The following are the concerns (and some questions) that AWY has come up with regarding the 2.1 alpha packet. Any additional items we have, we’ll add on as a reply post. Before we get started with more specific concerns…please address the following items, as they form the underlying concerns of a LOT of our specific questions and may eliminate some of the individual questions later.
Specific questions/issues/concerns:
- What is the goal/aim of this packet? Early on, we were told it was to expand and improve both crafting and the economy. Reviewing 2.1, it appears that the goal has been changed into turning all crafting skills into semi-mandatory combat supplementary skills and to actually diminish the “crafting” aspect heavily. Was this intended or is this goal-drift?
- What is the purpose of coin going forward? If crafting doesn’t use it, items all are valued by differing materials, etc, it doesn’t appear to have much value. This pushes item valuation heavily toward material tags, rather than coin. If the intent is to eventually remove coin from the game, this probably should be made clear up front.
- Devaluation of ritual magic: We’ve heard from several players who feel that ritual magic has no place going forward the way things are written. Many of their rituals are duplicated in crafting (often far cheaper), crafters can replace ritualists in rituals, and crafters can cast their own rituals. What can be said or done to reassure them that the game isn’t replacing them?
- What consideration has been made for new players? All of these changes actually seem to raise the bar dramatically for when a crafting skill becomes useful, and reduces the ways it can be used at lower numbers of purchases.
Specific questions/issues/concerns:
- Broken items: Most feedback on this has been positive. However, with effectively all non-magical items no longer expiring or being at risk of destruction, what is the place for crafters in 2.1? Given that this is an expansion of crafting, it seems odd to then make items permanent/unbreakable. To sum it up, if my character crafts weapons, but weapons are permanent and indestructible (mostly), how would I ever sell more weapons, especially with them still coming out as treasure, too? What would encourage players to take crafting skills for mundane items—specifically smithing—rather than just using the skill for its combat passives?
- Channeling changes/Relic Bearer’s/Wand Wielder’s Siphon: With players already occasionally showing up with 1000s of points of channeling, adding meditation restoration of channeling pools and refueling methods appears to give effectively unlimited pools, even with people pushing 25+ points per cast. This is both unmarshalable and incredibly difficult for players to accurately track. Is this intended?
- Ritual Changes: If we’re removing marshals from rituals…but requiring a mini-game…doesn’t that leave us with a marshal watching the game anyway? This change seems like a lateral move that actually requires more of staff by requiring the creation of mini-games, while not giving back anything in value to gameplay.
- Indomitable Will: This skill uses the word “unlimited” and it’s been clarified that it stacks with other abilities. Is the intent to make fighters 100% immune to all effects covered by mettle?
- Lifestyle: Concerns have been voiced over “Found a Thing” replacing one of the few ways that being a crafter involves actually crafting non-special-effect items. With so few ways for crafters to actually be crafters in 2.1, between lifestyle and gobbie purchases, what is the place for an actual merchant (profession, not the skill) character in 2.1?
- Merchant: In 1.3/2.0, this is a fairly limited and all but useless skill. In 2.1 that doesn’t change unless you invest more points into it. Strangely, the base version of Merchant appears to have been weakened from its already questionable state. With the cost adjustments, this now costs several times more than previously in order to be useful. Moreover, what was the intention behind making it vary in cost by class? Merchant has always represented being a trader, which has little-to-nothing to do with class.
- Potion Coating: What was the reasoning behind converting this from a magical strike into a blockable/parryable effect?
- Qualifiers: (p9) This section is seriously complicated and needs work. There are myriad renames without clear reasoning, addition of a new delivery, conversion of old deliveries (many of which cascade other problems). This one feels like change for the sake of change.
- Shatter Spirit: Can we find a different name? Anyone who was around circa 2000 (or before) knows Annihilate as something VERY different. “Shatter Spirit” was clear that it was a spirit-effecting ritual. Annihilate doesn’t have that clarity, which seems to actually make it less clear.
- Slow/Weakness Blow: Why remove Slow? The effect still exists in the game, so the removal here seems odd. Also, we already have Disarm abilities, so why duplicate? Also, has the effect on hybrids been considered, given that this provides overlapping skills, rather than something of value from each side of their skill trees?
- Wither: Most feedback has been great on this!
- Talismans: While the idea is good, it’s been noted that these will not be made “obvious” or different from catalysts. In the past, scrolls were clearly scrolls. Why the change to allow for “hidden” and unrecognizable scrolls/catalysts?
- Sorcerer: Concerns have been brought up about the fact that while spells are discounted for dual-school, the costs for channeling/high-magic weren’t raised much. If this is intended to be a spellcaster class, this seems like a natural tradeoff. Allowing relatively cheap use of all things magical appears to make this class effectively the go-to for anyone over a certain xp point.
- Workshops: These only work on true-crafting, rather than anything special or part of the crafting-skills. However, true crafting doesn’t have much use, so workshops seem to have little value. Players have invested heavily in them, so this change seems to wipe out that investment.
- Cloak: Giving crafters magical Cloak abilities seriously devalues ritualists’ ability to do the same. The fact that crafter Cloaks are exponentially more powerful (ie, “Cloak Arcane”) furthers this concern.
- Magnum Opus: This appears to be True Empowerment for crafters. With TE recently removed for being imbalancing, it seems counterintuitive to re-add it to crafters.
