August 2017 - Treasure Bag Close Out


With the last gather behind us and the assault on Forestwatch completed, we did not get to give out everyone's coin and hold an auction.

I will host the auction via the dream realm(private messages here or on FB with bids) here for those that were present.

Auction Items:
  • Formal Scroll - Bountiful Harvest
  • Formal Scroll - Earth Aura
  • New Acarthian Material - LCO - Shard Dust
  • Component/Catalyst - The Void's Reflection
  • Formal Scroll - Resonance
  • Component/Catalyst - Warmth of the Sun
We have one Magic Item that needs to be identified when we return to our next gather and will be auctioned off hopefully at the start. Please contact your respective bidder to inform me of their offers.


Here are the outstanding splits

Fletch 356
Torin 206
Yurig 223
Aelyn 356
Ark 28
Aspen 73
Barbara 356
Brannan 28
Damien 73
Darendar 356
Demvarien 206
Griswald 233
Hyro 356
Kasuni 356
Lelona 133
Nauvixzy 133
Noel 28
Odo 73
Orsolya 73
Plair 133
Tevasti 133
Thern 73
Torren 28
Valdyr 73
Hildr 356


August Splits will be added and a new number drafted.
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Bidding ends the Sunday before next trade weekend.
Auction Items:
  • Formal Scroll - Bountiful Harvest
    • Knox - 9gp*
  • Formal Scroll - Earth Aura
    • Tevas - 15gp*
  • New Acarthian Material - LCO - Shard Dust
    • Kendrick - 1gp
  • Component/Catalyst - The Void's Reflection
    • Rivervale - 10gp
  • Formal Scroll - Resonance
    • Rivervale - 18gp
  • Component/Catalyst - Warmth of the Sun
    • Rivervale - 13gp
(Updated: 1145 01 Sept 2017)
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Aelyn 467
Aikoll 414
Alis 414
Aneira 414
Arikaya 414
Ark 28
Aspen 73
Aurora 321
Ayla 321
Banks 414
Barbara 356
Bladerym 414
Brannan 28
Branwyn 205
Brom 414
Brooke 205
Clara 205
Connor 228
Copper 414
Damien 73
Darendar 356
Darius 414
Dave 414
Demvarien 206
Elais 111
Elavir 205
Eldred 205
Emaric 321
Ember 414
Fletch 356
Fynn 321
Gillian 414
Griswald 233
Grunt 414
Hildr 356
Hyro 467
Ivan 112
Izual 228
Jax 414
Kaia 414
Kasuni 770
Kendrick 321
Kipp 414 pay to Peat
Knox 414
Lagarde 414
Leilona 245
Lumi 321
Mevanwy 205
Moria 112
Nauvixzy 245
Noah 414
Noel 28
Nyt 321
Odo 73
Orsolya 73
Osborne 414
Panax 414
Parzivel 321
Peat 414
Plair 245
Radulfr 205
Raganzi 321
Ri 414
Roberts 321
Ryu 321
Sandro 205 Pay to Peat
Sleet 414
Snow 321
Tevas 454
Thern 73
Torin 206
Torren 28
Valdyr 356
Wolsey 414
Wulfgar 414
Yurig 223
Zac 321
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Treasure Bag pay outs will occur Friday night in the Tavern at 10 bells. Please be patient as we get it everyone paid and sorted out.