
I've come to the last few events and only recently PCed and I was wondering if anybody had some tips or ideas on how to get armor on a budget. And by budget I pretty much mean what you can find around the house because right now I'm still trying to figure out how to pay my event fee (don't worry Dave I'll have it somehow). Everyone I see has really awesome stuff so I really don't want to ruin the whole feel by coming in with duct tape and cardboard (unless I can find a way to cover them so they look like something else). So any tips or hints would be much appreciated!
good luck, honestly even if you buy the materials and spend the time to make armor yourself. It still isn't cheep. Unfortunately that is one of the OOG draw backs of the way our system works. Some aspects of a character, such as good armor require noticeable OOG funds.

That said, maybe someone else has a wonder deal out there, but I've tried to do the same (college student) and even the cheapest I've been able to put things together for hasn't been cheep. :? Sorry, wish I could say better...
Yeah I know but I made a Vambrace out of newspaper cardboard and duct tape and I think if I could cover it with cloth or something I could get a leather or at least heavy cloth rating for using it.
Heavy cloth would be what we'd give you most likely.
Yea, honestly this isn't really usually the cardboard/duct tape armor kinda game...

On that note though, one thing that will give you 1 pt. per location minimum armor that isn't too expensive that you can sew is vynl. Especially if you sew some scales or whatever to make it look good it can be pretty decent actually. Its about 10$ a yard for good quality stuff at Joanns. So you might try that.
indeed, from one who worked there, you should even be able to pick it up as you walk in the store. :)
Thanks for the suggestions, I think my mom might have some vinyl I could use
Alright I'm hoping to buy some Leather armor before next season. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on any people or websites that would be worth checking.
Check with Josh.
He makes leather armor if i remember.
Alan Weier
I am a very strong supporter of the type of armor that I wear on Hengin (and was worn on runir, and breck, and Kevar, and....yeah >.> utila-armor)

Anyways, it is a simple cloth armor that is studded with Quick Rivets and washers. It looks good, give 2pt per location where there are studs and 1pt where it is just cloth.

Just throwing in my 2 cents.
Ravens Wood Leather if your willing to spend the cash.

I bought bracers from them 2 years ago for $50 that I will probably use on every character I want to wear armor/bracers for. Cause they are awesome and will probably last forever. :)

So yea, google that and you can at least look at their stuff.
I don't really want to make my own Leather armor I don't have the tools to do a good job and can't afford them, So I think this is what I'm going to do: With some help from Brent I'll make my own studded Heavy cloth armor, and for christmas get leather Bracers and Greaves. Then I should have decent armor classing for a Scout.
pssst, pssst! play a turtlekyn and I'll loan you my custom plate armor....36 armor rating, you know you wants it (with bracers and greaves... its a specific look so turtles or maybe, MAYBE some kind of lizard-kyn)
no no! believe me you want your own stuff... Dave's armor says "plz rez me" on the back... :eek:

In all seriousness Durl does have some pretty sweet armor.
Well, it IS built for a turtle man.
doesn't change the fact that it says "plz rez me" on the back... ;)
sorry Dave the general census is: No turtle armor from Dave. Thanks for the offer thought!