armor and spell book


Rain need heavy armor, 35 stones. Also spell book to study spells from. Please let Rain know if you can help.

I have a suit of armour that heavy, if you wish it, although I have no book that I think you would wish to study from. I should be returning to Andar within a week or two. I'll seek you out then and we can discuss a price.

If it is Earth magic you need a book for, I'll share mine with you, as long as you don't plan on doing something as foul as necromancy. And as long as you're nice. And you won't try to have someone steal it. Because this is my moooost prized possession, because you see, it was a gift to me and has all sorts of sentimental value!

Just seek me out, and I am Zeth and it is nice to mee...oh..uh...dream with you!

Oh, but if you're looking to buy one, I do not have one for sale.