August Event Favorites!

I really needed an event like this. Nice intense roleplay. Good combat. A sense of being able to change the tide of things. and A bad *** team

1. Being able to come into game friday night with my team. I was concerned about not bein able to show up with my guys. We had a solid strategy, it saved lives we did good.
2. Curve ball from Ulthoc. I think rather then the intentional walk I'm gunna swing for the fences on this one.
3. Vanguard. Guys even with 4 of us we did awesome. I am proud in each one of you . From Traevor kinda coming into his own and being on the spot with his trademark denial caster, Vinny always t my 6. There is no better person Grims ever had at his flank for fighting nd you swa it consistantly every combat battle buddy. Alda, cool roleplay, ome intense scenes and letting her be her own tree. You rocked it.
4. Roleplay with Willow as the Galanthian. Our team motto "Vigilance and valor" was shown this time. Listening into the galanthians we heard some things and after some info from esten we were able to get a galnthian lone nd the rp that followed and ripple effect through the game world could be bad ***.
5. Plot and npcs rolling with the punches. Whenever you run a game you have to allow for players to do what players do...mess things up of find ways around things. Plot and the npcs rolled with this exceptionally
6. Being "big" enough to hunt undead and etc with baron Rorri
7. Trellheim citizens
8. getting to b silly grim sometimes. Whiskey elemental...
9. Being able to communicate with the team with just looks or arched eyebrows.. perfect
10. Dame Ezri. Grim digs her so much. She listens to his plans and etc and even backs him. That means alot since he; just man at arms.
11. Trevor............yup.. a years taxes in advance... plus manditory use of your engineers.. only 43 more gold ontop of the 250? what a deal....
12. Savaria and Prolon. Very glad those two characters could have come. you both added alot. from kelseys reliability to Sean being on the spot. Very cool
13. Deed names. From Kialda's to Vinnys and Mouse's earning of a true name of her own. each was cool and solid and deep.
14. Legion A... and then whistling a team music
15. Having swapped the sigil for a fake we made before the event started and watching the town defend it and all the other little distractions and such we put in place to defend the "symbol"
16. Coggin yet again proving he is the man.
17, Donna's earth mother and alda and all that awesome hippy woodsy non metal working stuff. I only had a taste of it but we hung out just to watch. That means alot.
18. Hanging with black forrest.
19. Feeling like Grim had an impact.
20. all of the rp and just getting som time to chill a little or joke IG with grims friends and inspire some new folks a little maybe.
Okay. I know it was a good weekend cause I have bruises all down my arms from one specific lizardkin.....

Any who!

Getting to run a semi important part of plot. It felt really neat to run this and PCs thank you so much for the interaction. Even if you guys threw a huge twist at me...

Talwyn and Skylar!!!! Ah I loved the creation of all my swords of lore. But I do have to say the interaction that these two were amazing. Not to mention the rp that followed the capture.

Playing my first pantherghast...I died twice....but chasing ruis then managing to kill her made me feel pretty bad ***...I had a split second to figure out if I was going to run after her or not.

Chaos elemental games! I love how I waited outside and caught Iser coming down the stairs. I didn't remember that a prison killed a chaos elemental. But I still got a kick out of how I hit him with a paralysis the same time he got me with the prison....LOL

All around fun times. Our NPCs were on the spot and plot team was great. I hope you all enjoyed the event as much as I did. Can't wait for September HQ. Not to mention I'm super excited about national. Time to get Lanna ready for that one.
Allow me to add

Letting Ezri and Skyler see the side of Grim normally only the Vanguard sees

Reginald this chimichonga displeases me

Jesse Effing Grebowski

Nicole Wong's undead lover mod

Mouse's deed name and all the dwarfy stuff we are just kinda inserting
Great weekend everyone! Yay NPC's and staff and those who controlled the weather. My thanks for a fun time! I didn't get many hours, but the drive was still worth it!

1) Getting tackled by Ruis and catching up with everyone when I finally rolled in late Sat. night. The warm welcome was a great way to jump into game and I also think I got 95% of the needed info in about a 1/2 hour.

2) Face time with the Ash Forest team after being gone for too long. I got to spend "alone" time with everyone, even with the Baron!. Ezri's glee over having her Mouse back makes me smile so much.

