At Work...Bored...and ROFL


So I was sitting at lunch with my colleagues in the office. We were talking about a book that one of us was reading which started a huge discussion between all the younger members of the staff about "geek" stuff. Kevin commented serious and joking, how it would be so cool if some of the fantasy world came to life. So -- me in my "ooh I must share" enthusiam said "Do you know about LARP'ing?" He's like, I explained and gave him the Alliance LARP website. We all went back to work and I was in the middle of a call with someone from the Governors office when I hear Kevin exclaim, "This is SO COOL!" I turned around to see he had pulled up the pictures pages.

So...I might have recruited a new player. Who would have thought that boredom around the lunchroom would be productive?

**note: this could be funnier because i see this individual in a suit and tie everyday and had no idea about his out-of-office geekdom**
I took my rulebook to work to read on my lunch. Got asked alot of questions, and told I was going to hell by some. :lol: I take my rulebook to work still from time to time, but I think I'm work with ppl from different worlds. :(
So.. I work at a Dry Cleaners... and tend to ask anyone who brings in any sort of 'costuming' in what they are wearing it for-which then will lead to a 'Do you LARP?'. Sadly, with the exception of a Creepy old man who liked a chainmail bracelet I used to wear, no one has a clue.. or will admit they know what I'm talking about. Oh well-Good times. :oops:
I ask friends if they know about it when they inquire about why I go away for a weekend and no one can get ahold of me.Usaly their just like whatever but a few get really interested and some have even come along.I think I've brought along something 3 or 4 people in only like 6 months of LARPing.Though that number might jump to about 10 couse I'm in a new school and all my friends are really open to new stuff and would proablly tag along if I talked them into it.
I emailed the website to lots of people at my office because they ask me where I'm going for this "Acting Camp" for the weekend. I showed one guy the pictures and he said "wow jena you're out there. My idea of camping is a 5th wheel and some beers" so i said "wow steve...YOU'RE OUT THERE" hahahahah
I'm pretty sure NO ONE is going to hell for LARPing. LARPing doesn't send you to hell. Handbaskets on the other hand....

Khaadijah said:
So...I might have recruited a new player. Who would have thought that boredom around the lunchroom would be productive?

**note: this could be funnier because i see this individual in a suit and tie everyday and had no idea about his out-of-office geekdom**

So, a new crewman for Parduc then? As long as he doesn't play one of those black panthers....well, the cougars are almost as bad. ;)
He probably won't be playing a Gorbe, he's really slight and might break easily (though he's not as thin as Dave, you can see Kevin when he turns sideways). So I thought he would make a perfect elf. Unless we're talking to members of the public he's got too much visual emotion to play a stone elf...though...if you get him in a press conference or on the phones and he's as cool as...well...stone.

LOL, anyway. Again, sneaking on this board...watching for my boss to walk by the office door - yay for boredom!...I should probably start doing that legislation report Oops.
Sometimes when people ask what I'm doing when I go to events, I tell them it's like a combination of a renaissance faire and a paintball game that lasts all week-end..... except instead of shooting paintball guns, we whack each other with fake swords.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Yeah-I basically say it's like the Renn Fest, but you get to be involved-and there's no horses, at least where I've played. Then I follow it with it's F-in Awesome and mind expanding. No one I talk to about it wants to go tho.. I'm not entirely convinced that's a bad thing tho. lol :mrgreen:
Heh, Everytime I get back from an event I create an Email that I send to people who are 'thinking' about coming out 'someday' All I gotta do is hook one of them in once and I'm golden.

I'll say this, I've never had to Convince anyone to come more than once...all it takes is a taste and I can't keep em away. :mrgreen:
Well, saying it's a 'Good Time' is an understatement. lol
yesterday i had to do some shopping while running errands for my office. there is a hardware store in town that sells 5/8" insulation tubes and gorilla tape so i come back to work with some insulation and duct tape and stuff and everyone is like "oh working on your house?" i'm like "uhh no i rent"
co-workers "so whats all this stuff for?"
me "swords and claws"
co-workers "oh .........okay"

the end.

its the look on their faces that is priceless....i can't post it here !
It's so amusing to see the look on ppl's faces when you tell them about it
Once I had to be picked up from school to go to an event. So I packed all of my LARPing stuff and took it to school in my backpack. Well I play an alchemist and accidentally left one of the side pouches on my backpack unzipped so a bunch of little orange packets fell out during my Drama as lit class. The girl sitting next to me picks one of them up and asks "What are these?" I say that they are representatives of little grenades that release gasses that have different effects on an individual that they're thrown at. She gave me the cocked eyebrow. A friend of mine that sat next to me (that I had told all about Alliance) grabbed one and chucked it at me to signify an effect; "Nausea gas poison!" so I start acting out the effect. I chuck one back at him; "Vertigo gas poison!" and he starts acting out the effect. It spread all over our corner of the room and people were asking me where i play and et cetera....I'm bringing a few of them to my home chapter this season! :D