August Donation List!


Here is our August Donation List. Let me know if you are grabbing anything so we don't double up.
I'm offering 5:1 GS to dollar on these donations. You just need to provide me or Eric with the receipt. For things that don't have a cost (like the coolers of ice) I'll figure out a good amount to reward you.


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Shane/Bel Grabbed the Hoods!
I'll be bringing a couple cases of water up with me!
I have a couple of coolers I should be able to bring. Depends on if I am giving rides or not. So I will check back and reconfirm Wed before game
Great! It goes to Trace, can you work out how she should get the paper from you?
Is Aegora = Chris? If so, I'll PM you my home address for delivery.
Yes that is Chris.