April pre-registration

Dave D - paid and pre-logisted to play Stephano Hallik
Ash Forest would like Phoenix cabin and should have the preregges in soon: me, Jordan Krebs, Gabe Obermayer, Bobby Stoel, and Albert Lamonda

Robert Stoel to play Hal. We would like to have the Phoenix cabin, por favor.
So hyped.. I have it on good authority we just got some crazy fun npcs who are taking advantage of the dragon stamp promotion. James , you guys will have a blast. Reminder opening ceremonies are at 9
It's a late add, but I just paid to play Roon Polybius Dexter for this event.

On a side note, does anyone have floor space that I can sleep on?
Susie and I will be playing Kialda Loa and Ketemycos Sunwald, respectively! We'll be in Gargoyle cabin with Corrheim per usual.
Dave D, Alex G, Jessie B, and Sean Chase for Gryphon cabin please

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John Perkins (Altohtaro) and Lauren Keener (Faelwen) to PC!
Pre-logisted, yearly membership, and event fees paid!! ^.^
I have two friends who are coming to NPC. Alex Kracht and Keenan Taylor.