Mike Strauss' biata mod. That was amazing. Great RP for me with Tirian and Daniel. Being told by Tirian that Gwen has more honor than those eons older than her left me pretty well speechless. I felt about full on ******** with nausea and pain late Saturday night and was kicking myself on my first response to Tirian's "second chance" question. I know what i meant to say but it really didn't come out through the fog. Then I somehow managed to drop further into character and the red feathers came out. I think that may have been the second time I have ever actually cried in game. Gwen can go from relaxed to emotional pretty quick if the right buttons are pushed. I think you wrote an awesome mod to be a part of Mike and thank you!!
The interaction with Tirian, myself and Grim and having Grim be declared an official friend of the race. Awesome.
Speaking of Grim, everything Grim. You rock! Having Grim totally vouch for Gwen with Daniel and maybe joining Blythedale was super awesome.
Luka and Ren's chess match and the look on Luka's face when I said "Chess is a mental game" Hehe.
Sharing Shya's memories of the Queen and the intensity of those moments. That was rich roleplay even when it was only the two of us with no one else to see it. That really made the moment. I'm glad to carry those memories as well
Amanda looking at me incredulously as I attacked the gnoll heart eater from behind. "Are you hitting it for NINETY SILVER?!" No no, just 19.... I wish 90 lol. Alora's death scream as she took the spell strike death was awesome.
Having Ikmoqs back in Ashbury was great. RP with Iky when she could only speak in rhyme and watching her try in vain to pantomime what she wanted to say was classic. Luka comes in looking to learn some skills. Iky writes 'what do you want to learn." Luka: "I vant to learn how to hit people from behind and knock them out." Daniel: "Iky's good at teaching you things, she knows a lot of skills." Me: "Well, she can't teach her that." Daniel: "What? Why not?" Iky points to her face and looks at Daniel like he's stupid. Daniel: "Ohhhh right, Sarr...."
Amelia's Grandmaster Alchemist and her amnesia 'medicine'. I don't know how you kept a straight face, Amelia, but kudos! That was a fun fishbowl.
Getting prisoned then dispelled and going berzerker rage into the NPC's. I think I took a few aback as I screamed my damage calls, but then I got dropped. Not-so-favorite part: Grim and Glori both pick me up and pull me back and I trip over an NPC and clock him right in the head with my boot. I'm sorry about that (I think your name was Fred?). I'm just glad your head was ok!
Kevin's kobold jumping out and assassinating as I was going up the stairs. "30 assassinate" Me: Adding up previous damage and current body... and the look on Kevin's face as I say: "Got it. Ok that's enough of that!"
Conversation with Qualin late Friday night. Qualin looks and sees I have a dagger on my belt and we talk about how Arienne and I should have a rematch, dagger only, duel to the oblit...err death
Speaking of Qualin... I had the perfect vantage point to watch poor Henry as he sprints all out to catch Joe. Henry's gaining on Joe then slips on the wet grass and goes literally flying down the hill and crash lands on his butt. Slip and slide of death. It was impressive from a distance but I could tell that hurt!
I had to give Larien a hard time about not having brownies (for the second event in a row!) but the soup was great. Thanks so much for bringing it Amy.
Finding out OOG Ren was cursed to laugh. OMG what an awful thing to do to a stone elf! I think it would have been better to gypsy curse her to stick her hand in a vat of acid.
Of course all the goodies in the healer's guild. Those cookies rocked, and the coffee was excellent.
The final wave battle was frustrating IG but I actually had a lot of fun OOG. Finding Zat behind the cabin with like 20 seconds left on her death count and having one last activate life in my sword was pretty clutch. I got dropped so many times by those panthergasts lol.
Thank you NPCs and plot!