August Favorites


Minnesota Staff
I personally had a great event, even though my right knee got a bit more banged up then usual.

Favorites Include:

The Artillery Mod for Bruisey's Captain Test.
Playing Conrad von Chastity and having Bruisey give me the People's Elbow from a second story window.
Fighting the Warhounds as a Griffon, and having Travis Repel a baby griffon from its nest.
Having a whole group pf NPCs ready to fight only to have Zihr end the mod before we were needed.
If I think of more I will add it to the list.

-Ryan C.
Having an entire mod that was centered around traps! I loved being able to crawl around and doing our best when it came to the puzzles.

Getting changed by a baby griffon and being forced to defend myself.
Operating the artillery for Bruisey's test.
After being totally tapped out of magic, just hiding under the table when the smoke/dream creatures stormed the tavern.
Having puzzle on mods that the non-combat focused characters could do.

-Zach B
I had an awesome time! I was super tired coming into it this game, but I was refreshed as soon as we hit game on.
Sneaky shenanigans during the Hildegard fight. Running around the entire battlefield to deliver a couple slays, and then hiding in the grass waiting for a good time to free Bruisey. But he managed to free himself! Then Roff came to join me, and everyone left, so we decided to make a run for it. super fun sneaky stuff.

The Raccoonstruct! Super cool way to present challenges. coming up with a riddle to fit an answer was a fun twist. Super enjoyed that one Bel!
And the following "Zihr I need help leaving" "okay" "NPCs you can go now"

Bruisey's Captain mission! super cool idea to do artillery strikes. Very well done and it sounds like this was a very well received mission!

Having Mint hit me over the head with a weapon sleep so I could try and go rescue Roff from the dream world (It didnt work, but I got a little nap in)

I want Zihr to do this favorite, but Ritual cast theater to be expected in the near or distant future! For a very long sword!

Haven't been on a spider since season 1 of Erabella, and I was reminded its for good reason! (:

The fey crab bull was a lot of fun to fight! Probably my favorite monster this weekend!

Running around the battlefield looking for treasure chests and I hear Ryan tell the NPCs "Hey, go over there and fight him" and losing my hat numerous times as I run away every time.

Walking into the Orc Olympics at just the right time to do the long jump. My favorite event! Earning my title as Butt Slider!
And finally the trap and puzzle mod! I appreciate all the time and effort that went into the setup, and I thoroughly enjoyed the crawling around and jumping in and out of the circles of pain to complete some (incompletable) puzzles! d:

Bruisey's atomic elbow to the draft dodger. And spider Roff's pursuit. "You cant escape! He has so many legs!"

The continual blood feud between Auryn and Sir Quacks. Tickets for their big fight being sold soon!"

I'm sure there's more! but that's what I got for now. Thanks for the great weekend everyone!
This weekend was a blast! Here are just a few of my favorites:
- Fighting the crab
- Mosquitos in the swamp
- Becoming SLAYER Mint!!!!!
- Hitting Elros over the head
- All the mods were honestly so fun
Great to see everyone and such a great weekend.

My Captains mission was great. So much fun. I hope we get to call in more artillery strikes in the future. For anyone that didn’t hear check out the new signature.

Zihr willingly breathing the spirit in like a 70s coke fiend. Then getting back looking at the card and seeing it was important to not let the spirit escape.

Dropping the peoples elbow on the Jade Dragon escapee that jumped out the window.

Ryan telling me when I was captured behind enemy lines when you wake up after this first aid kicks in feel free to snap my neck I think it’s something Bruisey would do.

Packet baseball in what was a pretty good line fight to the Rock bugs nest. And gathering all the minerals.

Captain Squire Bruisy “Crunch” Foemangler
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Hello All.
It was so nice to see everyone again and to meet so many new larpers.
I had a blast but man did I feel old. I am not as fast or have as much energy as in the past.
I had a bunch of fun. Every mod I went on was fun. Bruisy's mission was fun. I really want an artillery cannon.
During one of the bigger fights I got someone up that was dying only to be turned on and killed.
It has been a long time since that has happened. The trap and dexterity mod was fun because I am the least dexterous person. But Luckily I am small and that helped. Overall I had fun and can't wait till the next one.
Thanks to everyone that was so nice and Kind. And thanks to the npc's and leaders of the group that helped me relearn spells and such and was kind when I didn't hear something or needed something explained.

I had such a good time, thanks to everyone

Highlights include;
The fae crab fight
Getting sent off to face Elros during the dragon construct fight and just thinking to myself 'how is he so quick?!' as he sprinted away
Getting hyped with the NPCs for a mod only to have Zihr allow me out immediately
Zach the Sack and the ensuing drama