August Favorites


I had a blast this last event! Here's a list of some of my favorite moments and things:

-Arc and Leela interactions! Had to be the funniest thing i've been in a while.

-The tea party! It was just what i needed even though my leg was killing me, it really helped in relaxing the pain.

-Doing a sagey thing and finding out info for a PC. I love being able to do that kinda of thing and i was so happy when i was asked to do it.

- nightmare mod. I didnt do much except at the end when I was asked to scribe yay another sagey thing!

-The hellhound costume! It was creepy as hell when it was in the dark!

-Sewer mod. i cast a few spells had some cool rp with the npc's! it was great.

-Saturday dead walk games, Chris felt bad not helping, but we had so much fun and had some great laughs!

-Watching Blackforest fight the hell hound! I felt like i needed popcorn! such an intense fight!

-So much RP this weekend with players. I felt like i finally have a good grasp on who Jadden is after talking with so many ppl and it makes me so happy that people now know what i can do!

-Reminiscing of old events with Justin on the back porch. I love how i can now contribute to stories from like 10 years ago!

-Special shout out to Shaun (Keldar) oog we all hit it off last HQ event and of Jadden and Keldar chatted we were able to keep it going. Youre so much fun to chill and fight along side dude!

-OMG Leela! Erika your panda is adorable! she is my new favorite! lol

-Cheering Kevin (Avernorn) on as he is fighting undead after dead walk! way to go legend!

-Eating breakfast with Frisco, V, Emily, Mich, and others (names escape me...) saturday morning! was a good time.

- The small walk around the lake was a great time!

Such a great weekend! see yall next event!

I absolutely loved the sleep spores in the sewer mod - bubble-wrap rep for a trap was really entertaining and so different that now I'm thinking of other different ways we could rep a trap.

The tea party was a great time and so much more than I expected.

Seeing the hellhound-type thing walking around with the glowing eyes and wondering who it was after was pretty hilarious for us:
- Tieran: "We should go get that thing"
- Artos: "If it starts coming back up the hill we can give it a shot but I'm not chasing it down"
- Isego: "If it walks over to the porch you can invite it in to the ward and I'll care"

The guild meeting was really cool and getting a chance to meet Himson finally was also neat. Massive props to Frisco for coming up with a good way to give credit to attendees and avoid the complicated point tracking.
From the Dark side:

T`vard and V both going with the flow of the mod's and making something work better than I could have imagined, even if it was not at all what I had envisioned.

Falsetto necromancy

Players rolling with the punches and coming back for more.

Tag teaming with Mr. Sailer against 8 Black Forest members.

Darkan, watching you make this thing come to life is wonderful. You are making these ideas live!!!!!!! I hope it is just half as fun for you as it is for me to watch.

Watching PC's just knock the riddles out one by one....realizing it was going more easily than I had intended, and that I was did not care because I was glad to see them succeed.

Seeing people enjoy the Duck Rodeo. I love players who can enjoy the simple mods in life.

People.....write up and plot subs please please please please!!!

And Finally.....BANANAS!

Joe Siegel
It was great to be back after being gone for five years.
Thanks npcs for a great game!

Just rolling with BF again!

Walking that damn road like every two hours with Drak.

Of course fighting the Hell hound in the tavern was so amazing and scary all at the same time.

helping cheer on "the legend ".

Helping the sheriff catch smugglers and bandit.

Drak constantly being mistaken for Lyle

Tons of great jokes with the team that if I posted I'd have to kill everyone who read it lol.

I look forward to coming back next year and enjoying more events here!

Heather aka Amaris
-Mouthing a rainbow flower. Dan was a champ, despite frustrating PCs!
-Tea party was awesome, thank you so much for allowing me to be awful. The tea was lovely, and the food was greatly appreciated. I will really endeavor to contribute next time!
-Leela is a great new character. I'm so glad you had some fun with her, Erika!
-Drunken Archery was AMAAAZZIIIING. UNDEFEATED CHAMP RIGHT HEREEEE. The drinks and the bottles were both a great touch also. Great work for that whole thing.
-More pages, mo info, mo good
-I'm super happy everyone liked my ideas for streamlining the Guild system!!
-Talking with my favorite extraplanar being will always be amazing! The followup with V was also awesome. I had a hard time not laughing as prosciutto was gently draped on my belly.
-Abominations and the Gel. Cube are freaking amazing reps. I might have to "borrow" some of the ideas XD
-Hound garb was awesome. He needs to be there every time we use one now haha
-New Sage's Guild members and their amazing test-taking skills.
-Getting to know Gilwing was cool
-I really really liked being able to talk it out with at least SOME of the Beastmen. Being called a "friend of the Beastmen" was a strangely rewarding moment.
Simon said:
Watching PC's just knock the riddles out one by one....realizing it was going more easily than I had intended, and that I was did not care because I was glad to see them succeed.

Joe, its not that the riddles were that easy.... its just that I'm that good... lol. [/Brag]

Honestly, I cant post favorites because, except for the life-force draining heat, I loved every minute of this event.
I felt we were always busy, and even my downtime was spent doing some wonderful rp/chr building/nom nom nom. (Thanks Em, I know I had to cut out early, but it was awesome, you rock)
Thank you staff, NPCs and my fellow PCs for a most memorable weekend.
What did I like best?

