August Faire Day - it's kind of a big deal


Alliance Rules
The Caldaria plot team is exceptionally pleased to announce that our August Faire Day will be something quite unusual- a family event!

Taking our inspiration from the highly successful "Kids Events" held throughout the game, we hope to provide an interesting day or play for the whole family (or at least those old enough).

We will be using our indoor venue in Devon, CT, and starting with a lengthy module type game using a simplified (stay tuned) version of the rules for the children, after which we will be transitioning to a Faire Day tournament. The tournament portion will have many familiar elements and events, as well as some new "all ages" contests (pie eating, wheelbarrow race, etc) designed to be fully interactive. Effort will be made to balance the "treasure effecting tournament events" and the "fun and games" events so that participation for a younger team-member is not required to "win".

There will be limited module encounters for those not actively (or currently) participating in tournament events, but no "random damage". Our hope is that by having the vast majority of players (off all ages) not engaging in combat, the younger participants will be able to play without impacting other people's enjoyment (think "feast day" with a portion of one of the main rooms sectioned off for combat events).

More details on the children's rules, tournament events, and scheduling forthcoming.

...and for what it's worth, the children's story is fully integrated into ongoing arc plot (as those who attended either of this year's CT events may be able to infer)...
Can't wait...but a quick question.. the cost is?? I'm going with $30 for adults..what about kids? At least one of my kids wants to come..the other is still waffling on whether or not he wants to play...

So yeah...need more info!!!!
Is this the same place as the last event (30 Ormond Street Milford, Ct.)?

Also is the Date - 8/16/14?
Yes it is...

Matt K.
Damn....seems that every one I know is doing something on that date. Thanks Matt