August Favorites

Hey guys, what did you like? Any favorites?
I had an absolute blast this weekend. Thank you so much Chicago staff!

Personal highlights:
Tracking down the void walker; slowly losing myself bodily and mentally, as well as the sudden snap into berzerk rage and for a few seconds targeting the wrong person...sorry Havoc...
Having Rhys be put on a very hilly emotional roller coaster all event.
An infuriating trip to see a fey lord.
The usual charades guessing surrounding what Rhys is trying to tell people.
The circumstances surrounding resurrecting for the first time EVER.
Havoc's adventurer's ABCs. I would love to get a full list of those.
Shotgun wedding Fortannis style
Really enjoyed NPCing again and can't wait to bring Asher down here. Thanks PCs for some really good RP this weekend:

-George and John Wheaton RP, well executed and really fun to do.
-Maxwell Edison: Saturday Night mod. Being prisioned twice in a row in the middle of circle of power watching the adventurers take the void shard and being stuck inside for 10 minutes after. I had a great time RPing those 10 minutes and convincing Fauss,Len,Davion to get me out of there...and cheering on my master!
-Sunday Morning Goblins, great rp and fighting combined into 1.
-Gandian arriving solo to a group of 6 goblins and his dominate afterwards
-Solo void spawn against the front line SoMIs. Definitely felt intimidated my first few spawns as the 9void card.
-Vick Higgins, Cherry Farmer RP with Fauss and gang (thanks Hallucinate culprit)
-Dark Dwarves. Such an intense standoff. Sorry I noticed you sleepign in the corner Em.
-Seeing 16 spells(2 of them sleeps) used against Nate's statue puzzle, when all it needed was 1 curse spell.
-Seeing Josh gradually getting better as a NPC spellcaster leading up to Sat night.
I want to start be thanking all of the NPC's and PC's for great weekend. Can't wait till the next one.
My favorites moments of the weekend.

The George and John RP - Thanks Nathan
The RP with Higgins and the rest of the Farmers (Worms - The real money maker.)
The Void - Only when I'm throwing Order.
Barrister (sorry if I spell it wrong) Wizard Locking the Undead cave we were in.
Meeting a bunch of really cool people - primarily those we were bunked with.
Going crazy during dinner - Squirrels with big fangs.
Fire Goblins Saturday Morning
And Maxwell Edison and the 4 Magic Circles. (Soon to be a hit movie I hear)
I had a great time at the event! It was wonderful to be able to help move plot along especially being from out of chapter; I like to feel useful. Sloane also got to do her two favorite things, hit stuff until it dies and yell at people. Sorry if that was a little off putting to some of you. All of the NPCs did a great job from the RP-ing to the crunching, especially in the rain. It was also nice to meet new PCs and see all the cool costuming.

I would have to say that my favorite part, though, was during the "get the shard/Horse Lord" mod, resisting the voice radius fear and chasing Paul from one side of the fenced in "field" to the other hitting him in the back the whole way. Although being pinned by one NPC and then almost immediately commanded by another was pretty amusing.
"Come defend me!" -Horse Lord
"I can't, I'm stuck" - me

Thanks too all involved and hopefully I'll see you again in the future, either coming back out to Chicago or seeing you at my home chapter in SoMI. We do have a long weekend event over Labor Day (that's right, it is indeed a shameless plug :D ).

Thanks again,
Head of Logistics SoMI
I had a blast this event, I really enjoyed playing with some characters that I do not see very often. Some of my favorites inclueded:
* The Dragon's Breath Wedding! :thumbsup: Tad Ron so has to take Liddia's last name. :wub2:
* The Audible Projection that I wish I had, and all the time Moist was mentioned this event..
* The scene Liddia had with Tarque, great role play Seamus! :)
* Being able to kick the Horse Lord's butt, that is gonna come back to bite us.
* The Dark Dwarf diplomacy, and that stupid hammer/axe.
* The spirit farwell and the stick being removed from Sylvos, thanks Paul.
* Finding the ice wand during the magma goblin mod and being useful as a scholar!
* Liddia feeling terrible that 3 characters had to visit the circle under her watch. :(
* Staying back with Catalynia and seeing her go to town on the void elementals, you go girl!

The role play was great, and I had a good time. Just remember one thing, "Chicago gets you wet!"

I had a lot of fun NPCing this event too. I was kinda intimidated by all the high levels though. I'm used to SoMN where hardly anyone swings two digit damage. Anywho, my favorites in no particular order:

- Role playing a sunflower farmer for no particular reason, then realizing later that it had become part of the plot by having my sunflower farm burned by goblins. Who woulda thunk?
- Gandian during the fire goblin mod. Gandian: "Let's burn things!" Davion: "Dominate gas poison. Return to normal," Gandian: "Let's burn things!" So well played
- Watching Enan chuck two death spells at something during the Saturday night town mod only to have no effect called.
- Breaking down the door during the dark dwarves mod because everyone was inside and not paying attention to the skeletons outside. I'm still not sure why they let the dwarves go though
- Dropping Ryan's NPC during the Saturday night mod after he'd been charmed. The look on the PC's faces was priceless.
- Being dominated by Davion shortly after dropping Ryan's NPC, then being dropped myself two seconds later.
- During the void spawn mod, chucking 10 elemental voids at Rhys and watching all the PC's trying to jump in the way.
- The hallucinate shenanigans with the farmers. Was it the cheese that was poisoned? I still don't know
- Attacking Len with a void spawn and watching her freak out. I felt a little bad for her when I did that
- Eric Marsters resurrection story for the farmer's son. I was trying so hard not to burst out laughing
Top 3...

