Assault Started - Node on the Eastern Border of Boemae, Success


Started by <Vrek Mistral>

Stage - Successful

Troops included
Boemae Regulars
Sarr "Skirmishers"
Dwarven Mercenaries
Last edited:
Socora, Roff, and Griffon,

Wish us luck, we attack at dawn.

-Minister feathers
Strength and Honor
May the Griffons of Bomae foresee your victory...and lend aid when needed.

Walk with Honor,
Sir Victor von Gryphon
Knight of the Stayed Blade
It's over,

The energy source is down, someone tell Socora I'll need a place to stay...again

-Vrek Mistral
Well done!

Lord Asher
Excellent news!
Know that you stand as heroes of the Sheltered Lands and are always welcome in Horizon.

Walk with Honor,
~Sir Victor von Gryphon
Knight of the Stayed Blade