April One Day


Excellent start to the season.

Great site, great job by plot/npcs/tavern.

While Ahlana may hate your plot, Anique would like to recognize you for doing an outstanding job with it.

To the PCs...wow. I have not felt this sort of community and teamwork in ages. Kudos. We had a couple of new players, and a rather large number of new(er) characters. Everyone seemed really good about crossing group lines and inviting others and unknowns to join them.

Special shout out to Jack Sticks (i don't know his real name). You sir, are awesomesauce. Keep coming back and entertaining me :p

Favorites? Yeah I guess I can post those as well.

Kestril. Not only do I love that she has us writing books...I don't know if anyone else noticed...but she even ate like a bird. Great job Bridget.

My pet orc. <3 you Kai

Discussing Biatas and prisons and genocide with Garoth and Lydia.

Jacks juggling.

Having a "debate" with Lydia about TadRons wives.

Jacks distraction.

I think the Countess and I will get along well, although she wasn't there terribly long.

Duke Clous is an ***. Or maybe he is just too good to talk to me :p

Scouting with Elle. So...when are we going to the plane of pleasure dear?

Spending TadRons Gold. Just cause that's always fun!
love the site.even closer to where i live.

the event was intreating would like to have seen a game of dragon poker start up but that will come.

can't wait for the first weekend event there it is going to be sweet.

hope to see some traps and locks at the next event :)

had fun meeting everyone on the PC side of the game for the first time need to develop my character more but had fun.
Fantastic job by the entire NPC crew. Special shout out to Joe for being a mind reader.

Favorite moments, Mixing up red-shirt metaphors has to top the list

Helping out Cyprus and learning new tricks

Both auctions were fun not to mention being recruited is always an ego boost

Finding out that Alchemy's limits may be expanded upon

Side-note, all the NPC roles were memorable and usually caused a gut reaction to like/dislike. Great job plot I can't wait

Derek AKA Mathew "Rook" Dolloway

P.S. Why do people keep thinking I am this dirtnap fellow?
Thank you for responding, keep this post going.

Hanging out with Ele and Lidia is always interesting and fun.
Hunting Voids and finding a way to close the portal. (why is there never a celestrial caster around when I need one).
Having a meal on a real plate, with real utensils at an event, I really like this new camp.
New faces, always fun to see new people enjoying the game.
The bouncing bird lady, at least that what she looked like when she came around the Nobles.
The Arcons, I will give you what you want, but your friends will die for going home, lol what a decision, can not wait to kick some reaper !@#.

first Jack's OOG name is Trevor and he's a lot like that in real life

second my favorite part had to be the rousing game of charades

I'm looking forward to this season keep up the good work
From the NPC side...
I had a lot of fun NPCing for all of you, even the re-poping void creatures. I was very happy that people wanted to talk to my characters, and apparently liked them :) I loved being slowly chased around a table by Kai as Kestral. I definitely had the most fun playing her. I'm sure I will feel the same about the countess and other NPCs at other events.

Anique, I'm so excited you noticed Kestral's nuances. A goal of mine this season is to have all of my recurring NPCs to really be different, not just Brigit dressed in different clothes. Having players notice and appreciate that goes a long way.

Thank you all for making it fun for the NPCs too. Looking forward to the next event (in two weeks, YIKES!)

Thanks to everyone who came out for the season primer. I hope we can continue the excitement, and tough decisions through the upcoming events.

I really liked playing ogres for the vanguard, and talking with everyone as Altavius. It's so refreshing to play someone whose ultererior motives are right out there in the open.

Big thanks to Thetford and Dave for finding us a new camp. There are a lot of new policies and fun additions coming out so stay tuned. A lot of it is happening IG, so don't expect an announcement post of "Here's the new stuff you can do with blacksmithing" Talk to people, go find out.

The new camp is bangin' Multiple buildings, faciliaties and woods. It'll take a us, npcs, a little time to find all the cool mod spots, but even now it's going to be awesome. Let's be good guests and repsect the camps frustratingly strict policies on things.

OMG food! Real kitchen with like forks and stuff. Amy has always put out great stuff cooking out of the back of her van, come check out what she can make with electricity and multiple ovens. Those peanut butter chocolate cup things? fantastic.

See everyone in two weeks. Heh Heh.

(Disclaimer I am not the donations guy, just an NPC)

Oh lastly donate stuff. I don't know how much of monster camp we brought to the one day, but the make-up could defiantely use an upgrade. Cake makeup, not grease. Please please get good makeup, getting the leftover halloween makeup from the bargain bin at walkmart, 7 colors for $2 is not really what makes for a good game. NPC's want to be able to change make-up quickly, and look awesome. The better makeup we have the cooler the game looks. Makeup brushes as well. those are needed.

Oh and packets. Unless you love spellstrikes, donate some packets

NPC dude.
It was really great to see everyone. The season has officially begun, and there are a lot of great things to come.

As it so happens I am the donations guy and I agree completely with Joe. We need good makeup and spell packets. We are also in need of good solid weapon phys reps. This is an easy way to earn gobbies.

I really love the new site, and hope to utilize it to its fullest potential.

See you all at the next event!
It was a great start to hopefully an awesome season :)

Some of my highlights was running away from the dark fae and getting cursed.

While being deaf and mute watching Jack juggling entertained me.

The Food.

Learning how rusty our group was at fighting from fighting the ogres, and the failed attempts at waylaying haha

Having someone back us in the auction and needing our help, made our group feel wanted :)

Did I mention the Food.

Watching Bridgette scoot away from Ki because she was afraid she was going to eat her when she played the biata (forgot the name).

Great thanks to all the pc's and npc's alike for making a wonderful event.