August Event Favorite Moments/Quotes

I keep forgetting about it! Our goblins came into town to party, and got firmly told that they had to party away from the town... in the meantime I got waylaid, so they had to carry me around. On the way out, the other goblins kept trying to wake me up... which eventually got into hitting me harder and harder, until they literally beat me to death. Roundabout that time the PCs came up behind them, asking about what the problems were, la la...
"Healing Arts, are you unconscious?"
"Healing Arts, are you dying?"
Insert here discussion about not wanting to use a potion, whether they should even bother to help, whether first aid is a good idea... thirty seconds or so pass and I die.
"Begin First Aid."
"No effect."
"Uh. I think you were a little short on the draw."
"Healing Arts, are you dead?"
kasuni said:
Star playing with Alavatar. Good sport :3

*Umberhulks walking toward Alavatar & I*
Alavatar: "Well, I'm going to step away from these now."
Star(Me): "Wait, no you're not. Tell me what they're doing!"
*Alavatar starts explaining. They get about 2 feet from us*
*We rift out*

Hosting the "wine tasting" with Alycia, then starting to drink the bottles ourselves when people didn't need refills fast enough.

Cassandra throwing sticks at the pineapple.

"The box" mod, trying not to giggle while repeatedly telling the PCs that the box killed us.

Charlie's barbarian attacking Star. Strong roleplay choice that I don't think many would make.

I really liked the feeling of knowing that I brought something to this event :) I think I finally found my place running plot; bringing a little bit of ridiculous to the game.

I'm so glad everyone had fun! This was my most fun event on plot, and possibly even in the game as a whole, in a very long time. Thank you everyone :)

i love you, emily! :D
Mevima said:

"Here come more..."
"Wait, there are only five of them? I can do this myself! ::poses:: Who wants to take on the mighty Kerjal?! Activate Prison! Activate Prison!"

Aaaaand proceeds to... take down all five. By himself.

Birds and Bees "Paper is better"

Learning Waylay Solomon's way

Getting like 3 or 4 teacher cards :D

"We have flavor uhhh... PINK!"
"Isn't pink blueberry?"

Becca's face as the queen after thariot tried to life the story teller

Seeing the bride for the 1st time(thanks for letting me get a picture of you two btw) plus the wedding lmao

D and Vanyell's waylay count