everyone! Time for the post-event favorites thread!

I had a really fun event and hope you all did too!

My favorites and accomplished goals, in no particular order:

-The scouting mission and instantly decimating five undead with spells! That felt amazing!
-Expanding of the moral complexity of Innoxius with his questioning of Benjamin and Sir Gryffon for the adventurers' motive for murdering the Wylderkin at the "library" and the bandits on Friday, and related conversations with Negora throughout the weekend.
-Beryl and Negora in general, and specifically the formation of K.I.N.D.
-Getting a full Earth spellbook and half of a Celestial one.
-Fanboying Gandian and Lily with autographs in their respective books.
-Talking with Briar and Iganeous about their experiences with undead and beginning the work on that front.
-Casting/Ashering my first ritual (was not expecting that this weekend!) and becoming Lord Asher's apprentice.
-Seeing new players play with confidence and hold their own on the battle field and in role-playing situations.
-Overall having the adventuring community warm up to the eccentric and conflicting styles of Innoxius through his actions, but still watching him with a cautious eye. (I wouldn't trust that guy either. Every player's/character's reaction is completely logical, even if Innoxius doesn't understand it in-character.)
-And one-shotting those undead was so awesome I'm putting it twice!

Big thanks to all NPCs and chapter staff for a great event and I look forward to the next one!
-"I summon a force to disarm your Soccora!"
-Pulling the Lever with Ted the Bear
-Roderick and Valentino's keen interest in the biology of the creatures and races of the lands
-Winning a bet with Briar (love you too buddy)
-We've got an amazing group of brand new and very new players
-Dan and Courtney seem to be living up to all the hype :)
-Troglodytes that speak troll (Carly you're awesome!!!!)
-Red rover with the undead(?) kids
-well, or is it Well
-Discussing new and interesting business opportunities with Oliver
-I feel like I may have been hearing song of Arc's people most of the weekend
-PG's for days, I do like me the occasional PG
-Gandian and Asura assaulting each other (way to hide behind the Lord Oakheart, Darkness)

Huge shout out to the the NPC's for doing so much with so few, and mad love for the PC's who "hopped fence". You folks are all amazing!!!!
Time for mine in no particular order;

-Decorating Monwell's beard, so practical and fashionable

-Having Dan and Courtney in MN and come to the event

-Tea and Meat with Charis, Illanna and Berral

-Teasing Berral about leaving the scroll out

-Being entangled and parinoid, I was not about to let someone come close enough to me to cut me out. Artemis trying waylay me, I was not expecting that. Briar reminding me on my poor handling of parinoa in the past. And Ark's much better handling of it.

-Oliver's food and drink services. prompt service as always and the catering of the ritual casting was the best.

- Getting a expanded enchant scroll and getting it cast with in a few hours. and having to use it to get us out of corrupt lands that same afternoon

- Asura's ritual casting and having the pleasure to prepare the circle for it twice.

- Paying a celestial guild member to cast a circle of power as part of a ritual to make my item

- Fighting the corrupt, We did pretty great at it. Day time battles with experienced corrupt fighters can go so smoothly. Though our exit plan was a bit shaky.

-Trying to convince people to do something for the dragon and having to do a lot of convincing.

-Finding a twice a day charm item with the flaw of saying "I ain't no MeeWee!" before casting, informing everyone and making a sale all with out Ark noticing or hearing about it, and this all happened inside the celestial circle with him in it too. I hope the buyer can be as discreet

-Convincing Charis to go see his mother

-Deciding the best way to have Charis be in a calm state of mind would be to serve tea over Strava's dead body.

-Crashing the Obliteration casting so efficiently and leaving a death elemental behind.

-Having a Tea professional to Serve the Tea at the Charis ritual. Thanks Ryn for helping make it so awesome.

- Hopping fence and getting a few Terrminates off, I think I got Peter twice.

-Dagger brigade

-Briar making the list of the Racial Artifacts and seeing how well we are doing on that

-Feeling like I no longer have to worry about Charis, getting to a success point with a long plot you've been working on is so satisfying, and I didn't even have to get obliterated!

Thank you to all the NPCs and especially to our Kitchen staff I really appreciate all that you do to keep us alive. I'm so glad to see the new players Sky, Ryn you did awesome!
My favorites that I can remember in no particular order:

- Sid I am incredibly impressed with that spectacular meltdown you threw in front of Ilana Friday night

-"Ilana, are you punking me?"

- Secret "Tunnel" to BOMAE

-Launch item ritual. You have NO idea how excited I am to cast that, Dave.

