August Event 2012 Pre-Reg List

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Crossroads Staff
Below is the list of pre-registered players.

A "(P)" next to your name if you are PC'ing means you have paid for the event.

Your name in bold means you owe membership fees.


updated: 7/31/12
Alright ladies and gents, our August event is just around the corner and our pre-reg deadline is less than a week away!

So, after you send in your in-between game plot shenanigan plans, head on over to our website and get yourselves registered!

Don't forget, our NPC:pC ratio is still in play, so make sure you reserve your spot to PC soon! and you can always bring fresh NPCs along with you to help everyone out; I promise we'll be nice!

Less than two weeks away! I'm excited. :thumbsup:
Hey, I just met you
and this is crazy.
this list is empty
so pre-reg, maybe?
Hey folks, there have been a few kinks with registration emails forwarding. When you prereg you should get a copy of your registration at the email you provided. If you do not receive that email, please send me a message letting me know.

~ Jeremy
Crossroads Webmaster
Pre-paid for the year....just need to do my pre-reg...will do it in the next couple of days...first need to clean my house for my little ones B-day party tomorrow... :zonks: :whaa: :wacko:
New important thing to do.....find a ride to the event :unsure: :tears:
Just paid for an event membership, sign me up to NPC! :excited:
mguarino said:
Just paid for an event membership, sign me up to NPC! :excited:
Got the payment; don't forget to register, too! It's the same form on the website the PCs use, it adjusts to NPCs once you select the PC/NPC option. You fill that out, on the list you go! You get cool stuff if you register, too. :)

Glad you're joining us!

Matt, find a ride! or rather, someone give him a ride! please? :)
@ Dom

Hey, all the NPCs
They try to chaaaase me
They've got my number
They'll kill me, maybe.

pre-regged! :D
Updated! We're getting a solid crew of people, let's keep it up! We've got some fun things planned for this weekend.

Don't forget to check your names to see if you're missing memberships or payments. If you have any questions, shoot me an email! :)
Elf Ket is going to be an NPC. If he gets arrows people are going down!!! Can't wait to NPC. Just need a ride back to my mom's. My ride to the event is leaving Saturday.
season pass and just all set for the weekend...its almost fun time!!!!!!
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