Auction2x day Bind, travels anywhere good for 4 years


Hello Young Masters and Mistresses,

Wanted to start an auction that will run until Midnight of the second market day.

The first item up for bids casts two binds each day and its magics will last another 4 years. This item will work in any land. The starting bid for this item is 15 gold.

You may bid on this forum or by sending me a pigeon if you wish to remain anonymous.

Many blessings and good luck,
May ah ask de nature o' de magic used in it's creation? Jus' curious.

I will get back to you on that VERY soon.

Also a note, if my pigeon box fills russelld@umich. edu space after the period.

This item is attuned to the Earth magics!
15 g.
The binding item is a small flat metal charm with a flower decal.

Good luck Bidding
Dream realm bidding is closed. I will proxy bid for those who have arranged it. Auction ends on midnight second market day.

Many blessings,