- Getting gypsy cursed for about an hour, that could have had some awful consequences

- The Gypsy golem

- The daytime Corrupt mod was easily the most fun I've had on a Corrupt mod in a long time

- The potion making mod on Saturday, it was just tricky enough to be a fun and not too frustrating a challenge!

- Learning the hard way to not make potions with Benjamin inside the celestial circle. So much smoke!!

Congrats and good luck to Dan and Courtney on making plot team! I didn't realize how much I missed your mods till I played through a couple.
Some awesome things about this weekemd in no particular order:

-All the weapons training I received from Ghandian and Bayleon and Sir Viktor
-Finally meditating under the Crown Ancient
-Leading the charge in following up on the spirit kids. That stuff was freaky. But fun. Thank you, NPCS for that one!
-"Elves in the front"
-My new dagger
-Dealing with/hanging out with Valentino and Rodrik for a lot of the weekend
-The insane length of the Strava fight and the way plot made us lower level characters included and useful during the last bit
-Fighting the panther ghasts and blaming it on Sid
-Getting to know and build trust with Ted the bear
-Never having to directly interact with Charis
-Trying (and mostly failing) to use Griffin Guard bows
-Meeting the Well and working on saving the water
-As usual, feeling super included and welcome by everyone

It was a pretty awesome event. I hope to see everyone again next month!
- Friday night: "Where are you all--" (Ilana grabs Negora's hand as they rift out.) "--going?"
- The first meeting of KIND.
- Watching the daylight wane while Asher tried to guess what KIND stands for (and then three other people solved it first).
- Learning first-level Celestial from Beryl. That lesson could have gone on a lot longer. Negora is going to have to work on her own teaching skills.
- Baleon taking the time on Sunday morning to fully explain to Negora what we were going to do and why it was actually important.
- Talking with Innoxius about how terrifying adventurers are.
- Innoxius' first ritual-casting.
- Being collected by the Keepers.
- Helping to take down the Dryad pantherghast. We have so many Dryads.
- Courtney's crafting/mushroom mod! Although Negora didn't have much to do with the crafting part, I had fun with the dexterity aspect.
-- VonGryphon assigning me the task of "Bus Driver" for the rescue mission
-- Realizing why everyone says "Nope" to spiders (they're more terrifying than dragons!)
-- Hanging out with Keladry all weekend, and being told on multiple occasions that I was a bad person (but she still never left, so I must be doing something right)
-- Baeleon's contributions to the most important Dryad question ever!
-- All the other Dryads being unwilling to contribute to the most important Dryad question ever!
-- Beryl informing me that I wasn't allowed to bang his sisters, leading to a conversation with Beryl's sister about Beryl's relationship with a MWE and how a "good friend of mine" could screw with it
-- The late night mods with soldier Fredrick (Thanks for running stuff that late, normally Saturday night after the town mod is boring, and you made it fun)
-- Hunting Troglodytes because there was a rumor they were crafting magic amulets, and finding out it was Troglodytes just playing the dumbest game ever ("It's your turn to be the bear, now do a bear dance!")
I know its a good event when I know Ill miss a favorite

-Beryl Is a wonderfully expressive individual like Ragnarok and it makes me giddy to find differences besides the obvious between the two.
-"Those panther g...." "They're called PGs!"
-Blowing up said Panther Ghasts with all my Ice activation
-Locke and Roy with the clutch entrance to the fight and immediate gypsy battle formation
-Beryls rambling lesson on magics.... over..... and over
-Arks fury over the panther ghast. diediedie, heal, WHERE IS YOUR MASTER, diediedie.
-Annoying midnight gopherkyn is annoying.
-You're AAALLLLL necromancers!
-The Student of Magic Golem Mod was interesting, and over all simply a well run mod.
-Intense shouts of rage and gypsy curses across the battle field Saturday night.
-Holy buttocks all the Chairs businesses. Its too much to all write out but oh my gosh has it been exciting.

Great great great game. So excited to see the plot team grow.
This weekend was another wonderful success! Thank you Dave, Plot Team, and all the lovely NPCs who made this all happen. I also want to give a shout out to Mama Bird and her helpers for making us delicious food.

Here are a few things that stood out in my mind. (That I can remember)
-Seeing old friends. Nice to have you back Courtney and Dan!
-Roderick being a good sport as I wiped feces on him, while he was first aiding Ark.
-Shadows light mini mod. (Thank you Dan and Carly)
-Harnessing my inner Hengin with a dagger, and Baeleon correcting my call " Asura its 1 Normal"
-Casting a fairly large ritual. I don't cast too many of them, so it was nice to cast one. Hopeful I did well.
-Catching a Shatter Spirit packet with my bare hand, that doesn't happen often.
-Stupid spiders!

Again Thank you all for a wonderful weekend.
I hope to see you all soon!
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