August Crafting Services - Traps and Alchemy

Emma B

Greetings adventurers!!

Another market day is upon us and as always I, Ainsley "Bulging Biceps" Preston am offering my services as a trapsmith and alchemist! I am (finally) a Journeyman in both disciplines which is incredibly exciting for me. Please feel free to respond to this dream or reach out to me in a private dream if you're interested in employing my services.

Current batch:
Traps: 1st
Alchemy: 2nd

-Ainsley "Princess BB" Preston, manager of mischief and collector of nicknames
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I am absolutely not here to snipe customers from Ainsley, but if there's enough demand that she can't keep up, come talk to your good friend Liam! She's a much more talented trapsmith than I am, but I might have a trick or two ahead of her as far as alchemy goes. I might have a couple trinkets for sale as well, we'll see what I have time for before next weekend.

If your Alchemy doesn't sell, put me in for an order of 20 Cure Elixirs.

If your Alchemy doesn't sell, put me in for an order of 20 Cure Elixirs.


I have yet to receive an order for Alchemy so you're in luck sir!! 20 cures will cost 2gp

‐ Ainsley
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