Ark has a point, and this is MY first step.

Cesse, Like I said, we did not kill him out right. He was stricken with unimaginable fear, and so we tried to break him of it, removing the mask only help so much. His very mind had been corrupt by the fear that the mask held, so even after trying very hard to help him see the world as it truly was, he still only saw fear, undead, and those wanting to harm him. As Marcena said, it is best to avoid killing in most situations, but this was a case where we were forced to ask ourselves if we should let him live, in fear and the turmoil of his own mind...or if it was best to let him leave this world and find peace at last.

Like most things that I have told you Cesse, the world is complicated is ways that you can only know though experiencing...and there is always a balance to be had. Remember that Cesse.

Until I can teach you in person Cesse, stay warm and safe in your mommies care.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
is this one of those situations where your judgement is always best?

I thought it was always wrong to kill... when is it ok? when something is in pain? hurt? mean? bad?
That is a question that I will leave for your mom's to answer more in depth. We can never truly know if our judgment is best, we can only strive to do what we think is best for the people involved. To answer a little of your question I will tell you this, we killed him in as a last effort to rid him of the pain and insanity of fear that controlled his mind. Was it the right thing to do? I do not know, I can only hope that my judgment and reasoning was sound. I will never know if what we did was truly right, unless I meet that masked man someday and am able to ask him myself. Ask Elysia more about your question, she is very wise.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
I would like to inform everyone that a resolution has been found for these items, assuming that the individuals listed above would agree to it.

I have given the Axes to Garmok in agreement that they shall be under the protection of Lifestorm, and readily accessible to anyone that needs them. I spoke with Garmok about this, and seeing how Wolfram was able to utilize one of them to great effect this past market day made me wish to continue this pattern.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
Kevar said:
I would like to inform everyone that a resolution has been found for these items, assuming that the individuals listed above would agree to it.

I have given the Axes to Garmok in agreement that they shall be under the protection of Lifestorm, and readily accessible to anyone that needs them. I spoke with Garmok about this, and seeing how Wolfram was able to utilize one of them to great effect this past market day made me wish to continue this pattern.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist.


Da axes will be floatin' between da guildhouse an' my new place, so they're protected.


I find this very exceptible indeed. Thankyou for speaking with me and getting the issue resolved fast. You and I are bonded now and need to be at peace with one another so that diseaster might not be in the future.