3) Being witness to the Vansir adoption. Huleen was one of the first people that Mouse hung out with, I believe back when Frank was still pretty brandy new to the game. We've eached forged separate paths, but he's still one of the first people I check in with when I get into game and on the field. Watching the epic staff battle made me feel so proud. And Ulthoc and Mouse's exchange of "You take care of her" "You take care of him" about him & Ezri afterwards was one of those perfectly in sync moments.

4) The great sigil debate and subsequent judgements. I had no plans whatsoever to get back involved with the discussion after a certain point, and certainly none to actually touch the darn thing. And then Ezri said something, I got to scold her "You can't. You're a knight" and then something clicked. I could do it. I could blow up, sure, but I could do it. It could be fun. I was fully prepared to take the oblit (frankly, I pretty much expected at least having to rez), so being able to stand up again was nice. Plus, I don't think Ruis would have ever forgiven me. Should be an interesting ride. :blink:

5) Grim and his brother dwarves giving Mouse a deed name. Totally unexpected and overwhelming. You guys totally broke Mouse (and me) for a moment.

My "aww shucks" moment of the weekend: the chorus of "yups" when Michelle told me how much I was missed when I'm not there. It is very nice feeling that so many people like having me around. With the late start, I was on the edge of not getting back into the car again, but then Aaron packed me a snack and nudged me out the door, telling me to go have fun. And I did, and I'm glad of it.

I'm glad too that I got to say good bye to Jesse before you headed off on your next adventure. I think you're going to love it out there and hey - this is the era of airplanes, so hopefully there will be chance to see you again. You're one of the good ones and I wish you the best of luck with everything.
THANK YOU NPCS!! It’s your energy that helps Mundania fade out and Fortannis fade in.

Finding my way down to Wild Camp in the dark, finally getting there and having Derek and Drak be like, “yeah we heard you coming a while off… make less noise next time.” Retaking the town was disorienting and really fun. Ket was upset when he heard Jovunn went down, but when she rezzed and said, “Don’t worry about it. I’m fine,” Ket was like, “Oh. Alright then.” :D

Nordenn! So many interesting and different characters and personalities; I’m glad I can add my own perspective. Thanks OOG and IG for taking me in so readily. I even haz a favor to wear! Huleen’s trial and adoption was AWESOME! This was a very immersive, intense moment. BRIDGE STAFF FIGHT!

Toadog! HELLUUUOOOH! Justin Coggin, you rock! Yet another interesting, engaging, and really funny character; idk how you do it.

Forest Mother plot was really cool. I started off just tagging along with Alda and Ama’rali and the group, and then got increasingly involved. Running back up to warn the town not to drop Atropa was fun, and then the fight down by the forest circle was a good change of pace. I’m excited to see where this corrupted Children of Autumn plotline goes. On that note, quite a lot of woods time this event. I like this. Moar plz.

And then later, returning to the forest circle to see Sornelintion writhing in pain, and that’s where it all went downhill. Being the nosy curious elf he is, and already being peripherally involved with Black Ichor plot, of course Ket asked what’s going on, which led to, “Dame Ezri, I… I should take the Ichor from Baron Rorii.” “Woah, we were talking about that too.” I found it really funny that both groups came to the same conclusion independently. The whole process was really immersive and engrossing, from mentally preparing myself, and everybody’s warnings, and then the actual transfer, and then the recovery, and then the hatred. Really moving experience.

Happy-go-lucky elf? NO, MOODY CONFUSED HATEFUL ELF. This is an exciting change for me as I’ve never had to RP like this before. Ket’s had a relatively quiet life and hasn’t ever really had a reason to conventionally hate someone, so this magical hate is doubly troubling, especially since he’s always gotten along really well with Sornelintion and Qualin and Derek. I guess there is a silver lining to Jesse leaving (but come visit often! IG hating you is OOG awesome!!). And then not long after, Yuri perms. This was a stark reminder that life is short; we had plans to get drunk together and he’d teach me how to be a crazy-good sweeper, but now we can’t do any of that. Patrick didn’t seem too OOG upset though which did make it a little better IG (unavoidable emotion bleed). Speaking of, when dinner rolled around just after that, I realized I had lost my appetite OOG from all the sh*t that happened IG. We humans are funny creatures.

