August 2023 FAVORITES!


New Hampshire Staff
I had such a great weekend with y'all! Let's reminisce, share stories, and offer feedback! Post your favorite moments here!!
It was an absolute joy and pleasure to be able to make it out to New Hampshire for my first time!


From the PC side, it was a pleasure to meet everyone, being welcomed in with open arms and having a quick run-down of much-needed information, impeccable knowledge sharing.

Paolo + Adrien, sorting machines :] It felt like its own little puzzle, just for us buds who actually like sorting things out.

Trading stories of the horrible plotty things that happen to us in our respective lands, with the absolute surprise and slight horror at the news that a chaos dragon decided things are bad enough (or entertaining enough) to get involved on the side of adventurers.

Learning the hard way that I was right about the tree-people (Kukari?) learning from experience. I listened to the brief!

Planning and discussing how to get rid of the circle put there by the ooze dragon.

"Is this your card?" to Justice themself, and trying to reason.

The warmth that radiates from Alda at all times.

Hero Moment of keeping wounded soldiers from being killed

That absence fight was wild??? (very pos)


Being a silly beaver and just trying to take some logs, then the PCs giving me branches and sticks off the ground for my dam when they proved their diligence

Mindless oozing directly into a circle

That ship battle was fantastic, shout out to Kate for being able to bring the imperious sea-witch sauce to the role, it was a pleasure getting knocked down by PC's as they tried to stay on the boat and fight us off. There was some fantastic teamwork on display, especially when their options were limited by having to stay on the boat and not get rocked off by the arcane repel.

I am sure I'm just not thinking of some things but I had a fantastic time
We are a growing game, and I was personally glad to see a bunch of new faces coming from every direction.

(Bonus Points for the unstopable vibes that is Poalo and Adrian): "Wait... Welorg is *helping* you? This must be bad."

We had a bunch of creative encounters going on that kept encounters fresh, even after twenty years of playing.

Ralph, The Depressed Unicorn: A cozy module about rescuing a unicorn from going dark. "If you can't find your own happiness, store bought is fine"

As this game and the site continues to expand, I look forward to more of these moments, and the opportunity to share them with others.

I had SUCH a blast! Thanks to staff and NPCs and everyone for such a great event!

Vry and Alda have the best dynamic and I will forever be 1,000% appreciative to Albert for going on such a special character journey with her!

Thank you, Brian, for giving me a “talk to dryads” button! I tried to meta-use it to the best of my ability to help Plot along, but even bearing that in mind, super cool to be able to dig in to all the Dryad plot as much as I could!

KRAKEN MOD. Kate was AMAZING as that character (the visual and character choices were stunning!), and it felt super cool to be the healer for a tight crew of folks trying to survive on a slippery icy ship!

Meeting David and Jack, and seeing Drew again for the first time in aaaages! Plus Justin making the big trip AGAIN! So awesome to get more folks active in our community and build new friendships IG and OOG! Thanks for coming, y'all!

Speaking of Justin – DUDE, How does Tieran ~vibe~ SO WELL with BOTH Ukzwe AND Alda?! My two characters could NOT be more different??? How do you get along with both??? I have never known anyone to pull that off??? You’re magical, lol.

NIGHT FIGHT! “Rescuing the prisoners” is a pretty tried and true idea, but the *execution* of this mod was spectacular. Brian’s intensity (both in anger and speed of his approach every time he spawned!), the positioning of the popcorning NPCs (wonderfully coordinated and spread out!), the hiding of the phys reps, the *needing to group and protect the prisoners and coordinate a rift* all together… really amazing details to add excitement that fostered high-intensity teamwork and I LOVED it! (It also got me running and sneaking around at night – Even as Alda!)

Flora coordinating with Alda, trying to hypothesize and strategize about unseen blood and poor Mouse… I loved the sincerity and compassion that oozed out of every moment of that RP with Marie, what fun story and great development of a dynamic between our two characters!

I’m sure there are a million more but my brain is still scrambled eggs, lol. Love y’all so much!