
Attention please all those with a heavy pouch and a desire to purchase fine goods! The royal coffers have grown exceeding low due to the usual horrors of our society i.e. war, disease, famine, and other such ghastly happenings. In order to replenish our funds, I have suggested and our good Queen consented, to an auction! All items and scrolls have been donated from around the kingdom and its allies for your buying pleasure. This auction will take place on the 15th of August in an establishment charmingly name the Vulgar Gargoyle in what is sure to be a hideously dangerous area of the Deadlands. I, much to my chagrin, will be personally selling off the valuable goodies of half the continent to you rich adventuring types. As an extra added bonus, all payments will be discounted 5 percent if the entire payment can be made in silver pieces, as these can be used to silver our soldiers weapons and make them more effective against the undead hordes that threaten our borders. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I shall do my very best to answer quickly.

Good luck, and please do not die until you have bought something.
Best Regards,

Lord Edward Landon
Royal Master of Coin
It was previously announced by Sir Galloway that the silver piece discount would be ten percent. You have announced a different amount. I am curious which will be the final discount.

Thank you,
Ambassador Guildmaster Qiu Jun-Wu
Guildmaster, Finn Castle Healer's Guild
Oh my my, Sir Galloway is certainly generous with the Queens money... Well, since he has already announced such a ridiculous discount then I suppose I shall honor it. Ten percent at the point of payment if the entire sum is in silver pieces. I certainly hope you adventurous types are as wealthy as you are foolhardy.

Lord Edward Landon
Royal Master of Coin

And P.S. Mr. Ambassador Guildmaster, I am a Lord, and would like to be addressed as such.
Lord Landon,

If you require an elevated platform from which to conduct your auction, I offer you the front porch of the Vanguard of the Crimson Storm's home. There is a circle of power conveniently located inside the door, to which you may retreat should the town come under attack while you are conducting business.

Chieftain Ator Thunder-Bringer
Chieftain Thunder-Bringer,

Thank you for your offer, though I'm afraid I must decline. I take from your title that you are of the Hastur Volg, and since some of my auction items are Celestial in nature then I would not pollute your circle with them. I was hoping that there was a resting house or tavern on the premises from which I could conduct the auction. I would also require a safe place to hold the goods until the time of purchase. If anyone can enlighten me as to the accomodations I would be most appreciative.

Lord Edward Landon
Royal Master of Coin
Lord Edward Landon,

I do not have an Investiture Scroll or the Components for the spellcrafting, but I do have a Limited Circle scroll that I can spellcraft from. If you'd like, I can easily spellcraft a circle for your things.

Goodwife Sun,

My thanks for your offer, I shall supply the components necessary for the spellcrafting and will compensate you for your services. Just tell me what you need me to bring.

Lord Edward Landon
Royal Master of Coin
Lord Landon,

The Vanguard of the Crimson Storm refuses to acknowledge the term "hastur volg." We are Vansir warriors, proud of our heritage and ancestry.

Thank you for your consideration of our distrust for celestial magic. I had not taken such a possibility into account.

Lord Edward Landon,
The scroll requires any two of the following: Nightshade, Jetsam, Truesilver, and Heartstone. Will you need the spellcrafted tonight and tomorrow or just one of the days? You can find me by asking for Sun or if you're looking for me, I am the elf with a dragon bow. Trust me, you will know it when you see it.

Goodwife Sun,

I will just be needing if for Saturday night thank you.


My apologies, I meant no insult. Perhaps we can speak of this more on the morrow.

Lord Edward Landon
Royal Master of Coin