


If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. This is even more true this year than in recent annuls. I most humbly invite one and all who are not too indentured to the servitudes of adventuring life to the town of Korinth in Northshire to Haven's Den. This tavern has been made available by order of the Royal Family to all adventurers who wish to commune with each other there and begin the new adventuring season now that winter recedes. It is their wish that you may all work towards the betterment of the people, pacification of the woes of the land, and to the full glory of Wayside.

As a nod to the winter months that we near exit of; a chili cook off shall be declared. Let your selves do battle utilizing spice and spoon. His Grace: Prince Siegfried Grimlock Duke of Northshire shall judge along with a small panel the chili of the highest quality. The chili dubbed the Best of Korinth will garner its creator a prize supplied by His Majesty King of Wayside, Duke of Arbor, and Lord of Korinth Kaarl Grimlock himself. He wishes nothing but the most glorious cooperations between the adventurers and kingdom at large.

May the best chili win.

Scribe to the Ducal Council and His Majesty,
Harlae Jackayn
Good Scribe,

Is this gathering available to those looking to request business with the Adventurers? Say, friendly merchants? Or is this merely a private event?

- Albert Winestine
Of course any citizen in good standing or foreign national for that matter may come by to do business with the adventurers as anything that fosters good fortune and peace is welcome. Good luck and good fortunes my mercantile merchanting man.

Harlae Jackayn
Good Scribe Harlae,

These lands are not of my home, yet I find my self returning here more and more. You speak of woes of the land and people, this humble wardancer would request more information about such. I wish to lend aid to the people but being a foreigner, I know not where to start. Perhaps you could point me in a direction? Contest interest me little but, during this time perhaps some real good can be done.

Many Thanks,
Order of the Emerald Flame
My heart is warmed by the generosity of this offer. With a new year comes the opportunity for new things. Their Royal Heighness honor us with this gathering.

Lady FallingStar
Goodman Wardancer,

The discord of last year that I refer to being a winter of discontent that gives way to a more glorious annul, largely boils down to a trio of threats. One was the banshee who left a swathe of destruction in her path. The adventurers defeated her and now this spring we hope all traces of her presence will be removed by the new growth. Two the kingdom was embroiled in a civil war. The war is now over. A general amnesty has been granted for all crimes committed during this unfortunate time to aid in the healing of the land and people. There were a few specific crimes that were prosecuted by the Ducal council and those individuals have been dealt with. The former King was removed from power and after surviving a resurrection was made Duke of Arcland, Duke Raash took a resurrection but remains Duke of Briar Pass, and the scum Buckland is forever banished after surviving obliteration. Our new King Kaarl Grimlock reigns in fairness and honor. He moves to heal the rifts of the land and people which includes the relations with the adventurers as they were a central playing piece in all of this. Lastly and this is the issue which still is ongoing. The Duchy of Buckland was stricken with a strange antimagic phenomenon. An entire barony is lost to this zone. No magic items, no spells, no battlemagic scrolls, and no potions work there. The renegade Saar Cha'ka who once stood a magistrate has taken over this area with an ever growing army of discontents who believe the war ended wrongly. His death or capture is considered a priority but has yet to have any success. Baron Davis is successfully keeping any raids out of the area to a minimum with a defense force he has rallied but it is hoped that the adventurers will go get him. A magic item of the purify variety and a pile of gold will be provided to those who accomplish this. Once this issue is resolved and the adventurers begin to work with the Kingdom once more in unity the winter will officially be lifted.

This is not to say these are the only threats that we face but are the issues I had originally referred to. Magic Eaters threaten the waystone network, undead seem to be more prevalent than ever before, and all three of our neighbor kingdoms seem to have some form of strife. The Ternians dealt with legions of undead recently and now seem to be fortifying their borders, the Eternal Leaf Crown is withdrawn as it sorts out its alliance of dryad and elf at the highest levels, and the Northlunds bristles due to grievances caused by the adventurers and our new stance against slavery as a Kingdom. We are in flux despite being on a footing for more prosperity than ever before as we have a strong King and unified Ducal Council for the first time in our history.

Let us all work together in all these deeds.

Harlae Jackayn