PASS ARC Proposal: 2.1 Ritual Update: Monster Slayer


Alliance General Manager
New Hampshire Staff
Proposed by ARC 5-17-23

Summary: With the 1.3-->2.0 change Monster Slayer saw a significant reduction in both utility and the need to be cast, resulting in a ritual that was nearly exclusively used to combat the "Monster of the Month" regardless of any special plot requirements for its death. ARC feels that while overall the ritual is not imbalanced, its ability to be spellcrafted results in an unneeded impediment to the creativity of Plot teams and would like to remove Spellcrafting as an option for this ritual.

Vote: Rules Proposal from ARC for 2.1 [PASS]
The following chapters voted for this policy: NEPA, Atlanta, New Hampshire, Gettysburg
The following chapters voted against this policy: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Denver, Chicago

Synopsis of Conversations: The conversations around this proposal mainly focused on the ritual being underpowered, with requests for it to be overhauled in a future ritual update.

The new text for Monster Slayer will read as:

Monster Slayer​

Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:True
Duration:20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Weapon]
Ritual Choice:Monster Creature Type
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:False
Role Play Only:False

The Monster Slayer Ritual enchants a Target Weapon allowing the wielder to greatly affect a chosen monstrous creature type. The wielder of the Target Weapon may, after completing a Killing Blow, announce the Chosen Ritual Effect (for example, "Killing Blow 1, Killing Blow 2, Killing Blow 3, Undead Slayer"). If the downed creature’s type matches the announced Ritual Effect, it may not call "No Effect" to this Killing Blow no matter its normal immunities or vulnerabilities.

Additionally, if a downed creature receives a Life spell after enduring a Monster Slayer enchanted Killing Blow, the creature will be in intense physical and emotional pain for some time. Similarly, if the creature instead resurrects or regenerates from a Spirit Bottle (See Curse of Undeath or Controled Spirit Store Rituals), their resurrection will be roiled and tumultuous, reflecting powerful magics attempting to disrupt the resurrection. Both of these Effects may be refused on the same grounds as Mental Abilities if the player chooses to do so.

Valid monster creature type Choices: Animal, Construct, Cursed, Dragon, Elemental, Extraplanar Creature, Fey, Goblinoid, Humanoid, Insect, Magical Creature, Lupoid, Ogroid, Plant, Reptoid, Trolloid, Undead.

This Ritual requires 4 Reagents to cast as listed on the scroll.


This Ritual can not be Spellcrafted.