I'll start. 
First off, I want to THANK all of our wonderful NPC's for helping making this a fun Event. It couldn't be done without you!!!
Despite my (obviously?) not looking so to several individuals who were so very nice and coming over checking on me, and my sincere apologies for my (many, Many?) misunderstandings since I am still getting used to my new digital hearing aids, but I *did have* an enjoyable the event!
{The other favorites in no particular order}
* Giving Taz the opportunity to say on the first day of the event, "You want to me to do nothing, Riiight?" While regarding a nearby body.
* "Do you think you've done enough damage today?"
* Observing (and enjoying) Ryan cutting it up during one tavern mod.
* Beryl's & Blue Wolf's singing Ritual.
* Gertie losing her temper in Sign!
* Iganeous asking me what I was doing, to which I replied, "Oh, just having fun observing.", prompting a random NPC who was walking by the table in front of us to suddenly stop & comically ask "What?!?"
* Observing Tony spontaneously breaking into a smile during one of the tavern mods when I'm sure he was trying to stay serious.
* Enjoying Locke's sign language classes and related fun.
* I'm going to have a long, hard time unremembering not to call Blue Wolf "Ritual-o-Matic" after overhearing it said as one player (sorry, I can't remember who) said it as they were maneuvering between me and the circle during one of Blue Wolf's rituals.
* A Big bad?:"I'm not going to have any trouble outta you, am I?", Me {while reaching into my bag}:"I can try...", A Big bad? {wagging finger}:"Hey... hey... Stop that!"
* Observing yet more Sleeping Zihr antics.
* Me:"You're here to kill me, right?", NPC(thoughtfully considers for a moment):"Emm... No." then charges after another pc in the tavern.
* The times Locke wagged her finger.
{and my last favorite}
* Our wonderful new Chapter Owners. Hear, hear and Thank You!!!

First off, I want to THANK all of our wonderful NPC's for helping making this a fun Event. It couldn't be done without you!!!
Despite my (obviously?) not looking so to several individuals who were so very nice and coming over checking on me, and my sincere apologies for my (many, Many?) misunderstandings since I am still getting used to my new digital hearing aids, but I *did have* an enjoyable the event!
{The other favorites in no particular order}
* Giving Taz the opportunity to say on the first day of the event, "You want to me to do nothing, Riiight?" While regarding a nearby body.
* "Do you think you've done enough damage today?"
* Observing (and enjoying) Ryan cutting it up during one tavern mod.
* Beryl's & Blue Wolf's singing Ritual.
* Gertie losing her temper in Sign!
* Iganeous asking me what I was doing, to which I replied, "Oh, just having fun observing.", prompting a random NPC who was walking by the table in front of us to suddenly stop & comically ask "What?!?"
* Observing Tony spontaneously breaking into a smile during one of the tavern mods when I'm sure he was trying to stay serious.
* Enjoying Locke's sign language classes and related fun.
* I'm going to have a long, hard time unremembering not to call Blue Wolf "Ritual-o-Matic" after overhearing it said as one player (sorry, I can't remember who) said it as they were maneuvering between me and the circle during one of Blue Wolf's rituals.
* A Big bad?:"I'm not going to have any trouble outta you, am I?", Me {while reaching into my bag}:"I can try...", A Big bad? {wagging finger}:"Hey... hey... Stop that!"
* Observing yet more Sleeping Zihr antics.
* Me:"You're here to kill me, right?", NPC(thoughtfully considers for a moment):"Emm... No." then charges after another pc in the tavern.
* The times Locke wagged her finger.

{and my last favorite}
* Our wonderful new Chapter Owners. Hear, hear and Thank You!!!
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