Aug Favorites

"I'm a teenage lich" is definitely catching on! ;)

I do have to add one to my list: Ignathis when he correctly guessed Peldras's backstory for Hindsight... "Apparently I'm really good at reading between the lines!"

That was fantastic, tried to play it off as best I could.
Sorry I'm so slow on this.

Things I thoroughly enjoyed.
- the whole Eric Marsters/Necro sword incident.
-Definitely Vex's speech. NEVER have I felt more a part of the world then I did at that moment.
-The Gypsies and the blood on the face thing. Grimshaw was and is a bit freaked out by that.
- Billam's ongoing search for his family treasure and the musical puzzle
- Seeing my daughter become more a part of the larger story and the smile on her face for having so much fun LARPing.
- Air Conditioning
- all the friendly and helpful People

Things I enjoyed but not so much.
-Trolls and Lizards on Sunday morning.
-Losing Edna, my long sword, to acid skin lizards.
-Fighting in near total darkness.
-The forever walk to Monster camp.

Things I totally disliked because it was my own stupid fault.
-Twisting my ankle Friday night
-Not bringing a base first aid kit with me so I didn't need to make the forever walk to monster camp with a sore ankle for an aspirin.

In the future, if you need ibuprofen, Thomas one of the camp medics (he plays Ractor the Healer and Bart the MEWE) usually has a small first aid kit that would have that in it at the PC side of camp.

Barring that, the kitchen staff usually also stock some basic supplies.
