Attention, Attention


This letter appears on trees and in taverns all in the course of one night, It is also broadcast via the dreamrealms.

Attention, Attention

Hear the Official Words of The Solar's Guild of Wayside

In recent days the celestial guild of our faire kingdom has worked hard to better the people and support our nobility. We have done things far too secretively: as transparancy, communication, and teamwork is what will bring us out of these troubled times together... Long live the Kingdom and Brave Nobility, With that said many of our policies have not been being enforced or have been cloaked in shadow...No More!! We also are pleased to announce joint operations with the Earth Guild..With luck word of great successes will come soon. The following policies will be put in place and followed firmly starting in May. However all policies are encouraged to be followed immediately.

Guild Membership has been overhauled and many rankings changed. If you are a member you should be being contacted shortly. If not contacted or interested in joining look out for recruiters as they make themselves availble. I myself will visit the next market to greet many of our fine adventuring members.

Item Identification
5 Gold to any non member
2 Gold to active members beyond the apprentice ranks or any Noble
1 Gold to members who are also of nobility

Casting of any Celestial Ritual
2 Silver per ritual or simply a fee of 2 gold for all castings for a market for a non member caster
- If a member of the guild cast the rituals this is halfed, compensation for the member is ofcourse encouraged. However if you do not have a caster and need one we will happily provide a caster at the rate of 2 gold per ritual. Discounts may be available for bulk purchases.

Casting of a Limited Circle
Even if Spellcrafted must have Guild permission and must be cast by a guild member for you. Fees will be charged based on the need and reason for the circle, and if all supplies are provided.

Finally keep in mind the guild has battle magic scrolls of any variety, wands, spellcrafting services, and components tied close to these lands all availble for immediate sale at competitive prices.

Finally anyone who is caught going around these policies or casting unauthorized rituals...The penalties will be severe, immediate, and distasteful. Thank You for Your time

Solar of Peace Yolan Vassil,
5 Gold?This is going to ruin my business! I can't afford to feed my children at this rate!

I'm of no perticular talent in magic but I'm good at finding the occasional odds and ends...I've done so well in the past and always paid my taxes and fees without a grumble...Please you have to reconsider!

Jobrin Hefflestump
Merchant of Antiquities
Are there any special rates if the item is determined to be necromancy or non-magical entirely? Of course, the item would be turned over to an authority or other individual able to destroy it.
Hunter Davion
Davion said:
Are there any special rates if the item is determined to be necromancy or non-magical entirely? Of course, the item would be turned over to an authority or other individual able to destroy it.
Hunter Davion

If it is determined to be necromantic, please turn over such an item to myself, so I may take it to the Earth Guild in Arbor and see to it's destruction. For aiding in the fight against necromancy and its agents, of course you would be compensated.

Circle Master Eric Marsters
Earth Guild of Wayside
I think Hunter Davion's point is worth considering, at these rates there is a much higher change that tainted items could go unidentified for a significant period of time. What should happen, and what a person purse can afford are far less likely to line up with these changes.