Nathans George and John Pyro possesed farmer mod

Horselord fight...specifically Havoc going ape on everyone which was awesome, and being safe in a circle of power with Pandora and Enan looking around and realizing we are half the healers and 8 people are was a nice ohh **** moment.

Lastly hullicinating cause of the cheese...awesome
<sighs> that circle didn't stay up long, stupid people falling down all around us.
*Getting a party of lowbies together and then running into the dark dwarves THAT I HAD TO KILL. Davion fighting his wolf over how to attack. (Wolf: Lets run straight in and tear off their faces. Davion: Lets try and sneak kill)
*RP with Tarquq over the unfortunate night when all this happened.
*Chuck Finley. Gotta love making new merchant contacts, right Rob?
*Hanging with my new Pals, Fauss, Kit, Cat and Cord
*Buying out Cord's contract from Fauss for 2 gold. It was a VERY good investment
*Collecting red gems (SELL THEM TO ME!!!)
*Nathan's multiple epic mods. Liked the "tome" and George. Right up my alley, awesome.
*Seeing something come over the Diplos plot line.
*Seeing The new players figure out one of the major plot lines long before any of the higher level players!
*Fighting the magma goblins very creatively with the fire necklace. (I used it to lure them out, to fight each other, and to turn around so I could backtstab them) "You want this necklace (throws it behind him)" "Go and get it" *backstab* *backstab*
*Maxwell Edison!!! So epic.
*Making friends with HoG the hardway. Idrius "Let me go get my sword, I got some killing to do"
First a quick word of advice, never piss off the healer. :p Second, a quick thank you to Ryan for stepping up to NPC all weekend despite planning on playing. I missed Tets but it was awesome of him to help as was needed. :D

Ok onto the favorites:

1. I out of game sometimes enjoy telling people off so it was fun to do it in game for once. Pandora is so shy and quiet that it was interesting to let loose with her for once. No hard feelings out of game hopefully.

2. Len and Pan’s idle chatter. It was fun to stand at the back of the group and just chat with Len and learn about her idle dance. And just have to say tail touch casting. :p Sorry to anyone I wiggled my tail in their face. lol

3. Poor Tarqaq. His mind is so screwed. Seamus did an awesome job RPing that. Listening to his past almost made me depressed out of game.

4. Irt (not sure how to spell it) taking on the gate almost single-handed. He used up all my spell shields against spell strike Deaths that if any more came at him I was going to have to try to block them myself.

5. Enan putting up the circle after almost all the healing spells were used up. Then dropping it barely a minute later since people were going down around it. It at least gave us healers a quick breather.

6. The merry band of new players. The four of them jumped right in and did as many mods as they could. I went on a few mods with them. And omg Pandora actually knows how to hit things with her staff! We didn’t think it was possible!

That’s it for now. If I think of any more, I’ll add them. :) Hope everyone had a good time.

Thanks to all for being there, it was a rough event but with so much good blending of RP and Combat for me.

I think this event has some very specific challenges to it but the whole staff and plot team really rose to the challenge with the cooperation the players who really were mindful of scaling on both sides and worked to create fun for themselves and each other throughout the weekend. As always, the big thanks go to the NPCs, unsung heroes who did the bulk of the heavy lifting. Big thanks also go out to Miss Daphne, our resident tavern lady for consistently putting out great food on a short budget. Lastly, to all of you who put your faith, and hard earned money to keeping this little dream of a Nation named Wayside alive.

I saw some amazing things this weekend that I want to point out I saw and thank. You all know who you are:

I saw a player involve the whole town in his information and really press a plot to its limits recognizing the danger he stumbled into IG .

I saw visiting players, limited by differing policies, accept, adapt, and overcome without an ounce of complaint and with plenty of thanks for the accomodation.

I saw players confronted with a 5 level jump in APL work doubly hard to make a difference and enjoy the game rather than shrink like violets.

I saw a new leader being born, someone who has gripped to me as a player in other games, and as a staffer here about not being able to lead.... I saw that player take the game by the horns a bit more every event this season and this weekend involve newer players in the game on a level most strangers don't get.

I saw new players jump into the rp aspect of this game in a fierce way I hadnt seen in a long time and their first time out, make an impact on both the plot but also the combats.

I saw a Jr Plot Member earn the rest of the staff's deep respect for his skills as a writter, and really shine and establish that there is no more room in front of his title for the letters JR.

