April Opener 2019 Favorites!


Chicago Staff
Despite a weird setup, still a lot of fun was had! You know the drill!

-The human bomb mod was surprising, interesting, and a ton of fun.
-Loved seeing all the new faces. Can't wait to see you all again.
-While it ended up getting rough by the end of the fight, the snow fall made the ending fight feel way more epic.
-J'Rajj and Sam ticking off the Cursed Sarr with our reavers. Also Iggy RPing the Sarr into self doubt was fantastic.
-Valentino bursting into the tavern looking for a Company member to handle "contract stuff"
-Also Valentino's refusal to let Iggy have a duel with one of the crunchies.
-Finding a random box on the side of the road, dealing with it like a swat team bomb squad for 10 minutes, bringing it back to the tavern, only to have Aramis tell me it was girl scout rock sample cache and not in game.
-Naming Emma's weapon, Economy+
-RPing with NPC Emma in MC at 4am trying to get a Fae Queen infused with the mantle of secrets to affirm ANYTHING. It took roughly an hour and it drew spectators.
-I was nervous for the first round of trying 2.0, but felt way better after the first fight. 1.3 is dead, long live 2.0!
So many memories both in game and out where to start... I already made a separate post about how blown away I was with the hospitality shown but this transferred over to in game as well. I had put off coming to wayside because I heard there was a lot of PvP and as a less developed character this scared me away from you guys for a while. It was so far from that i dont know where that started.
In game faves now
Valentino saying something and myself giving him a great bass one chuckle laugh. And making Valention crack up from it.
That Cursed Sarr claw phys rep was amazing.
trying to stop and just eating it in the last battle and creating a good sized creator.
Everything after the even and hanging out with the guys and gal in the company....I will never forget Malort.
Super busy in the kitchen this weekend so I only got to go on a few mods, but the ones I went on were really fun. Thanks to our plot team and players (new and old) for making this a wonderful event. In no particular order:
*Getting dragged into a puzzle mod while on a morning walk
*Searching for a slaver in the woods and jumping at every shadow and noise
*The old Ogre and the accompanying stealth mod, PEACH ROCK
*Doing portal puzzles at 4:30 in the morning while alone and cooking in the kitchen
*And of course just 2.0 in general!
Arm wrestling with Grimshaw
Battle field fighting with shouts to the other group via Peter
Amazing Tea
Great cooking from the Company
Getting my fortune from Mila
Bruisey the High Orc with a dental plan
teasing Fredrick about shirt color
I always struggle to post my favorites as the event usually has too many for me to really count and its hard to only call out a few of them. But let me say....

2.0 was awesome and I loved how clean everyone played in spite of it being super new. Everyone worked thru it together.

A few of the best moments though...
  • J'rajj beating Yurst in a duel -super clean and super smart fighting
  • As a ratling negotiating for an embarassing Vornae apology and a tone of sugar
  • The looks on everyones faces as they became embroiled in the well/wife/bomb
  • The rp of dealing with necro farmers
  • Love how much folks hate the founder and how oblivious he is too it
  • Loved playing the "late night doom thief" I was literally grabbing everything not tied down and folks were just like nope nope nope
  • And for me the best moment was Elle and Frederick turning a certain rez into we are spirit fare welling a dead catalyst troll and getting his cousin an apology....
See you all in a few weeks!
- Man that duel with yurst (rob) was well fought but hard. I used up almost all of my card on that fight. But careful planning and smart fighting prevailed.
- Fighting the corrupted sarr in the snow, and being the trifecta of sarr aggro as I get chased with an obliterate.
- napping in that chair outside the tavern. "I'm probably going to get snuck up on by monsters if I sleep out here...whatever I have dodges"
but the most fun I had I think were the non-combat mods
- The stealth peach rock mod was great
- and immediately returning from peach rock the well/lady bomb mod was great too. J'rajj got to pick locks, sam got to disarm traps, and valentino did emergency surgery. its always great when more than one person gets to play a critical role in a mod.
My favorite part of the event was getting to play my PC again. It was very refreshing and largely relaxing.

Past that, getting heckled by the Gryphan Gaurd.

Talking to the Founder.

Dipping my toe into trippy planar magic.

Calming down a troll, no way that would have ended any other way then the circle.
In no specific order

-Elle coming in yelling Corbell did you kill a troll?
- Willow RP with Jessica.
- zombie farmers
- watching Binks catch Vanya before she fell off a cliff.
- thanks NPC,'s you all were amazing
- all the new players
- loved the cabins at this site.
- 2.0 rules
- Plot condensing two days of activity into one in a well-paced manner
- Wayside's enthusiastic RP and improv abilities, both among the PCs and NPCs
- The Company's food
- Being made to feel incredibly welcome both IG and OOG, meeting lots of cool folx, and getting reacquainted with Chicago friends I hadn't seen since 2017 SoMN castle event
- Too many nice little IG moments to mention
- My first words on Sunday being, "my mouth tastes like gasoline and regret." Thanks, Company.

Thanks to everyone for a lovely event, I'll gladly be roadtripping again to Wayside in the future!
- Wait that box we found was not even in game?!?! That is fantastic!