August 22nd Weekend Event


Welcome Everyone to the August 22nd Weekend Event Prereg.
The Event will take place at Hoover Forest Preserve Kendall County at 11285 West Fox Road Yorkville, IL

This is a new site with beds, showers, and general amenities we have been lacking. The price for the event is $50, however anyone who preregisters will only pay $40.
The site opens 6PM on Friday the 22nd, registration will begin at 8PM and game on should be at 10PM. Sunday will be plot loose ends and clean up like always.

A food plan for an additional $10 will be available. This includes a breakfast, lunch, and dinner. NPCs are free to play however are asked to pay for their meal plans.

Preregistrations should include needed tags, MIs, spells, and whether you want a food plan. These must be sent to no later than Tuesday May 19th at midnight. Or you may use our brand new handy-dandy prereg form found here.

Prepay via paypal to...

1. Rob S (Marsters)
2. Dave G (Enan)
3. Paul F (Jehan)
4. Aaron V (Gnot)
5. Dawn V (Dont)
6. Annette S (Cyn)
7. Nate S (Nikolai)
8. Jenn W (Arsita)
9. Daphne P (Eve)
10. Jonathon D (Aramis)
11. Ryan Z (Tets)
12. Carrie Z (Pebbles)
13. Alysha S (Regan)
14. Hannah K (Mycenaasterina)
15. Derek S (Sam)
16. Ian S (Draco)
17. Paul S (Kael)
18. Tim F (Vexx)
19. Josh B (Keeper)
20. Peter B (Sae)
21. Vicki P (Elle)
22. Amanda F (Liddia)
23. Matt N (Kalin)
24. Thomas M (Ractor)
25. Chris T (Tadron)
26. Robert O (Rezzik)
27. Emily G (Terra)
28. Brian G (Thadeus)
29. Todd D (Poobah)
30. Mike T (John)
31. Kujo (Nuka)
32. Chris H (Ark)
33. Erica (Stripy Pants 2.0)
34. Dan D (Badwolf)
35. Antony R (New)
36. Chris S (New)
37. Nathan P (New)
38. Don VK (New)
39. Lyle P (New)
40. Evan P (New)
41. Cody S (New)
42. Nick P (Foss)
43. Sean V (Nehari)
44. Nadine V (Neolani)
45. Dakota S (New)
46. Kristen S (New)
47. Seamus C (Tarqaq)
48. Tim G (New)
49. Inger (TBD)
50. Justin B (New)

1. Ryan B
2. Rob D
3. Carly S
4. Kyle S
5. Nate B
6. Alexander T
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So only about a week and a half until the event...Don't forget to pre-reg for it!
Oh my! Is there really only a week until the event? Yes and only 5 days left to preregister!

Couldn't hurt to have more NPCs for this event; however if anyone is available to NPC a mod or 2 that would be greatly appreciated.
I'm still figuring out whether or not I'll be able to attend, and if so, I'm still debating whether to help NPC for y'all or PC, and if the latter, I'm debating which PC to play (it could be good to shake off Gandian's dust before Nationals, after all). So I'll let ya know soon as I figure things out.
You guys know im allways willing too.
I do believe that Aaron has paid and such for us. We plan on being on site Thursday. Sorry it will only be Aaron and I. The rest of our group has work and such.

See ya all there

If ya need Npcs- I should be able to change into something appropriate - ie not my usual flair lol unless you need me to bring something specific- I likely have it lol
Alexander ruined the 10 to one ratio
Well I know I will be NPCing for some of the event. Does that mess up the ratio even more. :p
lol, well i was already set to as well
We all really appreciate any help we get from you guys who choose to hop fence, even if it's just for one quick mod or anything like that. That said, with us being short-staffed this event, we won't really have time to go seek people out in the middle of the event. If you intend to NPC for us, just come on up to monster camp (knock first as usual) and if you're going to NPC at a specific time, try to let us know earlier in the event so we'll know how many folks we have to work with.