Ark has a point, and this is MY first step.


First of all, Cesse I want you to pay attention to this, your mommies will be able to tell you how this applies to always trying to do good, especially when you realized that you may have made a mistake that need correcting.

This is to all those who fought the maddened axeman in the shadow plane,
I have some items that were taken at that time. Bart and I went to identify them, and decided to figure out the best place for them to be the next day. However we never got around to it, and I have had them sitting in the chapter house of the Order ever since. So I would like help figuring out who was there and fought him off, not those that cowered in fear as he stormed in, but those who helped.

I know of these:
Garmok Stoneskull

Please help me find the others, and don't lay claim to these items if they are not yours to lay claim to. If no one else of the group of friends that travels with Bart and Jehan were there at that fight I would ask that one of you help me figure this out as their representative. I fought with myself over what to do with these, and to be honest I was very close to outright keeping them and cheating others by doing so, however I know that this is not right. So I am trying to fix a grievous mistake that I almost made. This is not how I wish to conduct myself, or to ever be accused of conducting myself. I thank you all for the help that you will surely provide.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist
I tink dat Kalin and Cerria also fought bravely dat day. Elysia also tried with bart and I ta trick da creature and gave up much of her time and resources ta it.

I dont remember da others.

From outside wayside
I stood wit' Millie, Duriadel, and Sae Azaka dhat night. Duriadel used all he had in scrolls fighting dhe creature. Let us nye forget dhe Light Lady whose sacrifice should be nye forgot.

Marcey I think that you are thinking of a different beast. I speak of the maddened axeman who attacked a cabin late in the night. Indeed there was a great battle later on in that market day, however this is a separate occurrence where many where sleeping if I remember correctly. I thank you for your help though, it is much appreciated.

I believe I heard my name mentioned through the mists...


If you are in trouble, you only need to send a pidgeon and I will assist you...

If the plane of shadow has once again encroached upon Wayside I would like to find out why it has again done so.

Kind Regards,

That would be him, Marcena :D
*quizical* if you kill something you get its loot?

Whats loot?

I can do what I want with treasure... ok *happy*

Just don't become obsessed with treasure as the manner of some is. While treasure is nice there are more important things in this life.

Love is dhe mos' important t'ing. If everyt'ing you do is out of love for people dhen dhat makes dhe vorld a better place to be. ^_^
Cesse, Loot is used to refer to the items that someone has on them when they are killed. It is SOMETIMES ok to take these items and put them to use protecting those that you love and those that are in need of protection. But that is not always the case, Loot are the possessions of others, and if that person will still need them in the future it is not right to take them without consent.

These axes for example, they belonged to a man, who was driven insane by a mask that was on his head. The mask caused him immense, unyielding fear. He attacked us, thinking that we were undead creatures wishing to do him harm...this is what the fear in the mask had done to him. We attempted to removed the mask and ease his suffering, however we could not find a way to stop the insanity. We killed him to let his suffering stop, he no longer walks the world in constant pain and fear. He is at rest. Now, there was then the few possessions that he had that were left behind, the mask, and two magical axes. The mask was destroyed, because it only served to cause fear to any that touched it. The axes were taken and Identified, and we found that they were magical and could harm undead in different ways.

This is where the whole lesson comes in, I took the axes until a time that we could get together and figure out who would best use them. I had them for quite some time, and missed some opportunities to give them out. Which was wrong of me. So now I am making it very public that I am looking for the names of the people that were there so that this mans possessions can be given to others to help protect and aid now that he no longer needs them. So that noone needs to fall into the insanity that he was trapped in.

Loot is not just treasure, its possessions. And so that is why it is not always right to just take what you find off of someone who is injured, dead, or unable to express there opinion of you taking it. Keep that in mind. Yes it is nice to find things off of things that attack you, but you need to make sure that it is not still needed, because it was theirs before it was yours.

About sharing your treasure. Sharing is a very good thing, it helps other people out in life and will even sometimes make you feel really good about yourself! But you do not always need to share, it is ok to have your own special things. Share with those that you think could be most helped by it, but keep in mind that sometimes you need to keep things to help yourself! If you give everything away, then you can't possibly survive on your own. Its a balance, always remember that Cesse. Balance in all things dear :D

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
*saddened voice* Afraid so, ma petite, dhere was no ot'er way. Somet'imes, vhen one is attacked, dhere is no ot'er vay.

Vhat I mean to say is, killing is an awful, awful t'ing. If killing can at all be avoided, even vhen somet'ing is attacking, by all means, avoid it. Dhis is nye true wit' undead or elemental varieties. Dhey mus' be killed.

Unfortunately, dhough, vhen madness overtakes an individual and dhey attack someone who is good wit' dhe intent to kill, dhey must be dispatched and sometimes dhey can nye be helped.

I hope dhis helps you understand.
