Awesome Awesomeness


Just wanted to say thanks to the staff for putting on such a great weekend. Justin & I had an amazing amount of fun.

Thanks NPCs for working so hard. You guys tirelessly ran mod after mod and exhausted us all! Great plot this weekend. Looking forward to the September event!
Yeah thank you staff! It was a lot of fun, I'll be attempting to make it out to every event now. I wasn't sure if I still was really into Larping, but the fun I had this weekend has comfirmed that I do.
I enjoyed my first time playing Alliance. The over plot seemed thought out and alive. The mods were fun that I went on and seemed to my lowby self handled well. I saw alot of good characterazation and RPing. The food was good (9 gutbusters ftw) and just to note... everybody needs to try peanut-butter, jelly and chip sandwiches!

And I need two words to describe the best thing I learned over the weekend... butt wars.

Player of Mask... The coon with the BIG tail.

Just wanted to chime in as well to say that I had such an awesome time this weekend. Tom, Josh, Doug, Tank, and Mitch--you guys ran a great event. The plot was very interesting and the PCs got so many opportunities to be involved in the story and influence its outcome. The fights were intense but not ludicrous and the puzzles and story was intricate but manageable. A perfect balance on all fronts, in my book.

To the tireless NPCs that assaulted the town at all hours, thank you! And to the four that helped out on the module I ran, you did a great job. The PCs that were involved all told me later that they had a great time. Thanks!

As a long, long time gamer and LARPer, perhaps the coolest thing I have ever seen was watching how the plot team at this event managed to tell a story that allowed a 3rd level PC (literally) and 30+ level PCs both be integrally involved in the story. I am not talking about some small part of some small story, but really taking an active role in world plot. It should be a lesson to new players and a reminder to old that no matter who your character is, you can always be proactive and get involved in the story and always contribute to a rich gaming experience. To the 3rd level PC I am talking about (you know who you are), kudos for being an awesome player and for being proactive and getting involved.

I also like how much effort the plot team put into allowing individual players and groups pursue their own plots and advance their own storylines. It is hard enough to put together a plot that will entertain the town (40+ this weekend!), but to also continue so many other diverse storylines on top of that is truly an amazing achievement. I am in awe.

And as for butt wars, I had a complete blast playing the game. I loved how the whole town seemed to be involved and cheering and whatnot. Definitely a memorable LARPing moment. And I stand by my original plea that we need a better name for the game than "butt wars." That said, Finneas was right when he said the secret to victory was in the wiggle. Well, that is unless you are strong enough to just pull people over (you know who you are!!).

Again, I had an amazing time. I am bummed I can't make the September event, but I am already counting the days until October.


Joe / Aurik Louciann, Mariner and Slayer of Many Pirates
I'd just like to say that both in game and out of game, one would be hard pressed to find a greater group of people to hit with plumbing supplies. There were so many plot lines going simultaneously. Unless a person was a lazy useless hermit with no ambition or direction, there was something for everyone I must give props for keeping everyone involved.

Oblits, Draconians, shatter spirits, Dark Elves, death, Eggs, create undead, Keys, meat wrapped in meat, and invisible birds FTW!!!
Joe / Aurik summed everything I wanted to say up!!! YOU ROCK JOE!!!!

Yet another great SoMI event!!! BIG THANKS to everyone one, NPC and PC alike!!

See you all in one month!!!

I had a GREAT time this weekend! NPCs, you are amazing as always.The mods were fun and the rain/cold only bothered me when I stopped moving, which wasn't often. I am still sore and tired, but I can't wait until next event! Thank you all for making SoMi the "awesome awesomeness" it is!

