Are They back Yet?



Those creatures that flew south over the weekend. I think it was a group of NAS, incuding some big birds called Staff.

They write of parties and fun. While we the small ones stay here ,think of moving parties etc. Hope that went well for you, Wish we could have been there.

Ok to those creatures who want to now sleep until the next event, We the alive and awake welcome you back.
Are they back? I haven't noticed any of them logging in on any of the various messengers I run...
Coming Home

Val said:
Those creatures that flew south over the weekend. I think it was a group of NAS, incuding some big birds called Staff.

They write of parties and fun. While we the small ones stay here ,think of moving parties etc. Hope that went well for you, Wish we could have been there.

Ok to those creatures who want to now sleep until the next event, We the alive and awake welcome you back.

We're slowly and tiredly trickling our way back home. Most of us will be back by tonight (atleast with the Seattle people) and all should be home by tomorrow night if not earlier. I just walked in the door, maybe an hour, hour in a half ago.
Cassandra said:
We're slowly and tiredly trickling our way back home. Most of us will be back by tonight (atleast with the Seattle people) and all should be home by tomorrow night if not earlier. I just walked in the door, maybe an hour, hour in a half ago.

Dan, Joyce, Phil and I are home... Bond and Shane should be too...

Now, I will do some quick catching up, shower and sleep....
Wow we didnt loose anyone?
welcome home............................

Ready for this weekend?
Val said:
Wow we didnt loose anyone?
welcome home............................

Ready for this weekend?

i am so ready! and by the time i get to the event.... i will be DONE with my frosh. year of college! i can't wait to see eveyone!!!
Val said:
Wow we didnt loose anyone?
welcome home............................

Ready for this weekend?

Well, I can't speak on behalf of the rest of them, but I know I got off the airplane and went from BayCon mode to being excited for the event mode.
Ok Cassandra, But you have the blood in your veins.
Eat think and live Nero......Right?
OK not every one got back last night I was there until now.... I see I'm love noone care....... but left one there....
You were are secret strategy you see we love and missed you, but we knew when you would be home. I guess we could have considered you lost.
Buried in the ruiens of Bay Con.
Welcome back Brandy....... YOu were missed. By the way, we never hear from you on hte first day after the event so we put you as sleeping ZZZZZZZZZZ.

Now are they all accounted for??????