All of the people I knew already, I liked. All of the people I recognized, but didn't remember exactly why... yeah, I liked you too... again. I look forward to relearning who you are. The people from the pictures on the website were just as beautiful, fabulous, kind and intelligent as I had suspected. The roleplaying, what little I was able to witness from my vantage as an NPC, was remarkable. The very few negative things I witnessed were trivial compared to what I feel about my OOG life and the positive moments were heart warming and welcoming. I recognize and respect that this is your clan and I promise that I am not here to steal your women... or your bacon... or your ducks. I feel that we are of the same tribe and that I have been drawn to you like Boone was drawn to Midian, although I don't plan on stirring things up quite that much. I am sure that this event meant many different things to everybody. To me it is my first and the regret, that I have not known you all since the day I met Rich, was instantly overwhelming.

I guess what I am saying is that I actually had more fun than I thought I would and I hope to make friends with all of you in time and that includes any respectful antagonists and honorable arch-nemeses.

But what did I like the very bestest?

After playing skeletons, beastmen, pirates, Elosdi, bandits and even the Baron's Herald... nothing came close to the orgasmic climax of playing that inflated stitched up abomination of a flesh golem thing. I sincerely apologize if I whacked any of you too hard.


(PS: I lied about the bacon part.)
WOOOO AUGUST! You were a hot one. Good lord.

- The wyvern mod was awesome, if logistically-confusing. So many clever tricks and so many narrow escapes. Also, Taryn being a tactical sneakboss. Thank you for not letting me walk into the arms of death. Or at least not so embarrassingly as that would have been.
- Multiple failings at getting V wine. Then succeeding and having V teach the 8th circle of magic with a hilarity unknown since the time of "Ohhh, a kit-kat!"
- Taryn's kilt. What?
- Nashira's face. WHAT?!
- "It's a treasure."
- V and Rali tag-teaming adarchroi-soothing. It's not what it sounds like. Sisters are SO DIFFICULT when they're upset :P
- Drunken archery! I am an absolute PRO at being a duck now. Super fun would play again.
- Discovering that howlbears are basically a one-shot kill with Paralysis HAHAHAHAHAHAHA good to know.
- New Order members! Thank you for your enthusiasm! I am sorry that the heat and general chaos of the weekend made it difficult to properly induct you. I promise, we will hunt you soon.
- What do you get when you throw a pantherghast at the Barran elf community while it consists of two scholars and an artisan? A repel, a bunch of binding, and arrows for 3 damage. For 20 minutes. I hated every moment of it, but on retrospect, it's a good story.

I know I am missing things and will likely return to edit with impunity as the day goes on 8)
WOOOO AUGUST! You were a hot one. Good lord.

- The wyvern mod was awesome, if logistically-confusing. So many clever tricks and so many narrow escapes. Also, Taryn being a tactical sneakboss. Thank you for not letting me walk into the arms of death. Or at least not so embarrassingly as that would have been.
- Multiple failings at getting V wine. Then succeeding and having V teach the 8th circle of magic with a hilarity unknown since the time of "Ohhh, a kit-kat!"
- Taryn's kilt. What?
- Nashira's face. WHAT?!
- "It's a treasure."
- V and Rali tag-teaming adarchroi-soothing. It's not what it sounds like. Sisters are SO DIFFICULT when they're upset
- Drunken archery! I am an absolute PRO at being a duck now. Super fun would play again.
- Discovering that howlbears are basically a one-shot kill with Paralysis HAHAHAHAHAHAHA good to know.
- New Order members! Thank you for your enthusiasm! I am sorry that the heat and general chaos of the weekend made it difficult to properly induct you. I promise, we will hunt you soon.
- What do you get when you throw a pantherghast at the Barran elf community while it consists of two scholars and an artisan? A repel, a bunch of binding, and arrows for 3 damage. For 20 minutes. I hated every moment of it, but on retrospect, it's a good story.

I know I am missing things and will likely return to edit with impunity as the day goes on 8)
It was button. Amarali, I can see your button. It was so funny. Also you guys beasted that PG, 45 seconds before he died of old age but great job!
I had a great, if weird time playing Amiithis for the first time. It took me a few days to digest everything.

Coming into game to deliver a letter, then proceeding to make V awkwardly uncomfortable for most of the rest of the weekend. THEN the wonderful earnest conversation that took like ten tries to complete. Like a lot of other events for me... all things Kris.

Naps and lounging on the porch. It was nice and unusual to go from a super active character to one who cares much less.

Accidentally walking into a bunch of triggers for Ami's character history. Gotta love the Brotherhood.

First time PCing a caster and actually managing to cast well on a few occasions... even if I flubbed a bunch of incants.

Seeing Tim out as the Baron and the little bit of RP between us. It was fun being so utterly lost and scrambling to recognize the noble, only to have him be seemingly way too nice to be upset with the silly elf.

Rocks, long walks, and the Socratic Method. Sometimes its the littlest things, and the simplest conversations that stay with you, even in RP.

Sunday morning module. I'm kind of surprised we survived it, but it was fantastic.

I think he's going to have to send letters to do more personal favorites *laughs*