IG: Sloane
Hey Guys

I would like to start by thanking all the hard working people that make it possible for me to slip into another world for a time. I appreciate the time and effort you take to make the events happen. I had a really good time this weekend and am eager for September (Now Clap A$$holes.)
To all the new(er) players it was cool seeing you out there. MUCH LOVE FOR THE BUTT WARS COON KING!!! Fantastic idea on how to fix the water elemental lake; it’s always fun to make Josh smile when you throw him a curve ball.
GJ, I hate you and always will, but your wife is cool so I will put up with you for now.
There were a lot of good parts to the event. Most of all, I like the ebb and flow of the world. I like the fact that if I pay attention just a little bit I can see a plot/world unfolding before me.
On the players side, I would say most of you did a great job. Unfortunately, that was not true in all cases (a minority, but a very loud and annoying one).
(Passive aggressive time) If you get angry about the following statements or are offended by them- good. You are the people this is aimed at. I considered just contacting the parties in private, but I feel the message would not have been effective in such a manner. This has been an issue in Nero for the 17+ years I’ve been running/owning/playing Nero.
The issues I have are with the constant bitching I hear/see about two things: The first item is treasure (or lack thereof). Unless I missed it, I don’t recall a section in the rules stating you are for sure going to recive “x” treasure for “x” encounter. There is a formula that determines how much loot goes out at events and I am confident that the staff and owner of this chapter follow that to the letter. This odd entitlement that seems to be permeating around is getting on my nerves. Some people were griping that the Dark Elves were not dropping enough stuff (why the hell would an attacking force send out their slave troops with gold?!?!?!?). Others were griping that the mods they went on didn’t pay out enough at the end (odd, maybe the module is part of a greater whole and the “pot of gold” is at the end of the story!!!). If you play the game for gaining treasure, fine, I will not begrudge you that. However, when your need/greed comes to a point where I have to listen to you whine about it OUT OF GAME and not in character, I have to defend my right to fun as well. A prime example is the undead module during the day in the crypt. We failed; we were forced to retreat and did not come close to finishing it, but because so many were griping about not getting ENOUGH stuff (their perspective only) that we received a hefty haul so that the powers that be wouldn’t have to listen to the endless bitching about it. This is not World of Warcraft, not everything is going to have a random chance for a purple drop. Why does this bug me? We lost and we were rewarded.

No consequence for failure.

This leads me to my second point. Sometimes you don’t get to win. Sometimes the bad guys are just tougher. Sometimes you die. Sometimes you don’t get to be the hero right away. Sometimes you have to work for it. Sometimes the monster you are fighting wasn’t meant to be beat by conventional means. That’s right, sometimes plot is tough and you have to work for it. Maybe it is by becoming a better player. Maybe it is paying attention to plot and not expecting that because you are loaded with items and skills/levels you get to auto win. Maybe plot is trying to challenge you and not your character sheet. If it seems too tough, ask around and see if others are having trouble. Hey maybe there is something going on that is making it this way. It may just be a plot line that can be followed and completed. Let me run a novel idea past you, STOP BITCHING OUT OF GAME THAT IT IS TOO HARD EVERYTIME YOU LOSE and try coming up with a solution to the problem in game or don’t play the game.
Coming out and complaining around other players is not only rude, but also extremely disrespectful to the volunteers that give up their free time before, during, and after each and every event. One more time for those that missed it-the VOLUNTEERS (aka people that do this for nothing more than the few thanks and massive headache they get) also you are setting a lousy example for newer players. Most of you that were participating in the above 2 actions should and do know better.
If you do have legitimate gripes-take it to staff. The appropriate way is to voice your concerns to them and give them a chance to address them at the event. If you are still unsatisfied with the results, try to act like an adult and keep it between you and them until the situation is settled. Acting like a five year old and threatening to hold your breath until you get what you want is ridiculous. Threatening to leave the event is just as lame as well. If you can’t be considerate of the other paying players around you or are unwilling to be, please stay home, eat a Hot Pocket, and play WOW. You get to be super cool there (not to mention no penalty for dying and you can get uber-cool loot) and will find at least half-million like minded malcontents to join your cries of injustice.

Anyone wishing to respond to this is to address it to me and me alone. You can pm me here or email me contact
To Tom and Josh, I am sorry if the above statement causes you any issues please direct them to me .
Doug Fleming
Tom, Josh and all you other plot guys/NPCs, I had a great time too.

Being a storm lord was really cool as was bane-ing the Josh-elemental. Lo-bie town -what can I say we will soon rule the world.

I didn't go on the cemetary mod, but John/Jono said it was far cooler than what he was expecting (it was his 1st market day for those who don't know), of course if I were there they would have won it the first time.

Looking forward to September,

I had a great time. There was so much going on, I never felt like I had to really go searching for something to do. So many great PC's to hang out with, and a lot of plot happening. It was the first event I couldn't find 'down-time' to go nap during. Well done everyone.

Of course, a supreme shout-out need to go out to plot and the NPC's. I think at one point there were 2 seperate mods going on, some personal plot happening, and still some NPC's left over to accost the town. Thanks to everyone who drove a long ways to NPC for us, the whole Traverse crew and many other faces I didn't recognize, but hope to put names to in Sept.