I really needed that NPC shift after dinner to clear my mind. After a day of emotion and trouble, it was relaxing to see a stat card with Intelligence: Mindless or to have one’s only desires be food and shinies. Props to Chris for EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! Thanks also to the NPC who asked, “are you like, an actor, or something?” I laughed and said no at the time, but now that I think about it, yes I am! You are too! This is LARP! :D

Luka! You (et. al.) helped make a terrible weekend bearable! You accepted my guild application, you read my cards, and hey, you even found my wand. Clumsy elf is clumsy.

I really want to thank Susie, Frank, Cole, and everybody who accommodated my affliction and tried to help, each in their own way: Alda for providing music and rhythm to calm me, Huleen for physically restraining me and minding my weapons, and Ruis for trying. I’m sorry, little tree, but you’re the opposite of calm. It does provide a good redirection for my irritability though, and I hope you know (I think you do) that it’s all IG.

I’m sure there are more, but the large unexpected black splotch on my face kind of overshadows everything else that happened, lol. :lol:
I know I've used this word several times regarding the last few events, but the word "intense" is really the best description I have. The HQ team continues to push my RP to the limit and seriously push buttons, forcing me to find depths to this character even I didn't know existed.

Having a big elaborate plan to circle-walk into the tavern, only to turn around and realize that as we were planning this, half the town had already disappeared. Oh well. That fight was epic. I love it when we're not the defenders for a change. Getting healed by Gilwing was totally a 180 from a few years ago. There were a lot of faces I thought I might see when I turned over... yours was not exactly in the top 10, but I'm glad you were there!

All things Ash Forest. And Forest in general. What should have been a 15-minute "give us information and bolt" encounter with LightArrow became a 4 hour roleplay session with him, the Forest Mother, and two very brave young elves. Ezri wrestled with herself on the inside for a good long while when Sornelention quietly offered to take on the burden of the Ichor. Ultimately she was convinced by the facts that 1- she could do more to solve it if she could go home and 2- she and Rorii have a duty to our people, and we can't truly serve that capacity with this rift between us. That struggle, plus the competing feelings of guilt for the burden she just allowed him to take, and the elation of the fact that she can go home again... made for some very interesting roleplay. I now know what Tom is always talking about with the internal roleplay moments. Patrick, Mike G, Donna, Tom, Dan, Joe... thank you for an amazing experience.

Meeting the Seelie Fae Seneschal. Collin, you really do have a thing for blue. Did you see my face sink when you knew right off the bat that it was a fake? Thank you for putting out an opportunity for us to spread the love and get more people involved in this, and thank you to Ruis, Vox, Lyle, Izer and Khorwyn for taking the marks. Acquiring the sigils was also hilarious, from Lyle walking backards to grab the Blood sigil, to Courage appearing over the head of the Ichor troll (followed by me screaming "YOU MORON!" at Derek lol) to Hubris appearing over the stone (and yes, I see what you did there) followed by "Yeah, we're all agreed we're not putting THAT one in, right?" It was all a good time.

The stone debate and the subsequent judging. And actually agreeing with Lyle on something? What is this world coming to???

"I won't order you not to do it Mouse, it's up to you." My team really does love to remind me that my life is not my own anymore and I can't do certain things, like, oh, owe a Fae a favor (even a Seelie one) or get myself blown up by an artifact of Doom. I really didn't know if I was going to be scraping up what was left of you into your hat or not. Congratulations, Mouse First-Hammer.

Utterly failing the extraction mod, even with the vial of "Plot Hoodoo." I'm not kidding, that's what it says. I love you Toddo.

Early morning drum wars with Sornelintion and Ket. Walking out, half dressed and staring down Ket as he beat on his drum outside my cabin window. Dude you seriously had this look in your eyes like a puppy that got caught chewing my favorite shoes.

Plotting with Grim. Ezri totally doesn't get your methods sometimes, but it's hard to argue with results.

Sorry for the novel, but these moments were so big, they warranted paragraphs, not one-liners. See you in September!
I love this game. I love you people. Thanks so much for NPC, PC, and Staff hard work!!! <3

Pre-game roleplay in wild camp!!! I adore taking extra steps to carefully consider how a game should be set up and how you get to where you are. Thanks to Rali, Derek, and Drak!

Awesome combat time AND roleplay time with IZER! Following your lead on the battlefield, then working with you to bury my fallen brethren, AND getting the BEST IG PRESENT EVER, AHHH! Dude, Mike, thank you so much. I seriously can’t get over how nice the necklace is, and you made it SO meaningful IG!!

