August Event Post-Game Logistics


Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
Ok, wrapping up the event reporting. Sending the transfer report tonight, then getting to work on blanket requests. Goblin stamps will get updated later this week, and the online character database should be updated by the weekend.

Does anyone know who "David Blackman" or "David Blackman-Mathis" is? Trying to read the name off the NPC sign in sheet, and I don't know who it is.

Also, if you hopped fence and did not sign the NPC sheet, I have no idea who you are and don't know to give you delicious gobbies and picks. So if you did, and you'd like to get said gobbies, email me at and copy so they can confirm.

Total PCs: 46

PC Breakdown by class:
1 - Adept
1 - Artisan
15 - Fighter
8 - Rogue
11 - Scholar
2 - Scout
8 - Templar

PC Breakdown by race:
3 - Barbarian
2 - Biata
3 - Dark Elf
4 - Dryad
4 - Dwarf
7 - Elf
1 - High Ogre
2 - High Orc
1 - Hobling
10 - Human
5 - Mystic Wood Elf
1 - Sarr
2 - Stone Elf
1 - Wylderkin

I think that is the most cosmopolitan event I have ever seen.

Total NPCs: 22

Nice! I think this is the first time I haven't been lower than the APL. I feel special =p
Cool! I read the name right. Know if he wants to blanket a new character or if he has an existing one elsewhere to blanket?
Event transfer report sent. Event buyback blanket requests sent. Uploading the DB to the Alliance Character database in progress.

It won't have goblin stamp rewards from the event listed, but your updated characters should be viewable in a few minutes.