
Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
O perhaps it might be foolish
To sit and dwell of days long gone,
For past holds no reign on us now,
At the current and future's dawn.

People of the world have changed,
With skill at arms and of mind,
Times are oh so altered now,
Simpler days left long behind.

To venture cross the land
Was once a longer quest.
Our great land has shrunken,
More than I would have guessed.

Woes there are many,
Defenders are few.
Strife keeps us dwindling,
As sad as it's true.

Through we are not,
Hope is not dead.
Life is still found
In homes of dread.

A grand world,
With lost joy.
An old man,
Once a boy.

~ Tirosu Zalamel
I bid thee greeting Tirosu Zalamel. What is it that provokes such woeful tidings from thee?
Those from far and wide have come far and wide to meet me near and narrow.
The once-desired life of solitude does not exist anymore.
Some have opened my eyes to the problems that bloom to the east of me.
It makes one wonder what a found lost man now does within a torn land.

~ Tirosu Zalamel