The Fey Troll showing up early-ish on Saturday! I felt like I was the only one awake, AND I was one of few who knew a lot of secrets and this guy was just blabbing on about it all! I was sufficiently freaked out, and had to run around waking my Vanguard friends up.

All the intricacies of the Galanthian Sigil plot. Not too complicated in general, but detailed enough to make a book-nerd reeeally happy, and deep enough to initiate some excellent and controversial RP about what to do!

MOTHER. AND TOADOG. I HAVE NO WORDS FOR THE JOY THAT BROUGHT ME. Hands down, my absolute FAVORITE part of this weekend was EVERYTHING about being in the woods with the Forest Mother! Not only did that lead to some GREAT big-group RP with Ash Forest and the black ichor, but also simply the 1-on-1 (or 1-on-1 + Toadog) time we spent meditating and philosophizing, especially late into the night, and even sleeping there IG! Seriously, everything Alda has ever believed in has been encouraged and supported. Her character is forever changed and made more confident because of this weekend. And oh, by the way? I HAVE MY OWN EARTH CIRCLE NOW. AAAH!!!! :D :D :D

And my goodness, it was SO important that I met someone as affirming as Mother, because finding AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAGUE JUST FOR MY PEOPLE was PRETTY FREAKING INTENSE. I openly wept multiple times. Then I met ATROPA and LOVED HER SO HARD, even if she hated everyone! What a COOL dynamic this whole thing set up between so many characters! Squee! <3

Derek Dreamweaver: Fighting for me and protecting me in every battle, then turning around and sitting me down to talk with me about all the facts. Alda couldn’t ask for a better friend. Jesse I’ll really miss you, and you have to stay in touch!!

ALL THINGS MUSIC! Drumming with Ket and Rali, performing requiems for my fallen family, playing to calm the hatred of those afflicted with ichor, and playing all by myself in the forest on Sunday morning as an expression of my new-found peace... I LOVE how the importance of music is manifesting itself in so many ways for her!

Every single thing about Ama’rali. We have some wicked awesome role-play. Our characters work so stinkin well together! Also, Sevaria and Prolon were AWESOME to roleplay and fight with. Alda just met all three of you, and she respects the crap out of each of you! Yay for tons of forest-time and friends to role-play with!!

My dwarven family and getting a deed name. I’m so flattered! My goodness, Vanguard, you play such an important role in my life!! (Including the quick visit from Flint! Dude, you don’t know how much peace Flint brings to Alda!)

The final battle with Narcos and the following complications were SUPER cool. I was SO terrified and felt SO exposed when I was the first one to see him walking up the hill! His claw nonsense was INTENSE. And after Toadog made his noble sacrifice, to SPRINT down to Mother and get the ball rolling with everything we need to do next… SO incredible!

I feel as though I have forgotten some things… but genuinely, I loved EVERY aspect of this weekend. ALL the plot was incredibly important for Alda, and I felt like SO much was accomplished, but SO much was lost… What a great balance! Thanks so much, everyone!! <3
Mich- shhh no telling. Grim is just a smith.

Suzy- you were awesome this event. Really proud of you.

Vanguard- stuck together and got it done like bosses.

Kathy- Mouse earned that name. You are an amazing roleplayer and one of the reasons i play. Thank you.
I haven't been down to HQ in about 2 years, but the awesome RP I had this event and all the folks I got to meet will absolutely make my visits more frequent. Big ups to my Forest People, Kelsey D for being my RP partner of greatness, great to see all the old timers and to wish Jesse G a great western adventure. Hopefully we'll see you again. See all you folks in Oct. Can't wait for more Pain Talks.

Ezri said:
...Getting healed by Gilwing was totally a 180 from a few years ago. There were a lot of faces I thought I might see when I turned over... yours was not exactly in the top 10, but I'm glad you were there!

I told ya, I really considered yelling "hellooooow" from Mrs Doubtfire. :funny: Then I thought, naw I'll just tell her to run.
Gah, I'm so grumpy that I had to leave early for work! But I still had some fantabulous times!

-First and foremost, the roleplay that took place after Yuri's death. Ulthoc bearing the news to Luka was excellent, and the high point of my entire weekend was his asking to be recognized in so that he could hold on to her while she just lost it. A hundred million points to Tom (Gryfindor!) on that! Also, everybody gathering to eat and drink in the tavern was fantastic. "No!"