On a personal note, I want to thank a lot of the older characters out there for giving the younger ones a chance to shine. Kale and Aurik were excellent to run/organize with and I can't wait to go again soon. And to some of the truly ancient Pc's out there, thanks for pushing the plot into my hands. I hope the investment paid off.

To the other Lowbies out there. It was fun. Safety in numbers and all that. However..... we need a better name. something that adds to the ambiance. Brigit suggested the Rampaging Signets, but baby swan don't look good on a tabard.

I guess a lot of old faces were coming out of the woodwork this event. I hope to see you all again.

Rest up, stretch out. Next event in a few weeks.

-Joe, Idris
Thanks to all the staff (Jorsh, Tom, Tank, Doug and Mitch) and all our lovely NPC's. You guys always put on a great show! I had a great time. (Matt you're not getting thanks cause your a jerk and decided to have fun with Mickey Mouse instead of us!)
1 2 3... BUTT WARS! (btw Joe... im sorry but your never getting us to change the name. Its stuck!) I think All that I wanted to say was already written so Im making mine short.
Thanks again
Just realized I didn't thank staff or the players for another good event in SoMI. I had some favs which bear mentioning.

The Undead Mod, while we lost and had a rez we lost, its OK, we can try again, it was cool, I hated that someone rezzed but thats an IG thing less than an OOG one. Was it hard? Heck yes, did I expect it to be easy? Heck no. If I had thought it would be easy I would have gone with like 5-10 people not half the town begging for more help. I enjoy not knowing that because we have 3-4 30+ pcs going that all will be fine. Sometimes its nice to know that we will be and a low stress fun mod can happen but sometimes not knowing whether its going to be enough is also fun. I'm with Doug and 100% in favor of losing one once in a while. I appreciated that plot wasn't trying to get a TPK and wasn't even trying to rez us. We had plenty of chances to get out and we just didn't get it done.

The Friday Night Key Mod- I think it may have been the coolest town mod Ive gone on so far. Not because of cool powers and badass reps and monsters just because not knowing if we could succeed, despite having most of our skills fresh and being able to beat dark elves fairly easily the puzzle, which was simple enough to be completed, was a great element. I also felt accomplished for going on that Mod because it felt like we did some damage to our enemies. Doug, and all NPCs I loved that one please keep them going.

The Draconian fight- "DOOM STORM"- Josh you know :) That was fun to see spellcasting take some form of effect on a bad guy and feeling like an idiot for running flush out of spells 1/2 way through a fight grabbing my wand to some damage from range and snapping it in half on accident after like one minute, running around looking for another wand to use and not finding one( speaks for proper prior planning and thicker wand reps... I hated the rez turn over but understood where it came from, mistakes, I made, mistakes others made, etc etc all very critical in such a difficult heart was pounding out of my chest for like an hour after the fight from chasing Doug and Josh around like a maniac for the first 30 minutes. I honest to goodness thought I might keel over OOG from the adrenaline rush.

All the RP, getting to see old friends, and make new ones- This is why I came, I hadn't seen some of my friends there in 3+ years and I wanted to play with them, I got to finally meet "LORD QUINN", Talk to Yonkee, Hug Drew after 3 yrs, meet Not and Don't from a PCs perspective, meet some of the "Old Guard" PCs from my newbie days of alliance. Cast a cool ritual which freaked Havoc out! " You'll be dead but you should be ok" "Its the should I worry about with you sometimes"

Thanks to all the NPCs that made it happen, the plot folks who who wrote the event, the players who dusted off their boots to come play with us, and of course Tom A who doesn't get enough credit for what he does. Last and most certainly not least. Big Thanks go out to Anique, Chris and the others who pitched in to keep the masses fed.

ya, I've been meaning to post for a while, just pure lazyness.

Had a great time. Really enjoyed SoMI playing style. Proud of Tom and Josh for what they have done! Doug, Mitch, you guys rock. And all the npc's, thank you for making it a great weekend. My view is slanted because I hadn't really played in years but i had a fun time.

I'll just keep adding to this list when i think about it.

but I rez for the first time as yonke, and it was because I made a mistake. Well, a big one lol. But, watch out, once I can run again I'm going be a one man wrecking crew. I never really knew how much/important running is in larp until you can't run for a weekend.

Thanks again for the fun time!
