Armor Questions


I'm working on making some leather bracers. Are there any guidelines or rules I need to follow? I have a bunch of small, oddly shaped pieces of leather so I'm doing a patchwork/quilted kind of thing. Is that going to be ok as long as it's all leather? Will I get the armor points or whatever that's called? Or should I expect them to be just for looks? I can post a picture if that would make it easier to answer. I'm very new to all of this, so I want to be sure I get things right.
just double checked the rule book. you should get at least one point of armor from what you described. If the leather is 10 oz or thicker it's worth 2 points. I remember a rule about combining thinner leather to make it 10 oz but i cant find it.
The armor rules are laughably bad.
Ultimately you should have a staff member take a look at armor and tell you what it's worth. Often times staff members are pretty friendly about it because armor rules are so bad.
Ok. I'll plan on doing that. I was pretty much already planning on it anyway.