-All things Izer. Mike, I don't think he and Luka have ever had serious face time, but he really made himself a name in her eyes this weekend. The kind of roleplay that you doled out is really the kind of stuff that's instrumental in growing up my little madwoman, and I really appreciate it :)

-TOAD'OG, I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU ARE. I ran home to Miles and was like, "MILES MILES MILES HIGH QUALITY JCOGGS RPS, LET ME SHOW YOU THEM." I am constantly astounded by your bevy of brilliant characters. You are easily among my favorite players in this entire game.

-Delicious Forest Mother plot! Donarnar, this was so excellent! You had so many people so deeply emotionally involved all weekend, it was epic. Roll out moar plots plz? <3

-Time spent hanging with Zat and Balls. Luka is slowly starting to realize that she needs friends as well as family, and having you two unflaggingly care for her has been huge. Also, I just love you both XD

-How can I finish this post without talkin about running the Mage's Guild? (Nathan just keeled over somewhere, I know it!) Seriously, though, thank you to everyone who came by or talked magic. It felt really awesome to feel just a liiiittle grown up! Double props to Swifteagle for providing an excellent opportunity for Rom-Lulz. "Guildmistress?" "No. Nooooo, no no. Don't call me that." "But I thought-"
Explaining to some whitebelts how they needed to make certain decisions....and that it was supposed to suck.

Explaining to some younger adventurers how it was going to suck.


Realizing what my role has become...and how I am still alive.

Accomplishing a goal of reuniting most the court.

Right place right time.

Remembering to check the treasure that sing song rat woman brought in.

See you all next time

Joe S.
Wow that was an interesting game!

- Refusing to get a fey mark "because it might keep me from the Ash Forest," immediately followed by contracting the Black Ichor!

- A lot of role playing! Before Ezri passed over the Black Ichor to me, I was saying "Don't think about it, just do it before I change my mind..." while after I was thinking about all the **** my character was experiencing, from "I can never go home!" to "Darn, even hearing the translation of my name reminds me of the fact that I'm banished!" Special props to Alda, Simon, and Ruis for helping me through it.

- Hearing everyone actually get my name (and seeing others start to point at me instead of saying "Swifteagle"...). Here's a pronunciation guide for Sornelintion: Saur-neh-lin-tea-in. Don't like it? Either get rid of the black ichor, or help my character accept being away from the forest! Any takers for an elf (temporarily) joining your team, to stay away from the folks he hates? I might not make the next few games, but definitely in the spring.

- Attempting to role-play hatred... Wow, Michelle and Henri made it look easy! Ketemycus and I had a few childish moments of disliking each other, but no real fights. It was especially fun seeing people notice us staring at each other or pulling out aura and quickly reacting! Still not sure exactly how we're supposed to act under the hatred effect (e.g. when I was within spell distance I might attack, but when just within sight I might become stunned or leave).

Thanks to everyone for making this such an engrossing world!
Patrick / Sornelintion
I apologize for being way late on this, I've been busy.

I want to thank the Plot Team and all the staffers that do so insanely much more than anyone who hasn't been realizes.

I want to thank my Crew- seriously, you guys are the reason i keep coming back.

Black Forest- great seeing you guys in town. Nothing like an extra squad of cagey veterans! I've always loved our roleplay.

All things Coggin. It doesn't matter what you play, man,you play it to the hilt. Thank you for redefining awesome.

All things Michelle. When we have roleplay time, the roleplay is amazing. When we don't, the roleplay is amazing. Thank you.

The "new elves", and how they're handling the storyline. As in, like bosses. Well done, gentlemen.

Maggie/Luka, and the "last scene you'd have ever expected to see" we had in the mages guild. Great roleplay, woman, thank you very much.

I can't say enough good things about my Crew. I swear,the Court of Nordenn could show up and have a full event on their own in the woods during a weekend no event was scheduled. You guys are stunning roleplayers, and I'm very thankful to surround myself in game with so many talented folk.

Finally, thank you Jesse. Thank you for giving me a few more stolen moments with you IG, thank you for giving me one last scene with you in my storyline, and thank you for all the years you put into this game. You were one of the driving forces in the game when i started, and you're one of the people primarily responsible for me still being here.