Baking Pre-Orders/Requests


Hello, Phantom here. After a surprising amount of sales last market day, I'm opening pre-orders! I can make cookies and/or muffins, whichever you prefer. We can discuss prices when you're available.

On another note, I'm wondering what type of cookies I should make for pay what you want... Please, give me requests. I need help. Thank you for your time!

Hello merchant Phantom, what would be the going rate for say 12 chocolate chip cookies?

Unrelated: Did you get a wax-sealing stamp, and what was the design?

Willem Rivet
Owner of the Dragon's Hoard
Hello Willem! I would say about 4 gold would be the rate for 12 chocolate chip cookies, but i'm willing to bargain! Just let me know what you think.

Unrelated: I did, it was a tree!

A tree! That's a solid symbol. I should make sure I bring envelopes and paper with me to the next Market. Get some use out of that.
4 Gold seems a mite steep for me, I'd probably say 1.5 to 2 gold.

I might have an incorrect understanding of the intended size, maybe, so grain of salt...err...flour? I'd be willing to do 4 in barter for goods at my shop, but you haven't seen it yet.

Willem Rivet
Owner of the Dragon's Hoard

Is it too late to order ?

If it is not - would it be possible to order 6 dozen chocolate chip cookies for the tables of the tavern and another 3 dozen for me to take back home to my orphanage?

If that is possible - how much would it be?

Yours In Service,

Avacyn Aligria called Ironrose
Lady and High Magistrate of Valbrough
Guild Mistress of the Earth and Healer’s Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon’s Claw
Campion of Compassion
Founder of Forgotten Hope
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
"Because you are a delicate cinnamon roll that is too good for this world Cyn"- Sir Mathis

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It Is NOT too late to order! Would 30 gold be okay?

Sounds great ! I will pay you as soon as I see you and we can place the cookies on the tables with the Tavern owners permission !


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