Background Ties Wanted!!!


Champions wanted!

Looking for background ties for my Pike Barbarian, Baldi Limbsplitter.

Baldi is a one-eyed blacksmith, a lumberjack, a builder and architect. He makes obstacle courses for training and competitions.

He has ventured through the Duchy/Baronies of Acarthia, Rivervale and Bayenna several times, particularly in the wooded areas just outside of established towns and has coordinated several course competitions.

Seeking the following:

-Competitors from competitions through his courses (need not be the champion, but if you want to be, AWESOME!!!)

-Craftsmen and women who assisted in the construction, bakers or vendors who sold wares at the competitions

-Bards who witnessed competitions and wish to tell the tale

-Attendees who saw the competitions

-Rogues who organized gambling around the competitors and the competitions

-Anyone else who wanted to get involved

There have only been a few of these competitions over the past five years, perhaps one or two a year in the above-mentioned locales.

Thanks, in advance.

~Stephan Kelly (who just got his membership and is uber excited).
This is pretty cool! Just to ask, what kind of obstacles would have been there? I can think of a couple of people from Bayenna who would work well with this, including one gung-ho squire. I'll talk to the gang and see if anything works out.

Obstacle courses may be a good training exercise for our ....CORSITH CUP VICTORY DYNASTY TEAM as well.
I'm thinking something along the lines of this. Lots of rope and wood and some convoluted route to get through.


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This is pretty cool! Just to ask, what kind of obstacles would have been there? I can think of a couple of people from Bayenna who would work well with this, including one gung-ho squire. I'll talk to the gang and see if anything works out.

Obstacle courses may be a good training exercise for our ....CORSITH CUP VICTORY DYNASTY TEAM as well.

Thanks! See the pic above for an example of one of the challenges that I think would have been good for him to have done.
Sleet is a wolf-kyn of the White Fang Mountains and her pack is always challenges each other to be faster and stronger. We would have absolutely competed and Sleet would be a repeat trying to beat her commander's time. OR if you'd rather, I could be a new challenger! As a weightlifter out of game, this sounds amazing to me. I look forward to meeting you!
Here's what I have so far for dates and places (see attached) and who I have as competitors:

Brandt Thunderheart

I have Brother Faux running the betting with Gabbie's PC willing to spin the tales.

So, any other takers... are there any locations/dates your PC's DON'T want to have participated in?

Thanks all for helping make this awesome!!!



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    Baldis Competitive Courses Tour Schedule.JPG
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