- Recycle: Confusion has been expressed about the existence of this, while simultaneously adding more uses to Merchant. This appears to replace Merchant, if the user is a crafter. Can you clarify the ways these do not overlap?
- Passive Crafting Skills: This was unclear how the points are used, though it might well be documented. At the start of game, would the points for passive skills be spent once for the whole event? Once per logistics? Or, because it’s “passive” are there no points spent?
- Alchemy Globe Superiority: To be clear, this allows globes to be used how they were already in 2.0, correct? If that is correct, 2.0 required 3 levels of Alchemy to do this, but 2.1 requires 20 levels (and 6 CP) to do the same. This seems like quite the leap. What design intent is there to multiplying the cost 6-fold to do what was already being done in previous editions?
- Strong Will Stomach: Poisons are barely usable in the game as it stands and were very nearly removed in 2.0. This ability further devalues their usability by allowing some characters to ignore them. At a single level of Alchemy, it’s easy for anyone to be immune to poisons.
- Temporary Transmutations/Preserving Energies/Scroll Mastery: This type of “change game rules” mechanic has long been called cheat-on-the-fly for a reason. Allowing tags’ names to be ignored and used as something else makes it impossible to marshal tag usage. Are we moving to a tagless system, if they aren’t valid as-is?
- Vomitous Blasts: Tremendous numbers of complaints are coming in on this. We removed mandatory vomiting from Nausea for a reason. Adding it back as an offensive weapon is gross and unnecessary. As with other things, concerns have also been raised about adding more devaluation of ritualists in the form of vengeance.
- Endure Elements: One level of Brewing can mimic a ritual (which requires a scroll, components, and similar XP investment)? This appears to be another devaluation of ritualists, despite the relatively minor effect of this skill.
- Healing/Harming/Evocation Blades: This one got complaints from claw users and ritualists alike. Claw users can get claws for 8xp, and cannot have any auras for more than 10 minutes unless cast on body via very expensive rituals, and are required to be Wylderkin. This allows the same effect, all event, with spellstrike options (limited in number only by quantity of potions available), regardless of race, for 5 levels of Brewing, and no rituals.
- Life’s Renewal: This should be a healer ability, not a brewing ability, or simply something that happens as part of resurrection. Making such a powerful effect bound by one tradeskill means that rez’s should only be performed by a brewer. This feels strongly imbalancing both between other tradeskills and with healers.
- Purify The Potion: Why is necromancy illegal if people can choose to use it for good anyway? This muddies the water on why we have this rule.
- Celestial Armor: This has already been clarified, but remains a concern. With CA adding to base armor now, it increases the need for effects that ignore armor from NPC camp, especially when combined with Empowered Armor and Armor Mastery. This crafting skill also diminishes the value of Celestial High Magic.
- Armor Mastery: This has already been clarified, but remains a concern. With Armor Mastery adding to base armor now, it increases the need for effects that ignore armor from NPC camp, especially when combined with Empowered Armor and Celestial Armor.
- Armored Mettle: Unlimited 5-body mettles rather defeats the purpose of having this be a daily skill and renders fighters immune to anything covered by Mettle. This is a large concern for many.
- Immovable Shield: This doesn’t say that the shield must be the worn shield. Could a character fill their pockets with 3-resist shields, then resist strikes in a nearly unlimited fashion? At 1gp per use, this seems to be inevitable, especially with the decreased uses/value of gold.
- Reckless Strength: Immovable Shield gives near immunity to strikes so long as the character has gold to spare, but Reckless Strength mimics a single Critical Attack. Would strongly recommend increasing this to +2 instead of +1, given the short duration.
- Repair Armor: Since before 2000, armor refits have been 1 minute with smithing. 2.1 raises it to 2 minutes but makes it available to all, then requires smiths to spent 1CP to get back to 1 minute. This feels mandatory and means that the smith with 1 level cannot use their skill for anything else. Largely, this feels like an unnecessary change.
- Stoke The Coals: This is seriously underpowered, especially compared with other abilities such as Healing Blades. This requires 20 levels purchased, 6CP spent, to be able to spend 10 minutes meditating, to activate a 10 minute aura. Improved Meditate helps, but that is another XP expenditure to be able to use this in a reasonable fashion.
- Automatic Injector: Do you need to call the activation? Do you need a visible rep?
- Careful Hands: Contact poisons are nearly impossible to use and even harder to get players to acknowledge already. Allowing a single level of Tinkering to passively negate them makes them no longer viable at all for traps and boxes. Suggested alternative: “1/daily. When activated, grants one automatic defense to contact poisons encountered in the next 10 minutes.”
- Danger Sense: Concerns brought by ritualists, rather than rogues. This replaces the ritual Trap Avoidance at a much lower cost. Trap Avoidance requires Dodge, plus a scroll, and a fair bit of ritual skill. Danger Sense does not require the Dodge, requires initial investment of 15 levels of Tinkering, but then from that point only costs 3CP per use. This means that while Trap Avoidance requires a sizable investment in resources, XP, and ritual power per charge…and a redo on all that cost every couple years as items expire, Danger Sense becomes a free 5/day ability from the point that the Tinker reaches 15 levels.
- Deadman’s Switch: As with other things, concerns have also been raised about adding more devaluation of ritualists in the form of vengeance.
- Tinker Globe use: This should probably be reduced to 2CP, as in 2.0 it required 3 levels of Create Traps to use globes AND do legerdemain. With it at 3CP, it requires 4 levels to do both.
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