I saw an old friend fight back from a major personal setback... and give himself hell to get back to where he wants to be in life. The fight was in you this weekend and you had it covered.

As for my favorites from the event:

-I loved all the hats I got to wear this weekend.

-I GOT TO CRUNCH-TWICE!- oh and I can't beleive I got into the ward.

-Dark Dwarven Diplomacy- The RP during but also afterwards with Rash-Sorry Em.

-Sylvo's Farewell- I didnt imagine a wedding was happening but when called to task I can do a ceremony. :)

- Magma Goblin House Summons- I got to crunch a fun mod, and I got to test out my new set of lungs for a minute... that was fun.

-Summoning Lumiere- Great RP and Great Combat... I was worried the PCs couldnt get it done for a minute... the look on everyones face when I called aspects up... oh my this is gunna be a fight.

-Playing Orderly Knight and the new players healing me while I was healing the town. :)

-Idris's ritual casting- It took your friends a while to figure out you were in trouble, also the HOG when worried someone is taken over.

-Eve's troubles with DS-The look on your face was precious" don't look at me".

So much more, thanks guys for comming from as far as 9 hrs away to play with us, you make this game awesome... can't wait till next event. :)

Thanks for having us and showing us such a great time. Npc's and runners, awesome job. Here are my favorites.

1. Sloan trying to smack my ***, and wrecking her arm.
2. Tadron's shotgun wedding and who idea was it to give the orc the baby?? really?
3.Getting to be HaVok. OMG it has been to long. If I was abrasive ornery and difficult to you, your welcome.
4. Not having to beat Paul ALL weekend. Tom and Ryan, Thanks.

This was a great event, I really enjoyed plotting for all of you.

- My george and john Wheaton RP, really awesome, went well
-My celestial undead tomb
- My immune to everything but order monster, had fun harassing all ya
- The two handed combat of doom late friday night
- Seeing new folks, and seeing some very old players that I had met in passing but got to see a better side of here
-my NPCs always being helpful and listening to what us mean plot people say
- I know there is more but it escapes my memory

Thank you PCs and NPC for making this a fun and well feeling event with both good combat and good RP
So here are my favs of the weekend in more or less chronalogical order...

  • Using Bart's sword all weekend.
  • Trying to figure out what was wrong with Davion and calling out to him as he was attempting to be sneaky.
  • No one noticing as the DS lead undead Eve off.
  • Being turned into undead...Not once...Not twice...But 3 times.
  • The 3rd time being undead and all the RP that went with it. Thanks Toosuru (yeah still can't spell it) and Elle.
  • Not truely realizing I was a greater undead until I saw my reflection. :shock:
  • The words "Don't hurt her she's on our side." As people are faced with a greater undead Eve (Hey Elle they did listen to you...). ^^*
  • Kalen "Eve get in this circle now!" Eve "Why?" I was so going to go around the corner and heal myself when you called out to me.
  • Being woken up by a stone elf demanding breakfast.
  • Being told the sewers were flooded.
  • Enan wizard locking the celestial undead tomb right after we sent Urt (spelling?) to get us some alchemy.
  • Same tomb me walking up and purifying the unicorn statue and no one paying attention (and people wonder why Eve feels like no one wants her around/cares about what she does half the time).
  • Me deciding halfway through the event what dinner is going to be in September.
  • Being half asleep in the kitchen and having Lidia be like "Eve your my maid of honor."
  • The wedding in general.
  • Helping defend Rhys during the void walker mod and seeing her loose her mind and attack Havok.
  • Paul telling everyone that I had magical kitchen rifting skills so I could finish dinner. :yummy:
  • Getting 50 ft from the tavern and having Alexander run past me to get water for Thomas.
  • Being told that someone poisoned the cheese and being all what ok whatever.
  • NPC help in the kitchen during dinner (Gwen you can wash my dishes any time)!
  • New PC (You kno who you are) walking over and carrying me back to the healers to be fixed.
    being sorrowed and just walking into the line of fire.
  • "No Effect!" I love being able to say that. :wub2:
  • Being petrified and people telling me to return to my origional position only to tell them that this is how I was petrified. AND being rotated because I was sat down in a BAD place.
  • Havok telling me it was ok if I KB'd him while he was laying on the ground. *wonders what would have happened if I actually did it...*
  • Passing Lidia and telling her that her husband was going to cast a ritual.
  • Having a peon order elemental come over and try to destroy the void shard.
  • Realizing that "Uh oh" we are back in the shard.
  • Literally having to wake Havok up (Mike no clue how you fell asleep on that cold hard ground). :cold:
  • Brennan taking about 5 vengences.
  • Somehow getting lumped in with all the high levels.
  • Sillence packet to the Tad Ron.
  • Being woken up to the shouts of "We need a healer." and only being able to think "Great, now I've got to pee. Better go heal people" while the rest of my cabin was out cold.
  • Goblin without the sheild skill...Brilliant!
  • Brennan not quite awake letting the goblin into the ward!

So overall was a great weekend. And I think I just paraphrased every mod I went on. Can't wait for the next one.